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Some Devices not reporting current state

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Hoping someone can help.


Some of my devices are not reporting back current state. Specifically, to start with the I/O Linc sensor for my garage door kit.

This was working since I installed it for at least 45 days.

My system started to break down over the last couple of days starting with the Morninglinc no longer receiving lock/unlock commands from the ISY99i, pressing the set button on the Morninglinc would still cycle the lock. I followed all the recommended resolves however nothing worked.

I have removed all AV and firewalls from my computer.

I reset.

I added the device preserving link etc.

I have tried both the 3.2.3 firmware and the 3.1.17


This lead me to find other issues to where I decided to dig deeper only to find the garage door I/O Linc sensor not sending back the current state to the ISY99I. (It will report back current state only when I Query it.)


At this point I decided to reset both the ISY99i and the PLM and start new. I have added back only 2 Keypadlincs, a Lamplinc and the I/OLinc for testing. (Remove all existing links)


The Keypadlinc and Lamplinc appear to report back the current state.

The I/OLinc will still not report back current state unless (I Query it.)


Any help would be appreciated.


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What is being used to couple the 120v phases?


Is the PC/UPS equipment where the PLM is plugged on a FilterLinc?


Has any new device/appliance been installed recently?


These are questions related to the assumption there is a powerline communication issue. The garage is often distant so the I/O Linc not communicating is not uncommon. A link record problem would have been solved by adding the devices from scratch. The simple way to verify the operation of the I/O Linc is to remove the wires and move it to the PLM plug point. Connect two short wires to the Sensor and GND connections. Touch these two wire together to see if the I/O Linc Sensor node shows a state change. The voltage is very low 5V DC so there is no danger of shock. I assume the Sensor will show On to Off to On as the wires are touched and separated.

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Hi LeeG


Thanks for the quick response.


I have several Dual Band devices located throughout the house and verified on different legs.


My computer equipment is plugged into a FilterLinc. I also have a dual band Lamplinc installed in the garage with the I/OLinc.


I do not have any new devices but I was testing Homelinc software a few days ago I received at Insteon training, seemed like valuable diagnostics but I have since removed that PLM same day I was testing the software.


UPDATE: I seem to my I/OLinc working back to normal now by doing another default reset. Not sure why the other didn't work.


Still cannot get the Morninglinc to receive signal from the ISY though.


Do you have any idea on what could be preventing Morninglinc from communicating with the ISY?



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The MorningLinc is very security oriented. If the MorningLinc has decided the ISY PLM is a security risk it will terminate the PLMs ability to control the MorningLinc. Try a Show Device Links Table and Compare against the MorningLinc. If that does not show the correct links the only solution is to Delete the MorningLinc from the ISY and add it back using Start Linking and "keep existing links" option. I always do a Factory Reset on the MorningLinc before adding to the ISY. The Factory Reset will not disturb the ability of the MorningLinc to control the lockset.


There can be a problem if the MorningLinc is added to ISY Scenes. Was the MorningLinc added to any ISY Scenes lately?

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Hi LeeG


Thanks again...


I have tried your suggestion several times with no luck.


I will try again, sometimes the 50th time is a charm. like the I/oLinc.


I will then compare the tables as well.


It was not added to any scene, I was controlling it through a program when it was working.



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Hi LeeG


I have tried several times removing the Device, factory reset, adding device, preserving links.


The same result each time where a show device results in FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and a mismatch on compare.


I have tried several outlets and used a long extension cord.


Not sure what to try next.



[Record mismatch] 0FF8 : FF FF FF.FF.FF FF FF FF

[Missing this record] 0FF0 : A2 00 19.84.82 FF 00 01

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The MorningLinc no longer allows the ISY PLM to communicate with it. That is what the FF's indicate. The only solution is to Delete the MorningLinc, Factory reset the MorningLinc and add it back to the ISY using Start Linking and "keep existing links". That should reestablish the link record necessary for the PLM to communicate with the MorningLinc.


Start Linking is the only way the MorningLinc can be added to the ISY and have it work.

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Run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer with Level 3-Device communications events selected (most important). With the event viewer up click Start Linking and then the MorningLinc Set button. Be sure to do a full 10 second factory reset on the MorningLinc before Start Linking. I may be able to tell from the event trace if there is an issue with the MorningLinc.

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The MorningLinc needs to be further from the ISY PLM. There is a timing situation the MorningLinc does not like, blocking access to the MorningLinc from the PLM that was attempting to write link records. This normally happens when adding the MorningLinc to Scenes. In this case the MorningLinc detected the timing when the initial link records were being written. I had the problem of not being able to add the MorningLinc to Scenes but this is the first not being able to complete the initial add. By moving the MorningLinc to a distant location the commands arrive at the PLM slightly delayed (in mili-seconds).


Note the FFs being returned on a Set MSB and Peek request. It is okay to get a single FF to one Peek but not consistently on all commands.


Tue 04/10/2012 06:15:40 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1B.6F.14 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)


Tue 04/10/2012 06:15:40 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 1B.6F.14 19.84.82 2B 28 FF SET-MSB(FF)


Tue 04/10/2012 06:15:40 PM : [standard-Direct Ack][1B.6F.14-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2


Tue 04/10/2012 06:15:40 PM : [iNST-TX-I1 ] 02 62 1B 6F 14 0F 2B F4


Tue 04/10/2012 06:15:41 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 1B.6F.14 0F 2B F4 06 PEEK (F4)


Tue 04/10/2012 06:15:41 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 1B.6F.14 19.84.82 2B 2B FF PEEK (FF)

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Awesome my friend....


I plugged it in outside at the far back of my house, (also used a 50" extension cord), it only took seconds to link and is now working correctly.


I thought I had gone far enough but it seems to need to be a significant distance away.


Thanks again LeeG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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