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99i Admin Console opens software update


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I know it sounds crazy but it's true.

When I click my "99" icon it opens my software update on my Mac.


Hoe do I fix that?




When I go into the info.plist in the package contents it says this.



Last login: Sat Feb 9 17:41:31 on console

/Applications/99i\ Administrative\ Console.app/Contents/MacOS/99i\ Administrative\ Console ; exit;

Andrew-Brideaus-iMac-2:~ Andrew$ /Applications/99i\ Administrative\ Console.app/Contents/MacOS/99i\ Administrative\ Console ; exit;

[JavaAppLauncher] Requested [1.6+], launching in [1.6] instead.

No Java Web Components present, requesting install.



[Process completed]


Clearly I need to update JAVA?


Tried surfing to the console using the browser and 192.168. etc...

I go the My Lighting page but it says inactive plugin where the JAVA app is.



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Hi Drew,


Hopefully you have not upgraded your Airport utility to 6.2 since they removed DHCP client list. If you still can get your DHCP list, then please look for your ISY's IP address there.


If not, open a terminal window and then use:

arp -a


Look for a device the MAC address of which starts with 00:21:b9.


I am so very sorry for all the trouble. It seems as though Apple is deliberately trying to force everyone either into 10.7.x+ or Bonjour.


With kind regards,


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My Airport utility is still 5.6.1

But it just seems to look for wireless devices. (I've never used Airport Utility so I may be using it wrong)


Last login: Sun Feb 10 19:30:24 on console

Andrew-Brideaus-iMac-2:~ Andrew$ arp -a

? ( at 0:1c:42:0:0:9 on vnic1 ifscope permanent [ethernet]

? ( at ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on vnic1 ifscope [ethernet]

? ( at 0:1c:42:0:0:8 on vnic0 ifscope permanent [ethernet]

? ( at ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on vnic0 ifscope [ethernet]

? ( at b8:a3:86:52:62:e8 on en1 ifscope [ethernet]

? ( at f0:7b:cb:86:cf:6 on en1 ifscope [ethernet]

? ( at ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on en1 ifscope [ethernet]

Andrew-Brideaus-iMac-2:~ Andrew$


That's what I got when I typed arp -a in Terminal.

I don't see 00:21:b9 here.


Let me know where to go from here.


Also, don't be sorry for what Apple does. A true Apple user likes their product, not their practices.

(I should print that on a t-shirt)


All this started off by me wanting to switch out one SWL for another.


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From that, it doesn't look like the ISY is connected to the network. Check the ethernet cable between the ISY and Airport/Switch. Are there any lights on the ISY's ethernet port when the cable is connected?




See: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4427603?start=0&tstart=0 Re: AirPort Utility on Lion/Mountain Lion




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I just went into the furnace room where all the gear is (I should have gone there first clearly, sorry for wasting everyone's time, and yes, the next time the car

fails I'll check for gas first !@#$%^&*()


Anyhow, the two network cables were unplugged (I'll get to the bottom of that with the daughter tonight)


How do I hook it back up?

Port A on the ISY 99i goes to the PLM and the Network goes to my router?


That's how I plugged it in and I only see the power light. Still nothing on the ISY Finder.

I switched the network cable joining the ISY to the router and still nothing


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I just went into the furnace room where all the gear is (I should have gone there first clearly, sorry for wasting everyone's time, and yes, the next time the car

fails I'll check for gas first !@#$%^&*()


Anyhow, the two network cables were unplugged (I'll get to the bottom of that with the daughter tonight)


How do I hook it back up?

Port A on the ISY 99i goes to the PLM and the Network goes to my router?







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So I started all this to try to replace one SWL with another.


Now that I'm back up and running I've discovered the new SWL, Replaced the SWl with the other as far as the ISY GUI is concerned,

but I cant get it to react to the scenes.

I can control it with the GUI


It also has a little green icon beside it in the GUI.



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So I started all this to try to replace one SWL with another.


Now that I'm back up and running I've discovered the new SWL, Replaced the SWl with the other as far as the ISY GUI is concerned,

but I cant get it to react to the scenes.

I can control it with the GUI


It also has a little green icon beside it in the GUI.




Right click it and select "Write Updates to Device"


Wait for the writes to take place then test again.



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