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Replace Togglelinc 2466S With On/Off Switch 2477S
apostolakisl replied to smokegrub's topic in ISY994
@smokegrub Probably the unit failed because of capacitors. It isn't just PLM's that fail from caps. Of my original 2476D devices, I had maybe 15 that failed and I found that about 2/3's of them were fixed after replacing caps. It was kind of an exercise in "can I fix this" because I wasn't going to use them since I have gone all 2477D. Knock on wood, I have not had issues with 2477D units going bad. Maybe only 1 out of something like 60 of them. But I did fix and use the PLM's because I had no other choice at the time. And you may consider it since you have a device that I don't believe they make anymore. -
I am running this on PG2 because it is my church and we have a 994i there and don't have any near term intention of getting an eisy. I have Sensibo set to F on the phone app, but the node is in C. I don't see any instructions for either PG2 or 3 on switching to F. Can I do this? @Athlon EDIT: I found in some q and a area that it is supposed to follow the units that ISY is set for. My ISY is set for USCS (United States), which seems like it should be F. I tried changing to British Imperial, restarting the node and admin console, and still the same. Changed back to US and still the same. I have it set to F on the sensibo app, and the "set temp" it displays is what is set in the app (in F). But the current temp displays in C and if I change the temp in ISY I am only allowed a range of C temps and all of them are well below the F temp you might want and so if I set it to say 25, the unit actually gets set to 61F (the lowest value).
Replace Togglelinc 2466S With On/Off Switch 2477S
apostolakisl replied to smokegrub's topic in ISY994
I doubt the replace function will work since it doesn't typically let you replace an old device with a new one that is a different model. I think it let you replace the single band devices with dual band ones, but that is about it from my experience. You can try. First add the new device to ISY, then right click on the old device and hit "replace with". If it lists your new device in the options, then you can do it. But I suspect it won't. If it does, then that is all you need to do. ISY will move all the scenes and programs to the new device and delete the old device. The old device does not need to be installed for this to work, only the new device. However, you will likely have to add the new switch and rebuild all the scenes and programs from scratch. I suggest not deleting the old one until you finish adding the new one. Having the old one show up in all the scenes and programs is your guide to programming the new one the same. Once complete, delete the old switch from ISY by right clicking it and hit delete. EDIT: Also, the old device needs to be in the root folder to use the "replace with" function. If you have it in a sub folder, you first need to right on the old device and hit "remove from folder". Leave the new device in the root folder as well until replace device is completed. -
@CoolToys I would say all you are doing is shifting your question mark from why does the program exist to why does the variable exist. You either have a program called "dark outside" or a variable called "dark outside". Both seem pretty self explanatory, but at least with a program you can put notes on it whereas a variable has not opportunity for notes. Either way, if you want to see its usage, you do a "find/replace" on your programs and search for either the name of the variable or the name of the program.
To help with confusion, you might start by completing uninstalling java and then install a fresh version from their website. This is sure to give you a fresh slate. Then download the IoX jnlp file from the forum and run it. Now any ISY's that show up there are local, alive, and real (not something saved). If you have a remote ISY, you need to login in to the portal and copy your portal url into IoX finder and save it. You will find it under the tab below and when you click on that tab one of the pieces of info is the url for the admin console that you need to copy and then paste into IoX finder after hitting "add" button. You can actually use that url for a local machine as well. Realize, your username and password for logging into the admin console via the portal is different. It is your user/pass that you use to log into the portal website.
You can do this if you want, but it just isn't necessary and adds clutter. The variable $sNight is just a mirror image of the program state itself. If you reference the program, it will behave exactly the same as referencing the variable but without the extra step. If $sNight = 0 (if you used 0 for night) is precisely the same as If program Dark outside is true The state of a program that sets a binary state variable is indistinguishable from the state of the variable that it set. When the program changes state, it will be a trigger, when the variable changes state it will be a trigger. Both only have two possible states, day and night.
I see sensibo is on pg2, so problem solved.
Turns out Amazon is better for just one unit. $99 and then a $10 coupon is applied at checkout plus free shipping makes it $89. Sensibo is $85 plus $15 shipping if you only buy one. If yo buy multiples, you get free shipping though. I just bought one. This is for my church, and I don't have PG3 yet there, so now I am going to have to do that. Can you put PG3 on a rpi? I have PG2 running on a pi there already.
That is great info. I was unaware of these and had given up on integrating mini splits with ISY. Which sensibo unit do you have? They have several and it is a little ambiguous as to which I would really need. Basically, I just want ISY to be able to see the current temp and control the set temp as well as state (heat/cool).
Minisplit IR remotes from what I have read are not hackable in any reasonable sort of way, plus you wouldn't get the status updates back to ISY. I have a minisplit at my church and looked at getting ISY to control it and it didn't look good. So this means 24v adapters and one of the brands you mentioned. Those thermostats usually run around $250 which is where my estimate came from. Not sure about z-wave thermostats that would be native to ISY rather than a node server. Something like this https://www.amazon.com/Honeywell-TH6320ZW2003-Thermostat-Comfort-Control/dp/B07HFL7R44/ref=asc_df_B07HFL7R44?tag=bngsmtphsnus-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80608063550902&hvnetw=s&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584207589933379&psc=1 might work and be much less expensive. I can't confirm if it will be recognized by ISY and populate with all the right nodes.
Network resources are executed from programs, not scenes. For example, here is a program I have that closes my blinds via a network resource when I arm my alarm to night mode. Blind Control - [ID 008E][Parent 008A] If 'Elk' Armed Status is Armed Night Then Resource 'IFTTT blinds close' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I don't own any MS6 devices to tell you exactly what the if clause would look like. But if it is like my insteon motion sensor it would like this using the "control" program language: And you definitely do not want to use the language "has responded" in a program. There are almost no situations where you use that. And programs are executed almost instantly. ISY does not (of its own accord) poll devices, it is an event based system, not a status based system. In the above example, if I walk into the pantry, the pantry MS will detect my presence and put out a "control switched on" over the Insteon network. The PLM and by extension ISY will respond essentially instantly to receipt of the message and execute the program. The network resource will hit your LAN again essentially instantly and after that it is up to the device receiving the IP packet as to how quickly it responds. In my case, there is a couple seconds delay that is variable depending on how busy IFTTT servers are. IFTTT if you are not aware is an online service that connects all kinds of different systems together using If This Then That (IFTTT) construct.
Did you have a backup of your ISY994? Hopefully yes. You should be able restore that backup to EISY and have most systems functioning again. Depending on how you had the IP address assigned you may need to do something there so that EISY is on the same IP as before (only necessary if you had other devices set to talk to ISY at its IP address). There may be issues if your backup (assuming you have one) is on a somewhat distant firmware version. But regardless, restoring the backup would be the first step and then you would implement any corrections that may be needed after that.
If you are getting the 24v adapter and standard smart thermostats, what is it you are needing? There are several brands of smart thermostats that have node servers, If you pick one of them, you should be good. Though I would be surprised if you ever came close to recovering the cost of buying 8 smart thermostats with electricity savings. I would speculate you are spending $2000 to get 8 smart thermostats plus whatever the 24v adapters cost.
Bumping this back up hoping maybe someone has an answer for me. I was using the 99ir with my Harmony remote to receive the ir commands and then relay the event to my Polisy via Rest commands. This just randomly stopped working, and I can't figure out where the disconnect is whiteout logging into ISY99ir
Just know that if you used an integer variable for $night that it will not be a trigger where "from sunrise/sunet" statement is a trigger so it will behave diffeently. If you use a state variable, it will be identical. I would also suggest you use the naming convention of placing an "i" on all of your integer variables and an "s" for state. ie $iNight or $sNight It is helpful for yourself and also when you post to the forum with questions everyone will know.
The question is do any other programs run. You know that one runs correctly because you put notifications in the "then" and "else" clause already and tested, as I believe you stated a few posts ago. If indeed you received the correct notification showing that the correct clause ran, then it is something else that is turning the light on and that is what you need to look for.
The quickest way to find out is to watch the program summary page while opening the door and see which programs trigger. Click on the "last run time" column to sort by most recent run time.
@CoolToys I understand your use of variables, I usually use cascading programs instead for that, often having program 2 disable program 1 and then reenable it when complete. However, there is still no need to convert "dark outside" program to a variable. Since the state of the program works exactly the same as the actual sunrise to sunset clause, anywhere you used sunrise/sunset clause, the dark outside program status will produce identical results.
@CoolToys You don't need any variables. You just use the true/false status of the program dark outside (see my example). You would only need to use a variable (an integer one) if you didn't want the sunrise/sunset times themselves to be triggers. Mostly this would be the case if you have items in your "else" clause that you don't want running at sunrise/sunset times. Whenever you "and" sunrise/sunset times to another condition (either through a dark outside program or directly in the program), getting triggered at sunrise/sunset won't matter provided the else clause is empty. Using a "Dark outside" program like I did works exactly the same as putting sunrise/sunset times in the actual program, but it is simpler if you have a bunch of programs that use sunrise to sunset (or vice versa) logic since it is now just a single line. Sunrise/Sunset times are triggers when in a program, and a program changing status is also a trigger when that status is referenced in another program. So it is the same exact behavior. If you got the correct notifications of the program running true/false, then you must have some other program or scene doing something.
@CoolToys Changing the order of the conditions when they are all "anded" will not have any affect. I would start with adding an email or text notification to your "then" and a different one to your "else" and then you will be able to follow the program's every execution. This will confirm if it is running incorrectly. If indeed it is running incorrectly, which would be a new one for ISY, I would delete the sunrise to sunset clause, save it, then re-add that condition and save again. I also have the Elk node and I have a Polisy, while not eisy, it is still running the same code. I do not use the sunset to sunrise in individual programs. I have a single program called "dark outside" that just says from sunset to sunrise the next day. It has no then/else clauses. Then all other programs that I want to only run while it is dark outside simply reference that program's status as true or false. This works. I have a number of programs that perform the same function. Below is an example. Patio Door - [ID 000F][Parent 0013] If Program 'Dark Outside' is True And 'Elk / Family Rm Door' Logical Status is Violated Then Set 'Family Room / Patio-FamRm-Fans Coach Lts L' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
All good info, but I would also like to point out that the "if status light off" element of the program isn't needed at all. If the light is already on, and you send an on command to it, big whoop, nothing happens. You would only need that line if say the light being at some partial level of on meant you wanted it to stay at the level and not turn all the way on when the door opened.
I got ISY controlling my blinds using IFTTT. Not ideal, but it works. You need to use a IFTTT linked app called "connector". You log into connector using your Levolor email/password. Go to IFTTT and click "create", then "IF this", then search all services for "webhooks", then click "receive a web request", then enter a descriptive name for your trigger, then click "create trigger", then click "then that", then enter "connector" in the all services search box. I think if this is your first time you need to log into connector using your levolor user/password. Now it should list actions for your blinds, click on what you want, then click on the blind or scene you want, then click create action. Now go to https://ifttt.com/maker and login. Click "documentation". You will see the url that you need to enter to trigger the IFTTT that you created. Follow directions in the ISY wiki for how to enter that url into your network resources starting at the "Creating Outbound Triggers" section. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_IFTTT_Integration
Yes, indeed. This would make looking at the last status of the program ineffective. You can always add a line in the then clause that sends you an email or sets a test variable. I don't know what the variable that is already there is doing and what other programs might affect it so not sure if you could use that. You could also add a line in the else clause that does similar. In summary, I really don't think this program is turning the lights on. The only other thought is that the ISY clock is set wrong. I really doubt ISY is having a logic fail like this.
I can't explain your issue. Since all "if" statements are "anded", then any of them being false would make the whole thing false and it would run the "else" clause (which of course is blank). Please confirm that this actual program is what is turning on the lights and that you do not have another program lingering somewhere that maybe you were working on and forgot about. If you look at the program tree, the program will have a half red icon to the left of it if it last ran false and half green if it last ran true. The program summary page will also list it along with last run time and true/false. Try opening the door, then sort your program summary page by time last ran and see if some other program ran at that time and turned the lights on.
I've got motorized blinds from Levolor. They were great with the remote and the hub that integrates with the likes of google and alexa. I'd like to control them with ISY of course and I would like to do it without the cloud. It looks like I could relay through IFTT, but it would sure be nice if there were a nodeserver that worked locally. Anyone have any experience with this? There is a locked thread in here talking about a device called a wevolor, but that is for an older levelor product and also I believe it also uses IFTT.