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Everything posted by simplextech

  1. Be mindful of the version if you want to try the EcoLink. There are TWO of them. Make sure and get the Z-Wave Plus version!!!
  2. If you have the Z-Wave board then there's a lot of options. I currently have on my desk an Aeotec Door Sensor 7 and a EcoLink Door Window Sensor (Z-Wave Plus version). Both work with the ISY. I need to deploy one of them into a real use on a door and evaluate the response time and reliability of the status. A little over a year ago I tore down most of my Z-Wave when I deployed Insteon. Now I'm finding I need to replace a lot of the Insteon to add Z-Wave back to have a solid/stable mesh for sensors. The EcoLink I know works very well as I've used it before and I was not disappointed in it. So I can say I'm likely to replace Insteon with these. However the Aeotec Door Sensor 7 is new so I wanted to evaluate it. So far I'm not pleased as I've had it for a few weeks sitting on my desk and the battery is dead. It's been doing nothing but sitting on my desk. I included it and tested and then left it.... not very happy about that so far.
  3. @dexmot74 I've had all kinds of weirdness with the open/close sensors from Insteon. I've given up trying to find a reason and have started looking at alternatives. I don't know if it's a sensor problem or ISY problem or somewhere in between but like you things are just wonky when open/close sensors are involved. Control through ISY of devices of scenes everything works. A program involving a sensor to turn on a light or scene... nope sometimes it works great and other times it doesn't work or the scene is only half processed or some other weirdness. I've been chasing this issue for a year now and no resolution.
  4. I don't think that's a Google/Alexa or accent issue... isn't this normal? Similar to when my wife is talking she says "We" but she really means "You".
  5. Old legacy 802.11b.... gotta love it.
  6. It's very likely they are not compatible with 5Ghz wifi which is a problem with lots of devices. Turning off the 5Ghz radio on Unifi AP's is necessary for setup of a lot of devices. Same with phones if they are connected using the 5Ghz radio they won't be able to configure the device.
  7. They don't work that well. Which is why they state incandescent as required. Never had a problem myself. Never had this issue. If they cause damage that wasn't there before then they don't get paid until the damage is fixed and they only get paid for the work I asked for not the damage they caused. Yeah most of the time it's faster to run the wire myself but sometimes I'm lazy and I just call someone to do it for me
  8. I haven't been following this too closely but what's the issue with just using the 2-wire dimmer? And running a neutral line if it's missing is like a $120'ish job for most electricians... kinda seems crazy to spend so much thought effort on how to solve a cheap problem.
  9. As was asked before. What protocol are you wanting to use? Z-Wave or Insteon? There's a no-neutral wire Dimmer available for each. GE makes one for Z-Wave and there's the Insteon 2-wire Dimmer as well. Both work fine as long as you use an incandescent bulb.
  10. simplextech

    No Common

    What are you trying to do? What's the end-goal? I understand the problem is you don't have a neutral at the switch however a "solution" depends on what you have already, what you're willing to buy or work you're willing to do or have done to meet the end-goal.
  11. Mine work "fine" most of the time as well. I have a couple that periodically don't respond for whatever reason. I have them setup in programs to turn on lights when the door is opened. Doors to garage and to the deck. Issue 1 from previous post about the 1 that was false reporting on... actually was not a false alert. I went and inspected it later and found that the door was in fact open but just a little. Which was odd and I commented to my wife because she was the one that opened/closed the door.... CLOSE THE DOOR!! Issue that has been a long standing item is the program to turn on lights does not always run and many times has a very slow response. Open door and sometimes the lights are on fast and other times there's a 3-5 second delay and then sometimes nothing. No lights. Close door and re-open and things work. I'm thinking in this case it's either some communications issue or something that is freaking annoying which is why it's so random for the not working but for the slow 3-5 seconds I don't know what this was from. I've disabled some extra processing in my ISY to reduce load and see if that helps....
  12. Please let me know what your outcome is. I'm hoping maybe I have a couple bad sensors as that's the easy fix.
  13. restart the nodeserver for changes to take effect.
  14. Most have. I think it's the "new" versions that I have issues with. Nobody else that I know and I've asked a couple other friends and they have the older versions that they have no problems and they're great. Mine are all of the new version and they are just "iffy". Most of the time they are fine. Every now and again they go wonky like today. Which... reminds me I think I'll change the battery as that often times fixes their "wonky" behavior....
  15. I have not gone through and checked that.... However as lucky as I am guess what... another sensor is reporting Open ON and the door is closed... because it's freezing outside so why would it be open I'll open the AC and check and maybe have to work around this. However there is no work around when using 2 nodes for scene capabilities to get super fast reaction for lighting... so that kills my use of scenes for lighting with those doors.... as those are the one's being problems. argh...... So I just check the Dining Room door that's showing on... Open node = On Closed node = Off So the whole sensor both nodes are just screwy not reporting correctly. I've watched it do this multiple times today already. Practically every other time that door is opened to let the dog or cat out it reports wrong.
  16. In all cases I want reliability. I only have 2 areas where I care about "speed" and that is relative. 1 second or below as long as it's consistent and doesn't swing upwards to 3-5 like I've had with Insteon I would be happy. 1 area reliability is critical of reporting correctly (Bathroom). I use the sensor to verify occupancy if there's no motion as a secondary if the door is closed do NOT turn off the light. The other areas for lighting control and that's where speed is important but it doesn't matter how fast they are if they don't report correctly half the time.
  17. I'm about a year into the new open/close sensors and I've had nothing but problems with them from the very beginning... I'm looking for alternatives. I don't want to go z-wave and litter the house with plugs just to have a mesh so I'm really debating installing an ELK panel just to have ELK wireless sensors. Problem is that's a high cost going blind without having some to verify and make sure they work reliably and consistent. I want below 1 second response time and reliable if the door is open or closed I want to know so I can run my programs and not have to guess or see on my dashboard that something is showing open when I know it's closed which then screws up the programs.
  18. This may or may not be a "C" related issue. However I now have open/close sensors that are not updating as in they show "Open" as ON when they are Closed. Something is not updating correctly or maybe it's just a Insteon Sensor mess with these newer open/close sensors. I've always had minor issues with them not updating correctly so it may not be a FW related item but I thought I'd put it out there in case others have similar issues.
  19. That repeater is good and you can generally find a 2 pack on Amazon that's a good bargain. Placement of repeaters is more of an art than science. Open air range generally is safe to say 15' if there's thick walls of dense material the range will be shorter. So really it's a try a spot and test move if needed. I tend to use plugin power modules in strategic areas for repeaters. They work dual function for z-wave and you get a on/off outlet you can now control.... All powered Z-Wave Plus devices are repeaters so it's usually a better bargain to get plugin modules that can be dual purpose than repeater only devices.
  20. Z-Wave is a mesh protocol so if you don't have any other devices then you're not going to have a good experience. The ZSE19 is battery operated so if needs repeaters otherwise it will have to be in the same room as the ISY to work.
  21. Simple way is with a Z-Wave siren that supports chimes/sounds. The Zooz ZSE19 works with the ISY. https://www.thesmartesthouse.com/collections/alarms-and-sirens/products/zooz-z-wave-plus-s2-multisiren-zse19-with-temperature-and-humidity-sensors
  22. With PGC currently you can't. This is a bug where a nodeserver version does NOT get updated in Polyglot dashboard. The actual code running does get updated anytime the nodeserver is stopped and started as each time it pulls the code from git. The only way for the Polyglot dashboard to show the proper version is to REMOVE/DELETE the Nodeserver and then re-install. Then the version will update to the current/correct version.
  23. Sorry. I did send OJ an email asking about API access. No response as it's Sunday. So I can try again. I recommend you contact them too. The more that do then maybe they will at least think about it. I'm fairly sure they OEM and it's up to the distributing company to decide about API level access though.
  24. The few I have setup worked ok. There's a time lag to be expected but they worked when I tried them. I had a couple basic TTS one's setup when a variable was presented as a motion sensor to speak through a echo dot I was messing with.
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