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Everything posted by brians

  1. In my experience, I had to put in some delays after changing parameters which program functionality relied on... eg. disabling a motion sensor. But regular turning on/off is not an issue.
  2. Why don't you make a program that opens/closes them all at the same time?
  3. You could keep including and excluding same device over and over until it rolls over the 232 node limit LOL.
  4. They don’t remember zwave network after replacing battery? That seems strange. You can try replace zwave device ( if it still is an option ) but that is hit and miss in my experience. IoX unfortunately uses the actual zwave node ID when referencing the device in programs etc. The node ID is auto incremented by the hardware controller and one cannot control this otherwise.
  5. That Insteon address you gave is old and is not dual band and PLC only. Is the majority of your Insteon network old, or lots of RF dual band? I am guessing that your backup messed something up (or was messed up before) and now you need to restore some of your switches. During your restores you could have made your Insteon mesh network unstable, which could cause a whole bunch of switches to fail that relied on one key switch to mesh from. Try restoring different devices and hopefully your network may come back. Maybe remove the device from wall and bring close to PLM and see if it will work. I had lots of issues with Insteon, and I would get similar errors... I started a project a couple years ago to resolve this and would purchase used Insteon switches off Ebay (insteon shortage, months prior to the company closing) and replace my PLC only ones. Little by little my network would become more stable, until one day I replaced a switch which seemed to resolve everything... no errors, no opening AC and error cannot communicate with device. I still have 12 PLC only switches installed, and 8 dual band spares I am keeping to swap out as needed. To give an example how Insteon mesh can be finicky.... one room that had three older Insteon PLC switches experienced severe problems linking and being unreliable, was solved by changing just one of the switches to a newer dual band RF... after than it has been flawless for almost 2 years now... it is using the dual band switch to help bridge to other dual band switches that have better communication path to PLM.
  6. Similar hardware, not on IoX but in HA... but still interesting.
  7. Power cycling resolved issue and is back up now. I’m gonna throw a smart plug on it so I can power cycle remotely.
  8. Yes I will update when I get home. I think this has happened in the past... seems like OS is hung up because I still see on network.
  9. Oh I just did an updated and responded over in PG3x trying to update to 3.2.13. My polisy now seems dead now I can ping it but no response after rebooting through ssh because it was not rebooting via AC, will see what happens when I get home. I was already on 13.2 Edit... resolved by power cycling.
  10. On a Polisy, after update get this message.. And then reboot... and so far has been like 3 reboots with same message each time connecting to AC. Logging into PG3x Then I checked the uptime in IoX and has been running since Oct 13th. So reboot is not working from AC. I ssh in and confirm did not reboot. so I reboot via cli Does not come back.. can still ping and get a response but no ssh and no AC Have to restart system when home by unplugging and hope it comes to life. Seems like way too many update issues lately. An update like this should not take down the system like this. After several tries
  11. Sounds like you are doubling up on things and potential to cause excess traffic and loops. I would simplify things for now until you get stabilized and good performance eg. in case of Lutron, I would only pick one platform to install the integration on.. .either IoX or HA but not both for now. I do not know for sure, but issue seems to be IoX slow at processing events which will compound the problem expecially with going Lutron>IoX>ISY Integration>HA, and probably an ACK back other direction. I said earlier that HA updating via ISY integration seems to happen instantaneously, it does for simple things like turning a lights on/off. But any multiple events and feedback from IoX takes a bit longer, scenes and light groups in HA generating more Network, Insteon traffic causing slowdowns to ISY. However, I do not experience this issue re: light groups/scenes with any other HA integration that I use ( eg. Zigbee, Matter, or WiFi lights). Therefore this seems like it is not an issue with HA but with the ISY Integration, IoX, or way Insteon traffic works.
  12. @CoolToys Some zigbee devices may auto pair when powered on, when you set IoX zigbee coordinator to add devices it will pickup everything that is in pairing mode. You could be picking up neighbours blinds but how do you know neighbours have same ones?
  13. @RichTJ99 I have a Polisy so I would presume EISY is same. I use Home Assistant integration for my Insteon devices and the updating seems near instantaneous. I use HA for automations and do not use IoX programs for anything critical except for syncing LEDs on some Insteon devices. What are you using HA for?
  14. I had a very old fanlinc that lost a speed, and I believe it was caused by a program I was testing which had a race condition rapidly turning on/off fan repeatedly since I witnessed it happen and was shutting down program at the time. I replaced and the new one I got was dual band and have been running no issues since 2019.
  15. The mobile device would setup commissioning using its BLE radio, and after this process, IoX would use the native interface of the device ie. Thread, or WiFi/Ethernet to communicate with it. Is it planned to have UD Mobile do Matter commissioning with BLE, or instead to be done in IoX using EISY BLE radio? The latter would explain your earlier comment regarding BLE Library being Linux based (since EISY is BSD).
  16. Have you used Home Assistant on a mobile device? While awkward for doing anything significant due to its size, the functionality is mostly there if need to.
  17. Before, the plan was to hope that the Windows Android emulation gets better and use that. Last time I tried it was a big failure, and the database was not even cross-compatible with android and iOS versions (I am an iOS user). A lot of work to do.
  18. Ya that is probably required way those devices are setup but not required for this coordinator (or any consumer zigbee I have heard of) - just allow it to add devices and press button or whatever is the process in device and it self configures all this.
  19. I never really used much, or had a need for basic assoc after posting that, but since then I discovered the switches can get into a loop where they send the commands back and forth to each other, and this has to be addressed in the switch itself. Most of my initial testing of basic association was prior to ZMatter using Silicon Labs software to program them on a PC, therefore the switches acted differently, and I did not do much testing after. I was hoping to get Zen32 working with basic association but there were issues with LED sync, and since there were other non-Z-Wave devices I would also want to control the conclusion was using programs/parameters is the best way for that device. For the Zen71 switch, Set Parameter 7 to 11 (1 also works, but Zooz recommends 11 - I suppose in the case that you have a regular switch setup in a 3-way with follower, and a virtual 3-way with basic association) on the remote switch (one not connected to the actual load, where the main switch I will refer to it as the one which controls the load) and this should make it work properly. https://www.support.getzooz.com/kb/article/535-zen71-on-off-switch-700-advanced-settings/ Note that after this change, when you turn on/off the remote switch from IoX, it will not send a group 2 to the main switch, and will therefore not turn it on. This doesn't matter because now should just use the main switch in any automations done from the IoX controller, and ignore the remote switch status (they act as one switch now). Physically pressing the paddles on the remote switch will still send group 2 to main though as intended (as per Parameter 7 setting). Here is Zooz article about this. How To Program 2 Zooz Switches In a Virtual 3-Way With Regular Bulbs - Zooz Support Center (getzooz.com) I would have updated my original thread but they seem to close topics here abruptly for no apparent reason... maybe it is automatic setting which closes them after no activity for a while. I would recommend to use z-wave basic association only for areas where a virtual 3-way is desired but there was not one originally (ie. no followers). If you are replacing a real 3-way, then use the proper companion switch and existing follower, in the case of Zen71 you can use a regular switch configured via Parameter 12. More ancient history about virtual 3-ways... this is why Insteon acts the way it does with its scenes and virtual 3-ways: when operating a switch physically, it sends the scene command to other linked switch(es) that are responders, but when operating the main switch remotely from IoX, it does not send scene commands to the remote, otherwise if Insteon acted this way, it would result in a similar loop and flood the network. This is why you use scenes from a controller, or programs to keep the remote switches on/off state in sync, the latter which I prefer. This used to drive me crazy . Mobilinc mobile app, which many used years ago, actually didn't act like this and would turn on/off remote linked devices somehow magical like... this did not make sense and confused me LOL... it was not until years later, I believe I asked, or someone else did somewhere (cannot remember now exactly), and the dev clarified that is was programmed to act this way.
  20. Have never heard or experienced having to do this when adding zigbee devices.
  21. Worked for me.. udpated to 5.7.0_5 and programs remain enabled afterwards.
  22. I updated and all my programs were disabled after. Confirm on 5.7.0_4 Maybe the fix is in there now, and moving forward will not happen again?
  23. Homey Pro is pretty expensive... here in Canada I see it is $599. I am skeptical of their claims how compatible, and how many devices it supports (based on reviews I have seen, and posts in Homey forums). If you want thread/matter support, EISY is not an option right now unfortunately. I would also consider Home Assistant. Also note that many Aqara devices only work reliably (or at all) with their hub, even though the device may seem like it uses standard eg. Zigbee or Matter.
  24. What platform do you plan on using? IoX doesn’t support Matter or Thread yet. From my limited experience using of a couple Matter devices (Wiz RGB wifi bulbs) in Home Assistant, I am not too excited about it anymore. Thread devices are more expensive and have less features than their zigbee equivalents. Matter LED strips still probably need native app to do full control and scenes. I would check out WLED. I made one using a 3m FCOB strip and a $5 ESP 8266 chip - was fun to do.
  25. This cable I have should work it seems... I use for programming ESP devices.... https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07BBPX8B8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
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