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Everything posted by brians
UDI used to sell (or maybe still does) an ISY994iZ that had zigbee. This was used primarily for Energy monitoring and not for general Zigbee use. That link you posted is probably that version. Also there was this... https://www.universal-devices.com/product/smart-meter-module-sep-1-1/ You would have to contact UDI to see if they plan to support this with EISY.
I tried a RF only Insteon USB stick and tried the HA Insteon Integration. Can't manage devices... seems no way to remove once they are added. It looked promising at first, I added my keypadlinc just by entering the device ID, it added and I was able to control. But nowhere in there is a way to manage devices. I ended up removing the integration, which fortunately removed the device and entities. I will continue to use Polisy and the HA ISY integration since it works so well.
Replaced Insteon KeypadLinc in Family Room with nspanel. I also dusted off my two LIFX BR30 and put them in the two ceiling pots in Family Room. I added them no homekit, then Home Assistant discovered them and I added them in.. I Then made a Light Group with those two entities and added into the nspanel. I even set the hard button at bottom to run a script which toggles the lights and sets to 3000K 85% brightness... otherwise it will turn back on to whatever previous brightness/color they were. I am going to have each button do a different preset maybe. Can also select color, brightness, and temp from nspanel. I can control with Homekit via Home Assistant Homekit integration and of course the LIFX app which is more responsive for messing around with them. Colored lights is just a novelty to me but since I had these LIFX and never used for years, they worked out perfect. I previously had tried to integrate into my old ISY but was not very reliable and couldn't do much with them. If I were to put more light in, may go with Philip$ Hue since I can connect direct to Zigbee.
ZMatter dongle appears to come with Zigbee hardware support, which is why the word Zigbee is silk-screened on it. Thread, for most part, uses same hardware as Zigbee but needs a firmware upgrade to support the protocol. If the device can do multiprotocol, it will be able to support both Zigbee and Thread simultaneously. Thread is just a protocol which Matter can work over and is ipv6 based, it is not Matter in itself. Matter is not a radio protocol, but it can currently run over Thread and Ethernet/WiFi which are both radio protocols. It is my understanding that you could theoretically run Matter devices as long as you have a thread border router somewhere in your network (eg. Homepod Mini), and the controller just uses ethernet.
Insteon Ceiling Fan / Insteon 6 Button Switch - Polisy Control
brians replied to Bob Amott's topic in IoX Support
@Bob AmottIs the light in ceiling fan dimmable? The Insteon Fanlinc light control is for dimmers. Your need to use fast on/fast off means that it sets the light to 100%, which seems to be needed to turn your lights on/off. I bet that is the problem and they won't turn on <100%. -
That is my opinion not UDI's, so they could still support Zigbee and I hope they do especially since they advertise it... I would clarify with them first, maybe they will actually answer... I had posted this question a while back and got no official answer, just speculation from other members. I also remember them saying they would probably support Zigbee radio first and Matter would come later. Every other major hub seems to have no issue supporting Zigbee and then adding Matter later on, so the only reason I can think is because IoX never had Zigbee support, so is probably just as much work adding Zigbee as Thread (Matter). Based on lack of news and updates on Matter and Zigbee, it is a bit concerning how quiet they are on this subject. Maybe they are hard at work on it and will just announce one day. This is one (of several) reasons why I moved over to HA, but still keep Polisy as an Insteon bridge.
Good that you got working. It appears has something to do with s2 auth and scanning QR code should be same as entering the pin in AC. This is strange really but glad you have working.
Got this working last night. Had to flash ESPHome from my PC which was pretty simple. I removed the mainboard from NSPanel to easily flash and used a DSD Tech USB to TTL serial adapter with some Dupont wires. This is not a tutorial, just providing info about this here in case someone is interested. https://github.com/Blackymas/NSPanel_HA_Blueprint https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BNMRHYG5?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1 Pic of the flashing process... And final result, testing some entities. Even supports RGB lights, will test later with my Philips Hue bulb. I just added a bunch of sensors on homescreen for different room temps, will remove later, not very clear what they are. Can also control climate eg. ecobee by pressing the large temperature. It does work extremely well... the blueprint changes update instant on the device in real time. Controls and state are very fast and responsive. I planned to replace some KeypadLincs but some concerns... - It does not have dimmer built-in, only has two relay buttons to control a local load. Two of my keypadlincs are connected to lights I want to dim. - Does not fit in a dual-gang box. Now this would not be issue if the existing devices are switches, you could just use it to control both loads. It is however possible to power the panel off 5V using back pins so can use a USB cable and low voltage PSU. Just unclip the relay and surface mount on a wall. I think I may try this approach. At $75 CAD ea. these are pretty good value for what they do!
@PatPendYes Zigbee is nice, but issue is that since it is an open standard and does not require licensing you will find compatibility issues. For example, in Home Assistant and Zigbee2MQTT, my Aqara P1 motion sensors go unresponsive after several hours when connected to a Sonoff S31 Lite plug. Nothing I can do except return them and try something else. I did add a couple Philips Hue bulbs and work quite well. Both networks in my house perform equally well but I only have 4 zigbee devices hooked up, whereas I have 22 ZWave devices. Pairing is about the same, except with S2 auth need to type in a code. I don't think we will see Zigbee support from UDI. Too many legacy devices to support, but never know. I think their plan is to support Thread (Matter) exclusively. It is not even known if the radio in ZMatter will support multiprotocol both Thread and Zigbee at same time. ZWave is a much stricter standard, and requires certification before can be sold as a ZWave device, and even still there are many issues. Zigbee is like the wild-west, anyone can make something called Zigbee.
Thanks, that makes more sense when actually seeing screen shots. Can you set a particular keypadlinc key to a switchlinc for example? What about something simpler like switchlinc dimmer to another switchlinc dimmer... you can set each as responder and controller? Will the LEDs stay in sync? I remember an eternity ago when I first go Insteon trying to do this manually without a controller and LEDs did not sync... it was the ISY 99i I got around 2008 which did this correctly and was magical to me at the time
Here is link to where I got it working back in 5.5.6 but this is a momentary sensor not garage. Since then I used one on Garage but I do not have a screenshot of it. However, here is documentation I made how to do for future: For Garage Door with ZMatter --------------- Connected the button and the sensor to separate sensor/relays just in case the isolation is not set correctly - if Zen17 is accidentally factory reset. Sensor is on S1, Button is on R2. Note with this config, parameter 2/3 can be set to 3 since there is no isolation required. However setting 2/3 to 11 isolates the relays and could use another input S2 for something in future. Reset Include in ISY (can be S0, don't need auth just to set parameter 2/3) Set parameter 2 and 3 to 11 for garage door (momentary mode) Set Parameter 2 to 11 Set Parameter 3 to 11 Exclude Include (use S2 Auth and key when re-including) This will add additional nodes Door-Window Sensors in addition to Binary Switches. Set Parameter 10 to 0 Set Parameter 11 to 0 This isolates the relays being triggered from the inputs Here is old info prior to ZMatter: NOTE: for Garage, following not needed if using parameter 2/3 to 11 which is garage door momentary. Type 11 was added in firmware update which makes garage door momentary with separate sensor nodes. I just left here for reference. To set simulate momentary 1 second Parameter 8: auto turn-off timer for Relay 2 Parameter 17: auto turn-off timer unit for Relay 2 Set Parameter 17 to 1 (seconds) Set Paramter 8 to 1 (1 second) *** must use 4 byte to write Parameter 20: Reverse the reported values for your selected input on S2 C terminals (select same value as parameter 3 eg. 7) (not reversed set to 0) Closed on Sensor 1 will show door closed Set Parameter 20 to 7 if your door sensor switch is NO (normally open) when closed.
Actually I think I remember that the Zen17 didn't label the nodes correctly like was on the old ZWave platform (not ZMatter). I remember I had for my garage door an actual sensor that said open/close and some Door-Window Sensor but with ZMatter I think the only useful thing was on/off. Is that what you are referring to? Here is screenshot in my current HA, but It showed something similar node when I used Zooz dongle and correctly showed an Open/Close Door node. With ZMatter this did not work. You will have to make do with the on/off node.
Are you including with s2 auth ?
Reinterview it after changing 10 and 11
Zigbee is not same as zwave. Zmatter board does not currently support zigbee.
I just finished moving all my non-insteon devices (zwave, node servers) from IoX to Home Assistant. I was able to replicate functions of all IoX programs, with many actually working more reliable, and simpler to make. The only thing IoX does now is using programs to keep LEDs in sync, mainly keypadlincs. And turn LED backlights off at night in bedroom, and on again in morning. I keep notification nodeserver running in case I want to use, and plan to keep UD portal in case I need to remote in and do something on phone. I do notice that response is much faster in HA across the board for everything. I have not tried an EISY so maybe that is faster; I am using a Polisy. I got Sonoff NSPanel today, decided not to give into temptation and even plug in and try because I had other more important things to do and didn't want to go down that rabbit hole. The USA version fits in single gang box but don't think it will work good in a dual gang along with a regular switch, will see how that works. I am excited to try and if it works well it may be a good candidate to replace my keypadlincs - at $75 ea. they are cheaper too. The keypadlinc are actually one of big reasons I wasn't going to drop Insteon. I have a Zen32 which is ok but is not as good (I notice can get custom engraving on Zen32 buttons now).
Yes, I think the solution a bunch of us came up with before was to make sure you have the most current firmware on Zen17 then it works. The Garage door mode works in that it makes the switch momentary and shuts off after a second or so. The difference is that setting par2/3 to 11 it isolates the sensors from the relays. You don't need to set Par 6,8, 10,11, 15, 17 etc. to turn the relay off yourself... just need par 2/3 to 7 or 11. I had working exactly like this, and in fact just excluded from IoX to move over to Home Assstant.
Ya, the IoX HA integration works perfect therefore I don't see a reason to change it for no benefit and would be an actual downgrade in features probably. The new Insteon company should develop an official add-on or Integration for Insteon with full support.
I think I was wrong on this, been doing research on possibilities of moving Insteon to HA and the integration apparently reads out all the devices currently in a PLM... therefore if I pulled my working PLM from Polisy and plugged it into HA (I am not going to do this though) with Insteon Integration it would read all the devices. This is a bit unusual, because after working with ISY so long because it does not seem to do this and requires a local backup or a factory reset PLM to start.
I have not tried it yet but have been reading, and notice there is the Insteon Panel which seems you can do this. It calls scenes by number so you have to keep track of, from what I understand it sets the links up between the devices but I could have misunderstood... not very much info on it. You can do a call service I believe and use the scene number in an automation. I was going to plug in a USB PLM later to test but just have not had time. I am wondering if it can handle individual keypadlinc buttons.
So far not good, they seem to drop off network after several hours. I searched about this and seems to be a common issue. I will try for a while but may return. The Philips Hue motions are supposed to be way better so will order one of those.
Spent a while cleaning up IoX removing old programs, variables, network resources, nodeservers... ie. things that are no longer needed. I did upgrade to 5.6.0 with no issues. I just have bout 8 more ZWave devices to move over... all is pretty trivial. My Automation for Main Bathroom in HA, which has workarounds for GE Motion switch RF interference when switching on Fan seems to be working very well, so I will replicate that in downstairs bathroom. My LED sync programs are working fine between ZWave devices and Insteon KPL buttons. I also got a couple Aqara Zigbee P1 motions in today which I will experiment with. New toys on the way... Aqara Presence Sensor FP2, mmWave Radar Wired Motion Sensor Can integrate in HA apparently via HomeKit, probably will be a better way in future. SONOFF NSPanel-USW WiFi Smart Scene Wall Switch, plan to flash with ESP Home and setup using available blueprint for Home Assitant.
Upgraded mine to 5.6.0 no issues. Had to restart PG3 in web interface, not sure why that cannot be done automatically as part of the upgrade. No issues, did not do the PG3x conversion prior because did not know anything about it (and am glad I didn't ).