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Everything posted by brians

  1. Curious what the nodes look like and how it shows up in IoX to control it. I have a Zen17 for IoX control, and also a cheap $30 native HomeKit wired in parallel so I can use my iPhone/Apple Watch with Siri (was easier than trying to get it into HK other way).
  2. brians

    Zen32 on ZMatter

    Oh I got a response from Zooz, they basically told me that zwave scenes using basic association are not that common anymore and the way to do is how I did it in programs, even providing an argument that all zwave devices have to have same security to do basic assoc as a reason not to do this way (who cares, I can handle that). I am sure their engineers could still add the tweaks I suggested pretty easily, unless they are very constricted by memory for new code/routines... or maybe nobody there knows how to fix it anymore eg. original devs gone, maybe part was outsourced or some intern wrote the code years ago... who knows. Just baffles me that they can develop something this far, but not make it function like one would expect.
  3. On my Polisy it did just that, but I noticed that PG3 was saying that was reporting older ISY v5.5.5 so usually restarting PG3 fixes, that is when it failed for me.
  4. brians

    Zen32 on ZMatter

    Don't use scenes, use program method instead. You are never able to query a state of the small buttons (only big button). Therefore, I don't worry at all what the state of buttons are on Zen32, and instead set the LEDs of the Zen32 buttons to how I want: to states of the lights etc. desired for each button. Look at the programs again above The last (3rd) program I set parameters to keep LEDs always on... the program is not needed and you can do all this manually but I find convenient to have in testing and makes sense hopefully when I look at it months from now. The first program turns button blue when any light status on, and white when all lights are status off, both using Parameter 7 for button 1 on Zen32 (see comments in that program which sets the parameters), and also sets a variable indicating if lights are on or off. The 2nd program turns the lights on or off from Zen32 button 1 depending on how that variable is set which makes it a toggle (which is why I put Toggle in the program name). Variable is used to track the light state because every time press a Zen32 button is pressed it sends an On command. I also use variable to track multiple lights being controlled by Zen32 but if were just using one light then can instead just check status of the one light instead of using variable. Note that you have to make these two programs for each button, and a variable, therefore 8 programs and four variables for one Zen32. I suggest you make a couple programs like above and experiment with them and you should figure it out when you see it working and compare to what I have done or maybe you will find a different way that works. There is really nothing else I can explain further.
  5. I updated my Polisy. After the update Polisy did not reboot, PG3 was loading but showed incorrect version of ISY so I restarted PG3 and still does not start. I rebooted Polisy three times so far and still PG3 not working. I can get into AC and PG2. So what I did is ran the update from ssh.. /usr/local/etc/udx.d/static/udxops.sh upgrade.polisy Which fixed it, I notcied it downloaded pg3:3.1.17_1 The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): Installed packages to be UPGRADED: pg3: 3.1.17 -> 3.1.17_1 [udi] Number of packages to be upgraded: 1 12 MiB to be downloaded. [1/1] Fetching pg3-3.1.17_1.pkg: .......... done Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) [1/1] Upgrading pg3 from 3.1.17 to 3.1.17_1... And as I was monitoring its progress in shell and was done, I refreshed PG3 web page and is working now. Not sure why wasn't done/updated when pressing update packages. UD really needs to fix this update process.
  6. To monitor my septic lift pump I used to use an old Insteon switch that had a sense line. I then plugged in a multi-plug adapter into the float switch and had this Insteon switch along with the pump itself. It would detect when the switch connected. Since that was old Insteon device single band and unreliable over time I looked for some other way. My pump runs for about 5-8 seconds also. I had tried a Zen 15 which advertises for sump pumps but it is not quick enough to detect current. I ended up using a Zen17 and one of these... https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07PT5SC9M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I have modified an extension cord that goes between the float switch and the pump plugin so the hot wire goes through this device. Once calibrated, it is near instantaneous with Zen17 reporting back to IoX when pump comes on it detects the current and the NO circuit becomes closed which are connected to Zen17 dry contact input sensor. I tried a Zen51 which has current sense and in my test it was very fast and responsive when detecting load, but for some reason the sensor did not work correctly when plugged into the float switch along with the pump so I staying with Zen17... need to clean it up a bit cuz I have excess of wire etc. I got it working in test and never bothered cleaning up (that green coiled extension cord can be shortened a bit LOL). I Benefit of Zen17 is since it has a second input, can hook up a float level sensor also on the 2nd input to detect if water level is too high... I have tested these but I haven't fully installed yet because I don't feel like taking apart the tank lid again... I have water leak sensor on surface and my water cop shuts off water main when detect leak so is good enough for now. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B097ZCP3TC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  7. I have been using a HomeBridge ISY plugin for years, but it does not seem to recognize Nodes of type Binary Switch. A couple examples: Zen32 - its physical relay switch Zen51 Both show as a binary switch in IoX Admin Console. I am starting to have move of these type of devices. Was wondering if the HomeKit integration in Home Assistant makes these available in HomeKit? If so, I may give it a try. Or, does someone know how to make them appear in HomeBridge ISY?
  8. Note this fix was originally discovered by over in the support forum for 5.5.5 by @shbatm, was just passing on info I seen over here
  9. maybe because you typed mongo-cdriver instead of mongo-c-driver ?
  10. If buying today I prefer Zooz since they have more parameters and tweaks can do to them, and also GE don't seem to have 700 series yet available. Also mentioned before the GE take a second or two to update status to controller where Zooz are instant. My GE running downstairs has not had the problem my other one had so maybe it is a dud switch. I'll install somewhere later and test.
  11. Are you saying that while double tapping, the scene picks up the first tap and turns on switch if switch is off? In this case I would not put the GE switch nodes in scenes as a controller and instead use programs exclusively to detect the button via control and run appropriate scenes... use on for scene on and fast on for double tap. I don't think GE do triple, 4x 5x etc.
  12. I usually rename my nodes to something shorter and tuck away all the unused ones in a folder named ZWave extra nodes. Before I rename, I make a copy of original name and then place in notes so I can always look at what it was originally. Can't help but notice this is Zen32 you are showing, and how you are making separate programs for each on/off state keeping track of variable it seems. I can't see all what your programs do so not sure... but I do something similar and use two programs per button, but also keeps ZEN32 Button LED in sync even if load is turned on/off remotely.. see here, not the basic association method but program method.
  13. Sounds like you used basic association in ZMatter for these, which allows switches to control others without a controller. If you exclude/include it should reset them. But I am wondering how you got them back on the Zooz stick without doing that already? Maybe need to do a full reset of the switches... Zooz should provide instructions how to do. Or you can try loading up the silicon labs software with a zooz stick and remove the basic associations that way from the switches. I discussed this before, so go search in the older ZWave forum.
  14. Thanks for this, until now I did not have a use for IFTT. I also have Slack at work so was able to get this running here. I notice that there are a couple settings you must have adjusted: Content-Type: application/json and checking the Use SNI was key in making this work. I sucessfully have it working, just not using it for anything practical yet.
  15. I don't think that is the case having to handle each device separately, OTA is part of the Z-Wave standard. Maybe issue with S2 and OTA. The only OTA I have done is with the simplicity studio software and Zooz 700 stick on Windows PC... and it seems (for me anyways) that I cannot include the device into simplicity studio using S2 and must uncheck and use S0 only, or the firmware upgrade will not work. I just updated a few things recently - some Leviton switches and Zen17. Would be nice to have OTA so the nodes don't change excluding/including a new device to perform OTA currently, then having to adjust all programs and scenes. The Zen17 I just updated seemed to resolve issues with ZMatter, and the other Zen17 I have is way up high in garage ceiling so I will have to go up ladder and remove, do update, then install again... Not a huge deal but OTA will be nicer.
  16. I just tried mine and all I have in my finder here at work is http which I added manually and works. Try removing it and re-adding https manually and see what happens.
  17. Ya when I first used Z-Wave years ago I was surprised by all the nodes vs Insteon. I think other hubs consolidate them all into one device. I am curious how HA does this natively. Are you using HA ISY integration to bring in all your devices however? If that is the case, must be a nightmare to keep track of everything whenever re-including a device and node ID number changes What I do on IoX is I have a folder named Z-Wave extra nodes, and sub-folders within for all rooms/devices. I throw all the extra nodes in there and just rename/move all the nodes I want to appropriate folders. I tried HA ISY integration but is too much too much entities brought over and I don't feel like renaming them all in IoX to try to ignore (the add-on in HA could have more selective importing abilities.. .maybe it does now it has been a while?) There are pros and cons to having all these nodes, I guess we can organize how we want. I often watch HA tutorials for things that popup on Youtube and seems a bit overwhelming in the steps to do a particular task where in IoX it would be a simpler program.
  18. There is no migration to zooz stick. You need a zmatter board to attempt migration from an isy994i. As far as the zooz stick not working now I think it will only continue to work if you upgrade from a polisy with zooz already, but contact ud and they may have a way to enable it again, but if so you would have to reset it and include all devices again because zwave network key is probably gone upon restoring the 994i image. I would get a zmatter board though since zooz stick isn’t really supported moving forward.
  19. Currently I have to exclude then use software on Windows and my USB Stick to perform firmware upgrade. Wondering when OTA will be supported in ZMatter. Last I heard was firmware issue but is this now resolved?
  20. I found this recently, but have make sure you select the node with has the "Set Configuration" button or probably will not work. I wonder why they also do not put a parameter query on that main screen. Using this method, I actually found a bug in one of my device's manual where it was not showing the correctly parameter size, and therefore did not seem to work for me... was not until I query it showed the Parameter Size as 2 instead of more common size of 1, which allowed me to set the parameter correctly.
  21. @andrewhermanSee my other thread, inspired by this one, regarding GE in-Wall Smart Motion switch.and May I ask what you are using to detect motion? After my troubles I think I am going to eventually toss these GE switches.
  22. I just fought with this on weekend after changing some things around and discovering my GE/Enbrighten/Jasco wall switches with motion sensor get its motion sensor triggered by another Z-Wave switch in the same 2-gang box (which controls a ceiling fan). I originally had a Jasco ZWave switch, and then replaced with a Zooz Zen71 and both do the same thing. I suspect some RF interference from the Z-Wave switch being too close to the motion sensor. I have two exact configurations in two separate bathrooms and both have the exact same issue so I would rule out that my GE Motion switch is defective and rather claim that it is a defect in them. Here is pic of the switches to make clearer. GE In-Wall Smart Motion Switch SKU: 26931/ZW4006 I have confirmed that it is the Motion sensor being affected and not some other type of inerference by watching the Motion Sensor Node in AC while turning on/off the other switch and see it come on about 40-50% of the time. Further troubleshooting steps by disabling the Motion sensor via Parameter 6 set to 0 confirms this and prevents the light from turning on with the fan switch, but defeats the point of having a motion light. I have a program that turns light on when entering bathroom based on motion, fan on after 15 sec, then everything off after 30 min of last motion detected. Also a scheduled program turning the fan on once an hour for 10 minutes, but it triggers the motion sensor about 50% of the time, causing the light to come on, then triggering my program. I wonder if anyone else has an issue with these GE Motion Lights? Solution was a mix of programs that temporarily disable other programs, state variable, disable motion sensor via parameters and seems to work now, but I have been there before where I think it is working on ISY and find a quirk I post my programs here, maybe there is better way to do this is result of several attempts over weekend to come up with something that works - it is a bit challenging to have the light come on/off with a fan schedule which inadvertently causes programs to run because of this Motion sensor interference. =================================================================================== Downstairs Bathroom - [ID 00DA][Parent 0001] Folder Conditions for 'Downstairs Bathroom' If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Allow the programs in this folder to run. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downstairs Bathroom Fan On Schedule - [ID 00DB][Parent 00DA] If ( Time is 12:00:00AM Or Time is 4:00:00AM Or Time is 8:00:00AM Or Time is 12:00:00PM Or Time is 4:00:00PM Or Time is 8:00:00PM Or Time is Last Run Time for 'Downstairs Bathroom Fan On Schedule' + 1 hour ) And $Downstairs_Bathroom_Occupancy is not 1 Then Disable Program 'Downstairs Bathroom On' Set 'Downstairs Bathroom / Downstairs Bathroom Fan' On Wait 4 seconds Enable Program 'Downstairs Bathroom On' Wait 10 minutes Disable Program 'Downstairs Bathroom On' Set 'Downstairs Bathroom / Downstairs Bathroom Fan' Off Wait 4 seconds Enable Program 'Downstairs Bathroom On' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Runs fan every hour for 5 minutes Does not run if Bathroom is Occupied (set by state var in Main Bathroom On) Resets to on the hour time every 4 hours in case of restart or drift. Disables Main Bathroom On program while turning on/off fan because the motion light comes on sometimes due to false triggering interference from fan being close in same gang box. Wait times are necessary to give enough time before enabling program - based on lots of testing. Less than 4 sec is unreliable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downstairs Bathroom Off - [ID 00E0][Parent 00DA][Not Enabled] If 'Downstairs Bathroom / ZY 041 Motion Sensor' Status is Off Then Disable Program 'Downstairs Bathroom On' $Downstairs_Bathroom_Occupancy = 0 Set 'Downstairs Bathroom / Downstairs Bathroom Light' Set Configuration Parameter 6 = 0 Wait 4 seconds Set 'Downstairs Bathroom / Downstairs Bathroom Fan' Off Wait 4 seconds Set 'Downstairs Bathroom / Downstairs Bathroom Light' Set Configuration Parameter 6 = 1 Set 'Downstairs Bathroom / Downstairs Bathroom Light' Off Enable Program 'Downstairs Bathroom On' Else Run Program 'Downstairs Bathroom Off ' (If) Don't run until Motion Sensor is off Otherwise the parameters settings can hang it stuck on On position ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downstairs Bathroom On - [ID 00D9][Parent 00DA] If 'Downstairs Bathroom / ZY 041 Motion Sensor' is switched On Then $Downstairs_Bathroom_Occupancy = 1 Set 'Downstairs Bathroom / Downstairs Bathroom Light' On Wait 15 seconds Set 'Downstairs Bathroom / Downstairs Bathroom Fan' On Wait 30 minutes $Downstairs_Bathroom_Occupancy = 0 Run Program 'Downstairs Bathroom Off ' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Uses motion sensor to turn on light. Parameter 15 to 1 (10 seconds motion reset). Parameter 3 to 1 (Manual mode). Paraneter 13 to 1 (Motion Sensitivity High) Sets state variable to disable schedule if running. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downstairs Bathroom Programs Disable - [ID 00DE][Parent 00DA] If 'Downstairs Bathroom / ZY 051 Scene Button 2' is switched Fade Up Then Disable Program 'Downstairs Bathroom On' Disable Program 'Downstairs Bathroom Fan On Schedule' $Downstairs_Bathroom_Occupancy = 0 Set 'Downstairs Bathroom / Downstairs Bathroom Fan' Set Configuration Parameter 14 = 3 Set 'Downstairs Bathroom / Downstairs Bathroom Fan' Set Configuration Parameter 2 = 3 Wait 2 hours Run Program 'Downstairs Bathroom Programs Enable' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Disables bathroom programs with long press of fan bottom paddle for 2 hours. In case want to shower or something. Turnes LED RED always ON. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Downstairs Bathroom Programs Enable - [ID 00DF][Parent 00DA] If 'Downstairs Bathroom / ZY 051 Scene Button 1' is switched Fade Up Then $Downstairs_Bathroom_Occupancy = 0 Enable Program 'Downstairs Bathroom On' Enable Program 'Downstairs Bathroom Fan On Schedule' Set 'Downstairs Bathroom / Downstairs Bathroom Fan' Set Configuration Parameter 14 = 1 Set 'Downstairs Bathroom / Downstairs Bathroom Fan' Set Configuration Parameter 2 = 0 Stop program 'Downstairs Bathroom Programs Disable' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Enables bathroom programs with long press of fan top paddle. In case want to shower or something. Sets LED to default Blue when OFF only. Stops program Disable if already running, not really necessary but makes logic more sense.
  23. Good to hear. Did you include with S2 and key or with just S0? Regarding parameters, I had set one for Garage with Zooz dongle before with P2=7 for a door open/close sensor and the node came up named different when I included as a door with open/close instead of on/off. My garage door Zen17 is way up high and not easy to do right now.
  24. I don't have a .3 node... go back and look at my screenshots above.
  25. I am scared to exclude it now LOL thinking it may not come back.... gonna try though now and see... EDIT... exclude/include worked. Just have to set param10/11 to 0 to isolate inputs from relays which is normal by design. So in my case definitely needs S2 which is strange, I normally unselect all because it is easier!
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