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Everything posted by brians

  1. Is this HACS just for beta testing and will the official versions eventually be in the standard HA integrations? I have not had this version stop working for me since I installed in February... maybe because @asbril is using this beta version it broke while the normal release didn't? I am also using a Polisy so maybe was just an issue with EISY.
  2. I think question is asking if IoX with Matter support will act like a Matter bridge and present all devices to the matter network. Then homekit may be able to see these as matter devices and supported in homekit. I think matter bridges are meant more as a way for end device manufacturers so they don’t have to add Matter support to each individual device eg Philips hue. However it is possible this may be case with IoX still and bridge devices.
  3. Just use Home Assistant with ISY and HomeKit integration, it works great... probably better than if they had native support because of Apple's restrictions... https://community.hubitat.com/t/locks/107493 I just updated all my devices (iOS/iPadOS 16.4, MacOS, TVOS 16.4, Apple Watch), and works fine with the new HomeKit Architecture.
  4. They should use ZFS and snapshot before each upgrade, if something goes wrong then can easily revert back. Since this is in EISY forum, what about Polisy also?
  5. I also have similar issue, many Insteon switches with more settings cannot see all the settings using my MacBook Pro screen. Here is example of a regular size window in Win11 and cannot see everything at bottom, I have to maximize to 1920x1080 screen to be able to see it all... I see no reason why they cannot use multiple rows, there is lots of wasted vertical space not being used.
  6. Is this reboot EISY only? I have a Polisy and it did not reboot and everything is working normally. Just wondering since it didn't reboot was the update unsuccessful for me?
  7. When including, are there different options like S0, S2 authenticate etc? Can you un-select S2?
  8. I also have to say that the new Caseta Diva and Clara switches are much nicer than the original weird switches... this is based on my limited experience playing with them in Home Depot
  9. As a UI, Apple HomeKit on an iPhone is a slick experience compared to many other things, I won't go on because people who own and use multiple Apple devices will know what I mean. HomeKit as a back-end controller is not as powerful as IoX, but I am just talking UI here and I think that is what most want, just have IoX do all the work, and have in Home App on their iPhones. The solution for now is to setup Home Assistant with the IoX integration. In my case I used HomeBridge in the past, but now use Home Assistant running on an Intel NUC which works far better. It has been said that you can even install Home Assistant on an EISY, but I would recommend it on a separate system. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/isy994 Then setup the HomeKit integration... https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/homekit
  10. I am being optimistic
  11. There is discussion in the 5.5.9 support thread about limited support for i3. Not specific to the i3 paddle however. I suspect they will fix once they get the docs from Insteon.
  12. Yes I agree, a while ago I went and looked at Matter alternatives to light switches and was surprised there are only a few. Maybe the licensing is high or something?
  13. Not too concerned, while there are probably many users that build their entire home automation around the handful of Wemo devices and the Wemo app, I am not interested in their products even if they did support Matter. Wemo is a low-end HA product that probably is many people's first experience in Home Automation. They probably realized that if customers who invested in Wemo, will all of a sudden have a choice and may instead buy different brands of switches.
  14. You posting this gave me an idea... would be possible to use a Stream Deck as a super-charged KeypadLinc and run Automations off it. Sure enough... https://github.com/cgiesche/streamdeck-homeassistant. I think I will order one and run off a small PC or something... can hang it all off the wall, Wife would love
  15. brians

    Zigbee support?

    Yes, I watch a few HA Youtube channels and am starting to become envious of all the Zigbee options available, and in fact am more interested/excited about Zigbee now than Matter However there are issues with Zigbee (And Thread/Matter too) being in 2.4Ghz and interference that could alter my experience if I actually used. When (if?) I get my skyconnect USB for HA, I'll pickup a Zigbee device to experiment with.
  16. brians

    Zigbee support?

    I understand that Thread RF protocol is based off Zigbee, but there are differences . Matter runs on Ethernet (WiFi, wired LAN), and Thread. A Thread border router is used to communicate between these two different networks. From what I am reading, I get the impression that it should be possible to have an EISY, Polisy (anything running IoX) see Thread based matter devices without a ZMatter board, as long as you have a Thread border router of some sort... eg. my Apple Homepod Mini should allow this. I guess we will find out soon hopefully.
  17. brians

    Zigbee support?

    Oh ok, I am sure I seen somewhere way back that there was a possibility of enabling zigbee in meantime, while waiting for thread/matter firmware to get finalized.
  18. brians

    Zigbee support?

    I realize Thread/Matter support is coming sometime after March 2023, however there was mention about enabling Zibgee. I notice there are lots more Zigbee alternatives (and cheaper too) for Zigbee things like motion sensors, wall switches etc. than ZWave.
  19. I just looked and the thing is $124 without the rpi compute module, and those are not readily available right now. I decided to order the Sky connect USB instead, I have a few more older NUCs I can use if something happens to this one
  20. I am running it on an older Intel NUC and mine is also very fast reaction, however the specs/performance on it exceed that of a Yellow box. Probably your old Pi was the issue... curious what model it was? I haven't decided if I should order the Sky connect USB dongle to get Thread support, or just go with a Yellow box.
  21. From what I understand, this Yellow box is just a prebuilt HA based on a raspberry pi 4 compute module with Zigbee/Thread (future update) board inside. Restoring to it should be no different than any other HA?
  22. Note that when setting parameter 2/3 to 11 on ZMatter, it does not show as Barrier and Open or Closed like it did before on old ZWave. Instead it is shown as a Binary Door/Windows Sensor with On or Off. I used to have on Polisy with ZooZ USB and it did in fact show Open/Closed before as you said, but I noticed that it does not with ZMatter. Not really a big deal as long as it works I supposed.
  23. I am in central BC and did not update time correctly, still an hour behind. Edit: After fiddling with it for a while, changing location other than my custom one, couple Polisy reboots due to IoX crashing etc. I got it working. Seems unnecessary for a simple DST update.
  24. Think the disabling 5ghz is inaccurate and someone is confused with thread being 2.4ghz and relating that to wifi somehow.
  25. I had homebridge working on polisy but I used a different version since one that op posted had a lot of features removed like zwave support. Use port 8080 not 8443. Home assistant does a way better job for HomeKit with iox. I have been using it for a couple weeks and got rid of homebridge isy.
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