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Everything posted by brians

  1. I didn't find a way in Zen32 to trigger buttons using state and entities, I had to use device, then can select central scene action for different buttons. Then can just edit the Trigger ID, name it and use Choose option, triggered by ID, and place actions based on trigger. Using entity names seems preferable to me over device because it doesn't use the long device ID, but in this case seems is only way but not a big deal. Here is above trigger in yaml platform: device device_id: c158cecebb3xxxxxxxxxxxblablabla domain: zwave_js type: event.value_notification.central_scene property: scene property_key: "001" endpoint: 0 command_class: 91 subtype: Endpoint 0 Scene 001 value: 0 id: button 1 press
  2. Did some more testing. Added Zen32, was simple to setup. I did not use the blueprint because I found just manually creating automation was easy enough and I wanted other lights to update the LEDs and didn't appear that the blueprint I looked at did that. My GE/Jasco Motion light for bathroom I had previous problems with RF interference (it still has interference) I included Zen71 for bathroom fan which is the device causing motion interference. I was able to write an automation which disables the motion sensor on light while it turns fan off and seems to be working fairly good now. I also have an hourly automation which turns fan on for 5 min and disables the motion sensor same way prior... my attempt at IoX programs still had issues where it would not work correct and light would still come on sometimes so will see how this one works. I am going to fix that interference issue properly anyways by trying a zigbee switch to replace fan, and if I still get interference from it, I will instead use a Aquara P1 battery powered motion and place in bathroom. Zigbee is working very good for me so far, it is a whole new world of devices that can use. For example, I just picked up a philips hue RGB bulb and was able to add no issues not requiring the hub. There are less expensive options available for RGB zigbee lights I can look into. One feature I have discoverd in HA automation so far that is lacking vs IoX is the ability to check if another automation is running or not. This can be worked around using a helper variable/entity and setting that on when a program starts, and off when finished which other automation can use to check.
  3. OTA is hit and miss on other platforms too... eg. with Home Assistant it is not reliable so best to use a PC. Note that with IoX you have to change all automations/programs after excluding/including because the way IoX uses node ID's to reference in programs etc.
  4. You can still call scenes from HA and use them in your automations. IoX can just be used to create the scenes but no need to use its programs to trigger them. The exceptions would be if you have scene linked to a keypadlinc button, I would leave that to IoX to handle so it sets up the links properly with Insteon between the devices, and LED sync which already has been mentioned. Having ISY integration is no real different than many other HA integrations/addons. For example ZHA, or maybe better example is Zigbee2MQTT (which I just moved over to from ZHA) act in this way... all the setup of devices is actually done using Zigbee2MQTT (Z2M) and then they are sent over to Home Assistant as entities via Mosquitto broker. Many people actually run Z2M it on a different device to keep separate from Home Assistant. If want to setup Zigbee groups, it is done via Z2M which is similar (but probably not as powerful) as Insteon Scenes. UDI Nodeservers and ISY are also same idea... the PG3 nodeserver server just happens to be running on the same Polisy/Eisy, but back in the day we used to run Nodeservers on a raspberry pi, and the Polisy was actually introduced to only run PG and did not even run IoX until just over a year ago. So having things on different servers is just a way of doing home automation nowadays. As long as integration keeps working, @shbatmdoesn't retire, or switches from Insteon , and UDI doesn't inadvertently change something which break the integration (seems unlikely), then I don't have an issue with running this way.
  5. That's too bad. In my Insteon setup, I only use scenes to link virtual 3-way switches and keypadlincs, so could probably work around that. I plan on replacing many keypadlincs with other things in future anyways... seems far more options with HA. But for now, my plan is that when I am done, my Polisy will simply be an Insteon Bridge to Home Assistant, controlling all the scene links, LED synchronizations etc.
  6. I am not going to use HA for its interface/dashboard abilities right away, I am instead working on seeing how I can move more functionality over to it, and afterwards will look at designing dashboards. I do experiment a bit with the dashboards as I go though, and have watched several tutorials... I think mushroom is probably the one I will try first. My plan is not to primarily use it for HomeKit, but to move everything over to HA and HomeKit is just a bonus. Prior to this, I was running HomeBridge for probably 4-5 years. The omebridge-isy-njs Homebridge plugin (or its forks) is not supported anymore and does not work with certain device types eg. binary switches. The HomeKit Integration in HA with ISY integration works much better than HomeBridge with isy did. I still use homebridge to display unifi cameras for now, for some reason they don't come across in the HA HomeKit but will look at this in future.
  7. Ok, I haven't look at blueprints yet, from my understanding it is a quick way to make similar automations but just being able to change parameters. I am just making automations to do the few that are zwave controlled loads by keypadlinc buttons - I have only three or four so of course those won't work from the ISY sync programs I already have since I removed the ZWave device from it. I was just noticing how much faster HA seems to process the automations vs. ISY programs. I just changed another one and is almost instant, and happens to use one of those older Leviton wall switches which needed Hail before, but seems to not have this issue in HA with instant status. I will look into your apps though, maybe is better way than how I am doing. Just so I understand, are you still running ISY programs to keep insteon LED in sync? Reading that first post in thread, to keep dimmers in sync, I use a variable in ISY program that stores the dimmer state.
  8. Yesterday I excluded my Yale Assure SL ZWave lock from IoX and included in HA. To make a long story short, keymaster did not work for me, but I am able to do everything as before with just ZWave_js - add/remove/clear codes, detect who opened door based on code, and lock type eg. RF, Manual, Keypad... redid all automations to have same functionality as before. I did one more ZWave device today... is a Bird Lamp for my Cockatiel that turns on/off UV Lamp on schedule. It is a Leviton plug which did not report instant status and needed Hail workarounds for ISY (not supported now in ZMatter). But guess what... including into HA this all works and instant status etc. no issue. This particular switch I had linked to an Insteon KeypadLinc and using a program that sync the LEDs on it using scene. I was able to write an automation in HA that turns on that scene if Bird Lamp comes on, and it is near instantaneous where my IoX sync LED program seemed to take about 1-2 seconds to update keypadlinc after detected bird lamp turned on or off. Not sure why but maybe due to way IoX polls... it's not due to ZWave at all because I have similar programs on ISY that sync only Insteon switches to keep LED in sync and are just as slow. @shbatm you mentioned earlier that you use IoX to do this LED sync, you should give a try and do with HA automation and see if you have same results. Here is program that sync both ways, sets KLB button if light is turned on/off by other means, and also turns on/off via keypad... seems as fast as native Insteon links - it was so fast first time I ran it, sorta shocked me cuz wasn't expecting that, and way faster than IoX ZWave/Insteon scenes. alias: KPL Sync Bird Lamp description: Sync KPL Button for Bird Lamp trigger: - platform: device type: turned_on device_id: 3eaafc89bb20731bbxxx entity_id: switch.bird_lamp domain: switch id: Bird Lamp On - platform: device type: turned_off device_id: 3eaafc89bb20731bbxxx entity_id: switch.bird_lamp domain: switch id: Bird Lamp Off - platform: state entity_id: - switch.fr_family_room_bird_lamp_klb to: "on" id: Keypad On - platform: state entity_id: - switch.fr_family_room_bird_lamp_klb to: "off" id: Keypad Off condition: [] action: - choose: - conditions: - condition: trigger id: Bird Lamp On sequence: - service: homeassistant.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: switch.fr_family_room_bird_lamp_klb - conditions: - condition: trigger id: Bird Lamp Off sequence: - service: homeassistant.turn_off data: {} target: entity_id: switch.fr_family_room_bird_lamp_klb - conditions: - condition: trigger id: Keypad On sequence: - service: switch.turn_on data: {} target: entity_id: switch.bird_lamp - conditions: - condition: trigger id: Keypad Off sequence: - service: switch.turn_off data: {} target: entity_id: switch.bird_lamp mode: single
  9. brians


    I am moving over to HA from Polisy and just recently moved my Yale Assure lock. I tried keymaster out but it did not work correctly - problems with it not updating codes (others complain in forums). It also installed tons of entities, and when I removed it, it did not so I had to remove them manually to clean everything up. This is issue using HACS for critical things. Maybe it works fine for some, but I wasted a couple hours yesterday and will probably never try it again. I found that I can do everything I want with Zwave_JS... am able to write/clear codes, detect user ID and disarm alarm, both was able to do fine in IoX. But I also made an automation when home care people unlock with their code, takes a snapshot jpg from unifi doorbell and emails my wife and I - not possible to do the latter on IoX. One could write automation programs that clears/updates codes based on certain times if want. Could even use helpers to enter code in easier. This is all keymaster does... just attempts to automate the process and actually write/clears codes to the lock at certain times if running schedules etc. Not sure how the flash memory in lock handles writes like this over time. One thing I did notice in keymaster however, is it seemed to be able to pull existing codes out of lock and I can see them (was just not able to write them)... not sure what command it did to do that but I have not been able to do this. If anyone has question about Z-Wave locks and HA I can try to help.
  10. I believe that the reason you were able to do it that way is because the HA integration for the Insteon hub looked at the pre-existing switches and pulled them into HA, much like the current UD IoX HA Integration. Setting up direct on HA with a PLM would require rebuilding the entire Insteon network. It would be no different than taking an existing PLM and trying to get it running on a stock ISY without a backup - not possible. I am curious how Insteon works natively in HA... I heard that it does not work as good as IoX so the best way may be to keep using the integration until there is a need to do native Insteon/PLM. I believe that setting up scenes, keypadlincs etc. is far better/easier with IoX than HA native Insteon. I am currently moving my system to HA and plan on leaving Polisy running Insteon and using the integration for now. Currently my20+ ZWave devices (moved two over so far LOL), and replaced my Node Server with equivalent integrations.
  11. Moved over some basic programs to automations... things like light timers, motion based auto-off light timers etc. So far all is OK. I was actually able to make one automation that turns groups of lights off at different times, which had same functionality as several separate IoX programs, but with HA automation using multiple triggers, and different actions based on what triggered the automation. One thing I miss is IoX has a summary of all programs and their current status - eg. next scheduled run, last run etc. but I really only used that for troubleshooting. But in HA I can use the TRACES in Automations on an individual basis, which seems much good for troubleshooting a program. The main issue with IoX programs was getting my head around that each time they were triggered, it would stop the current program and re-execute. With HA the automations, by default do not do this, however they can by to change modes to "restart" which is same as what IoX does... I currently use this in my motion sensor light timers (probably different ways to do this in HA, but I was trying to replicate IoX methods).
  12. I disabled my DSC alarm in ISY just by changing the password in nodeserver to something incorrect, then I moved to a folder with exclusion text so does not show in HA. I installed the envisalink integration (had to manually edit configuration.yaml). Now bunch of entities show up. I was able to make an additional automation that disarms with code, based on the door unlock user.
  13. Neat, I just replaced function of my half dozen or so Door Unlock programs, Nodeserver, and a bunch of custom notification and some variables in IoX, with one automation in HA! This sends me a message with lock status, user number, and name of person assigned to the user number. Next step is to setup my DSC and try to make it disarm for certain users. I may need a separate automation for that one. Code looks bit of a mess because I pasted the entire template on the one message line in visual editor... follows is a better format of it I created in template editor. alias: Front Door Lock Status Notify description: "" trigger: - platform: state entity_id: - lock.front_door_lock from: locked to: unlocked - platform: state entity_id: - lock.front_door_lock from: unlocked to: locked condition: [] action: - device_id: 38efc7cf615139e393abad1b4e90d2d1 domain: mobile_app type: notify message: >- {% set lock_status = states('lock.front_door_lock','status') | capitalize %} {% set access_control = state_attr('sensor.front_door_acc_cont_alarm','alarm') | int%} {% set access_method = 'Unknown' %} {% if access_control | int == 1 %} {% set access_method = 'Manual Lock' %} {% elif access_control | int == 2 %} {% set access_method = 'Manual Unlock' %} {% elif access_control | int == 3 %} {% set access_method = 'RF Lock' %} {% elif access_control | int == 4 %} {% set access_method = 'RF Unlock' %} {% elif access_control | int == 5 %} {% set access_method = 'Keypad Lock' %} {% elif access_control | int == 6 %} {% set access_method = 'Keypad Unlock' %} {% endif %} {% set user_number = state_attr('sensor.front_door_acc_cont_alarm','user_number') | int%} {% if user_number | int == 0 %} {% set user_name = 'System' %} {% elif user_number | int == 1 %} {% set user_name = 'Brian' %} {% elif user_number | int == 2 %} {% set user_name = 'Lisa' %} {% elif user_number | int == 3 %} {% set user_name = 'Zachary' %} {% elif user_number | int == 4 %} {% set user_name = 'Brittany' %} {% elif user_number | int == 5 %} {% set user_name = 'Home Care' %} {% elif user_number | int > 5 %} {% set user_name = 'Unknown User' %} {%endif%} Front Door {{access_method}} User: {{user_number}} ({{user_name}}) mode: single {% set lock_status = states('lock.front_door_lock','status') | capitalize %} {% set access_control = state_attr('sensor.front_door_acc_cont_alarm','alarm') | int%} {% set access_method = 'Unknown' %} {% if access_control | int == 1 %} {% set access_method = 'Manual Lock' %} {% elif access_control | int == 2 %} {% set access_method = 'Manual Unlock' %} {% elif access_control | int == 3 %} {% set access_method = 'RF Lock' %} {% elif access_control | int == 4 %} {% set access_method = 'RF Unlock' %} {% elif access_control | int == 5 %} {% set access_method = 'Keypad Lock' %} {% elif access_control | int == 6 %} {% set access_method = 'Keypad Unlock' %} {% endif %} {% set user_number = state_attr('sensor.front_door_acc_cont_alarm','user_number') | int%} {% if user_number | int == 0 %} {% set user_name = 'System' %} {% elif user_number | int == 1 %} {% set user_name = 'Brian' %} {% elif user_number | int == 2 %} {% set user_name = 'Lisa' %} {% elif user_number | int == 3 %} {% set user_name = 'Zachary' %} {% elif user_number | int == 4 %} {% set user_name = 'Brittany' %} {% elif user_number | int == 5 %} {% set user_name = 'Home Care' %} {% elif user_number | int > 5 %} {% set user_name = 'Unknown User' %} {%endif%} Front Door {{access_method}} User: {{user_number}} ({{user_name}})
  14. Good to hear. I may pickup one of those before I get too involved but Canada store doesn’t have yet, but they do ship to Canada from USA store.
  15. Curious what stick you got? If an 800 works I may purchase one so I have latest version before I jump in too far into this, but on the other hand new versions of things may sometimes be buggier!
  16. Plug into a computer and use the silicon labs software and see what firmware is in it. It needs to be a certain version.
  17. Was it working before? Try updating the addon if available, if not and is a new setup, remove the integration and re-add it, make sure you select the correct USB device during setup. are you setup using zwave mqtt ?
  18. @DaveStLou I doubt that the ZMatter dongle is supported in HA. It can however use the Zooz USB ZWave dongle that was previously used in Polisy. It will work not simply placing it in the HA without resetting it. The security keys will be different and from Polisy. HA generates new keys as part of the setup process. HA itself does not have any idea of what devices were included from Polisy. All devices will have to be excluded/re-included. What you can do though if you are using a Zooz is to install the Silicon Labs software in Windows and do a backup of the dongle... then reset it in HA and play around with some spare Z-Wave devices. If you find HA is not working with ZWave like you though (doubtful) and want to revert back to Polisy, just restore the backup again using the Silicon Labs and insert back in Polisy and should work again except for devices you excluded/included in HA that were on Polisy before. There is a thread in ZWave 700 forum where I mention how to do the backup and restore. If you are doing this though as a trial/experiment I highly recommend getting a separate Zooz Zwave USB dongle for HA so you can run both systems simultaneously and move stuff over at your leisure. The Zooz dongle is not that expensive.
  19. Not sure how you interpreted it that way. This was big news other day that Google is basically finally killing off these Nest services after fulfilling their 5 year promise to keep support going. Some of these devices are 8 years old or longer so I don't think anyone else would be concerned over a device that old. It affects Dropcams, Nest Secure, and Works with Nest devices, because they were not able to update these to work with Google Home. https://www.googlenestcommunity.com/t5/Blog/An-update-for-our-Nest-Secure-Dropcam-and-Works-with-Nest-Users-and/ba-p/391449 https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/04/google-is-bricking-dropcams-and-nest-secure-offers-discounts-to-upgraders/
  20. I agree that the Automations in HA should have some sort of better organization, tags and being able to filter would solve this issue I bet. Folders in IoX could be confusing since sometimes a program may be for multiple devices in different folders in IoX and have to make a decision where to place. Tonight I plugged in a Zooz Z-Wave dongle that I had used with my Polisy. I was surprised how easy it is to setup, and even does OTW firmware updats, and OTA firmware updates are supported for many devices. I added a couple Z-Wave devices to test and seems to work good so far. It also appears that entities created are referenced by name instead of the node number (which still exists deep down), so supposedly no more issues with underlying node number changes if have to remove-re-add a device and changing all automations etc., but I am not certain how this works in reality and have to experiment. The Z-Wave implementation seems superior to what IoX offers - just the information and way it is displayed makes much more sense. Not sure why one would use IoX for ZWave if also running HA?!? In my case I am, but I am just testing now... eventually I would like to run Insteon off Polisy and move all ZWave to HA. Like I said, currently still have all of my devices in IoX, including all Z-Wave. Still working towards recreating programs but I have been busy doing other things so just got back into it a bit today... I was able to recreate my programs in HA that detects user number which unlocks front door using Yale Assure lock, and sends notification, which was far simpler to do than on IoX and notification nodeserver. The other thing my IoX program that I based this on does is disarms the DSC alarm depending on user unlock, so the next step is to disable this DSC node server in PG3 IoX and install the DSX integration in HA so I can replicate this feature (apparently can only login one at a time to DSC interface), I am not sure the simplest way to do this, since I want ability to revert back for now.. maybe simply changing password, or IP address of device in node server would work. I am just gradually taking small steps to test this out but so far looks promising. Anyways, the programming abilities seem much more capable in HA than IoX and I am sure I will not run into a case where I can't do something I have done in IoX with HA. As far as support, the only support I have ever needed from UD is when something got broken and they needed to fix. I never in the past 15 years or so have needed to ask them via a ticket how to do something, and I instead stick more to community type support and lots of reading/research for this. It seems that there is magnitudes more community support with HA, but is a challenge to filter out old info because has gone through so many updates.... for example I was looking where to find menu item in ZWave how to re-interview or remove a failed node, and finally figured out have to press the three dots next to the configure text, and has a menu pops up, where previous versions show the names on main screen, which many online docs seem to refer to. I ordered a Sonoff Zigbee USB Dongle plus, the P version which I heard is more reliable at this time than the E version especially with zigbee wireless devices (although the E may be upgradeable to Matter since uses same chipset as Skyconnect, but depends if a similar firmware as sky connect will be developed to do the multiprotocol). Maybe I am reading old info and this is all fixed now but not sure. I also got a couple zigbee devices to test - Aquara P1 motion, and a couple Sonoff outlets... which are far cheaper than Z-Wave alternatives. My HA SkyConnect order seems to have been one of those that didn't get fulfilled for last batch, so will be in May probably. I don't see Zigbee being enabled in IoX anytime soon, and if it was probably would be very limited support for devices. Matter who knows... and who really cares at this point?!?
  21. Yes that is what I would be thinking of doing also, leaving Insteon to IoX because I somehow think that HA Insteon support with PLM may not be as good. The ISY Integration for HA does not seem to be complete at bringing across node servers (I don't really expect it to) so I would have to redo these which I see are supported integrations in HA.. DSC Alarm and Opensprinkler (which is not that big of a deal really). Some of my current automations use DSC Alarm so currently I could not replicate them in HA for testing at this time, unless you are aware of a way to present DSC Nodeserver as an alarm in HA via your integration?
  22. I made a post here about this, would like some examples why it is superior, as not to get this thread too far off topic.
  23. I keep hearing different opinions which is the best. How IoX is so superior and easier compared to HA. From what I am seeing, I do not really believe this so far and probably is just people talking that are used to IoX. Maybe I am wrong though, so I wonder if someone can show me a practical automation example done in IoX which is difficult to do in HA, and the other way around... better in HA and difficult in IoX, or cannot be done at all respectively. Nothing hardware specific, eg. IoX will beat it of course in Insteon support, likewise HA probably bests IoX in other Hardware support (ie. Zigbee). I am fairly new at Home Assistant, but I was able to some things on it far easier than how was done in IoX... in particular notifications and GeoLocation. Right now I am using HA mainly to make Apple HomeKit work but want to do a bit more. Therefore, my experiment moving forward is to attempt at replicating many of my programs in IoX to HA, and temporarily disable them in IoX as I go... just to see how HA is and test it more. Maybe after a while I could find a deal-breaker to change my mind but kinda doubt it since my programs are pretty basic, just timers, triggers etc. nothing over-complex. Reliability and bugs is one issue that I am uncertain of... so far IoX/ISY has been very reliable once setup and I understand for most part how programs should work and how to write them, however it can be real confusing to do seemingly otherwise easy tasks because of the way programs are executed, which seem like one of the biggest support topics on these forums. HA has superior abilities in this regard https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/automation/modes/) and there are possibilities and logic that can be done in HA that are very difficult in IoX, having to use workarounds such as disabling programs, using variables etc. I am not really interested in using HA at this time for making fancy interfaces or cards, I am more interested in back-end logic/automation to see how it handles everything that IoX currently does.
  24. How is support for Insteon with HA and PLM? I have a new spare USB PLM and If works good I may consider same... I suppose I could test two separate networks simultaneously, not sure if that would cause interference?. I have a feeling that Insteon support probably better still on IoX and using it as an Insteon bridge with integration may work also, but I wouldn't want to rely on the plugin just in case something happens and development stops for whatever reason and a future IoX upgrade breaks it. What dongle are you using for Z-Wave in HA? I have a couple Zooz and think they should work that I used on Polisy, but if there is something better you have found I would be interested.
  25. I also notice the unknown in a few binary ZWave sensors. Do they change from Unknown to another state when triggered? EDIT: I just noticed that two of my wireless ZWave leak sensors show unknown, but have not triggered (which is a good thing), however a lift pump sensor that runs all the time on a Zen17 currently shows Off... so it is updated when when state is changed from Unknown. When I look in AC and the same Uknown ZWave sensors are blank, so being battery powered devices probably don't get queried correctly. In my case, I don't think this is an issue with Home Assistant but instead because the sensor has no data. Later when home I will trigger a leak sensor and see if changes in HA. Just curious why not move all ZWave to HA? Other than it being a big job, wouldn't it be better to just add a ZWave dongle to HA and then move all the devices over? Unless there is something IoX can do that HA cannot. I am just starting to get into HA and seems a possibility to just treat my Polisy/IoX as an Insteon bridge for the 40 or so Insteon devices that I have, move over some ZWave to test over time, and then attempt to replicate all the programs/logic etc. in HA. Maybe there is something I don't know yet that I will run into that will make me realize this is dumb idea This also puts me at mercy of the HA ISY/IoX integration if anything would happen down the road where support ended for whatever reason and it stopped working.
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