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Everything posted by brians

  1. I was running two separate Z-Wave networks for a while. When I moved from Home Assistant I moved Z-Wave devices from my Polisy manually by first excluding and then including in Home Assistant (Z-Wave JS). Both networks worked fine but I am only talking about 40 devices in total. I had my Polisy Z-Wave still working for long time as a test, but I recently disabled the radio since is useless to me. I only use Polisy for my legacy Insteon in case anyone reading this is wondering. I am not sure what would happen if had multiple larger Z-Wave networks, but I suspect it would still work because Z-Wave is encrypted to a particular controller so the other network will just ignore, and I don't think there is too much network chatter with Z-Wave. With Zigbee you can change the channel to run multiple coordinators, but cannot after adding devices or they need to be repaired. The Zigbee channels sit in the valleys between the WiFi channels' peaks so not really an issue with interference(at least I never found one and I am using all three common 2.4Ghz WiFi channels).
  2. Heard a loud pop in middle of night woke us up. Dead FanLinc. Ordered a new one, should be in this week. This one was purchased in 2019, which was replacing a previously failed one which lasted longer, probably 8 years. I was going to look into other options for the fanlinc but not much out there and its just easier to replace this one and hopefully get another 4-5 years out of it.
  3. Updated mine using AC. No issues.
  4. No it is in admin firmware and says firmware 5.8.3 is up to date. I’ll try when at home later.
  5. Don’t see update available on UD Mobile. I’m too lazy to open the admin console on my PC.
  6. Well it definitely doesn’t “matter” if you are using an EISY or Polisy, because it’s not available yet! For those using other automation platforms it is working for quite a while, but there is not much incentive to use over other products right now. I only have a two Matter devices in my Home Assistant which are wiz wifi rgb bulbs - I use them as an experiment and they work ok but I prefer to stay away from wifi devices like that where needs some app to setup and maintain. Thread would be more interesting to me but I can’t bring myself to spend $ on a thread bulb or any other device and go down that rabbit hole just to test. I would rather just get more zigbee Hue bulbs.
  7. That is meant for browsing websites in a kiosk mode. I see many use it for Home Assistant because its dashboards are web based - can get a cheap tablet and bolt it on the wall. With IoX they use Java and mobile apps to control so not sure it would be much use. There is a web interface but it is not developed at all since original ISY.
  8. brians

    Zwave Long Range

    No sorry I was just curious about the long range since I always thought it was only with 800 series but your post made me learn something new today Hopefully UD reads this thread and clarifies if it supports LR or, if not, will so in future.
  9. brians

    Zwave Long Range

    Curious why you want to use long range mode anyways? Are these plugs a long distance away and not work otherwise? From what I read if paired in long range they don’t mesh. This feature has only been out less than a month anyways. https://github.com/zwave-js/zwave-js-ui/releases/tag/v9.10.0
  10. It is my understanding that SkyConnect has been working with Thread for a long time, like over a year. While I have a SkyConnect, I have not bothered buying any thread devices yet, however I have a few Matter devices running on WiFi to experiment with. For Zigbee I use a Sonoff P dongle, Z-Wave a Zooz 700, and of course the SkyConnect which I setup in OpenThread firmware instead of using multiprotocol for Zigbee (I use Z2M so at the time I setup did not support as well). The latest Home Assistant update allows for adding devices from other controllers now. So in your case, possibly if you added one to an existing border router like an Apple Homepod mini, or Google device, Home Assistant should theoretically be able to pick it up over WiFi from the Thread border router. 2024.4: Organize all the things! - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)
  11. I believe that the Netgate blog post was an April Fools joke.
  12. New sections view is also great for dashboards. It allows drag and drop finally. Experimental for now but will be enhanced in future.
  13. Proxmox can run on lots of different hardware. I run it on an older Intel nuc for Home Assistant and couple other VMs. Benefit is can backup and restore VM in minutes, can do snapshots before updates for quick rollback if any issues etc. It would be neat to run Iox in a virtual machine under Proxmox. Proxmox also works great with usb pass through.
  14. What happens when you want to remove one or replace? I couldn’t get that to work maybe works better now? Also if plm isn’t fully reset it adds old links.
  15. I think it used to delete them but I believe a change was made so in case HA or ISY doesn’t start or communicate correctly with the integration, then the integration could have deleted all your entities accidentally. Just delete them in HA. It may require a HA restart if delete option is unavailable. 30 entities won’t take long really.
  16. Just put them in a folder with the ignore string in folder name. I use {HA IGNORE}
  17. Maybe parameter 11-15? https://www.support.getzooz.com/kb/article/608-zen32-scene-controller-advanced-settings/ I never tried setting brightness to zero and have done way you describe. I don’t think it would make much of a difference and has advantage of being able to set brightness separately without being changed.
  18. That is normal how zen32 works with the buttons. You have to make programs to make buttons work correctly (I made a post somewhere here how to do). Sort of a mess how to do in iox and not very reliable and sluggish I found since it seems to process zwave events slow.
  19. Was bored tonight and was on on Polisy so thought I would do an upgrade. Bonus... I got 5.8.0
  20. Envisalink works great in HA. Been running for months. I’d recommend the hacs one since it is a refactor and setup with gui will replace one in core eventually. https://github.com/ufodone/envisalink_new
  21. Insteon, especially older devices, are not very reliable. If you tell us how old some of the devices are by providing first digit of Insteon ID, or revision number then that could help figure out. If they are very old chances are good that you have many of them failing. However, I have never experienced any of mine turning on, but other symptoms would be unresponsive, not turning on, communication errors.. .things like that. How many Inseon devices do you have anyways? You can also try pulling PLM off network for a day or so and see if that resolves, if still continues to turn on then you know it is nothing to do with polisy and PLM.
  22. brians

    HomeKit support

    Looked at the roomie app in the App Store and noticed update 2 weeks ago says “UD ISY Optimized”. Doesn’t mention EISY but what is current problem with EISY and Roomie?
  23. Tried updating using UD Mobile, says there was 5.7.1 but did not seem to update. After a reboot in UD Mobile, only available update is 5.7.0 and current version is 5.7.0. I did update via AC and worked fine. I have a Polisy.
  24. Did you press the button on the Leviton after was blinking? I have a few of those and process I have in my notes is... Leviton: Include or Exclude Press hold till blink, Press again
  25. Yes, and I am sure that about a year ago when I first updated to ZMatter and played with this that this was not the case... maybe something has changed, or I did not test fully, or maybe a firmware update in Zen71 changed the operation how they work. I was testing in Home Assistant basic assoc in Z-Wave JS UI, and came across this looping - after some research I found that I had to do this parameter on one switch to prevent. I don't have much of a need for Basic Assoc anymore anyways since HA seems much faster and more reliable at processing Z-Wave.
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