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Everything posted by Xathros
Sounds to me like the relay in the IOLinc is dying or at a minimum, does not like the cold. -Xathros
Hello arndtk86- The easiest way to accomplish this (and what I believe most of us here do) is to remove the motion sensors from the scenes and use ISY programs to call the scenes when motion is detected rather than have the sensors directly in control. This will add about a 1 second delay between when motion is sensed and the lights react. Then, you can either disable the motion program or add additional criteria to the motion program(s) to enable/disable their response. Here is an example program: If Control 'MotionSensor' is Switched On Then Set Scene 'Lights' On Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'Lights' Off Else Now lets include a KPL button to disable the motion program: If Control 'MotionSensor' is Switched On And Status 'Kitchen_KPL8-D' is not On Then Set Scene 'Lights' On Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'Lights' Off Else In the above, Turning on the D button on the Kitchen KPL8 prevents the motion program from doing anything. Since you are using Mobilinc to control things, you could substitute a variable for the KPL button and add a program to toggle the variable: Program: MotionEnableDisable (Disabled) Important to disable this or it will just get stuck in a loop. if $s.MotionDisabled is 1 Then $s.MotionDisabled = 0 Else $s.MotionDisabled = 1 You can make the above a ML Favorite and use RunIf as the default action for the ML favorite to toggle the variable between 0 and 1 Then: If Control 'MotionSensor' is Switched On And $s.MotionDisabled is 0 Then Set Scene 'Lights' On Wait 5 minutes Set Scene 'Lights' Off Else Now, if you decide that the delay introduced by using a program is a problem, there is a sneaky way to continue using a motion controlled scene and simulate disabling the motion sensor. I wrote that up a while back here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/14587-motion-sensor-programming-help/page-2?do=findComment&comment=122476 This method is not recommended for a beginner however. Hope this helps. -Xathros
You could use a Switchlinc Dimmer in the box without the load line connected then add a micro relay module in the fan housing and link the two. That might move the click to a location where it won't be heard. -Xathros
Sorry to be late to the party. To answer the original question, I have a program in place to monitor for close failures (usually caused by something left in the sensor beam). I have different programs for opening and closing the doors. I call the following from my CloseIfOpen program: GarageFailNotify - [Not Enabled] If Status 'Garage / Garage Door IOLinks / GD- Dad Garage Door Sensor' is On Then Enable Program 'GarageFailNotify' Wait 20 seconds Repeat Every 10 minutes Send Notification to 'Xathros Cell' content 'Dad Garage Door Close Failure' Else Disable Program 'GarageFailNotify' If the door closes within the 20 second wait, the program just disables itself, otherwise, it repeatedly sends notifications. Hope this helps. -Xathros
Stu- It may be worth reviewing the many posts by ELA during the time he was developing the ELAM. He has provided this community with a great deal of valuable data on Insteon signaling, noise and attenuation. See: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/5600-getting-serious-when-comm-issues-strike/?hl=elam That KPL diagnostic tool is a joke in comparison. -Xathros
I have to agree with oberkc on this. Is it possible that the Wait is the last thing you added to the program and it needs to be saved for it to take effect? If not, Right click the program tree and select Find/Replace, Set the Find drop down to "Raw Text" and search for Garage.Alarm and see if there are any other references to this notification. -Xathros
Right click on your notification program, select Copy to Clipboard, and paste here for us to review. -Xathros
Thats what this thread is about actually. Right click a DEVICE and select disable. It will prevent it from being queried and complained about while it is not present on the network. -Xathros
chrishick- I am following this thread wit great interest. I use iRule to control some of my AV gear right now and do plan to expand to the ISY. This has got me very interested. -Xathros
I don't know what is complex about that at all. If your looking for a plug and play solution, I believe the wireless Insteon stat is the best solution. I have one that I use simply for monitoring the temp upstairs. It's a simple thing to send a notification if the temp is above/below predetermined values. You won't be using any of the stats internal programming. Simply link it to the ISY and use an ISY program to notify if temp drops below your threshold. Of course, if the power and internet are out, then there is no notify. There are some other solutions that just connect to your phone line and have internal battery backup. When triggered, they call out to a few preconfigured phone numbers and play a recorded message to alert you to the situation. These work as long as the phone line does not go down. -Xathros
Hi Jeff- There is a fairly low tech solution to this problem that works well for me: A square (1/2" by 1/2" of white electrical tape placed on the MS lens such that it obscures the bed area. I can toss and turn all I want but the sensor does not trigger till I stand up getting out of the bed or walk into the room through the door. I have the sensor mounted across the room from the bed centered with the bed. The tape is affixed to the lower center of the MS lens. I used a square cut out of a post-it note to experiment with placement before placing the electrical tape. Since the door to my master bath is normally open when it's not in use, instead of bringing the MBR lights on dim, I bring the LED backlight of the Master Bath Switchlinc Dimmer on to 100% for 5 minutes. Normally the backlights are off during our sleep hours. This provides enough light to navigate to and inside the bathroom without lighting up the bedroom and waking the boss. I also set the onlevel for the vanity light to 20% so that if we do turn on the light once in the bathroom with the door closed, it's not a blinding light. Normally, the backlight is all we need though. Hope this helps. -Xathros
Nice! Clean and simple. Why didn't I think of this... -Xathros
Thank you. Order placed. -Xathros
I have one KPLD that failed in this way. Does anyone have a Mouser or Digikey PN for the preferred Low ESR cap to replace with? -Xathros
Possibly but in my mind it is: DDT ("dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane") is a colorless, crystalline, tasteless and almost odorless organochloride known for its insecticidal properties. -Xathros
Dunno what I'm gonna do if SH releases a dual outlet dimmer. Guess I'll have to use DDT! -Xathros
I do something similar with mine: SLD - Switchlinc Dimmer SLR - Switchlinc Relay TLD - Toggleinc Dimmer TLR - Toggleinc Relay KD8 - Keypadlinc Dimmer (8 button) KR6 - Keypadlinc Relay (6 Button) OLR - Outletlinc Relay OLD - Outletlinc Dimmer DOT - Dual Outletlinc Relay (Top) DOB - Dual Outletlinc Relay (Bottom) ILD - Inlinelinc Dimmer ILR - Inlinelinc Relay MDM - Micro Dimmer Module MS - Motion Sensor TL - Triggerlinc HDS - Hidden Door Sensor BLB - Bulblinc And so on... -Xathros
In addition to the suggestions above, I have taken to adding a suffix to my scene names: MBR / MBR_Light.scn as in many cases I have a device and a scene with the same or very similar name. Having the .scn extension makes it easy to tell a device from a scene. When setting up variables, it helps to prefix them with s. or i. for State or Integer variables. -Xathros
Jim- Try this: Define an integer variable: i.Daylight Program: Daylight If From Sunrise To Sunset (same day) Then $i.Daylight = 1 Else $i.Daylight = 0 Program: Wakeup If Time is 6:00:00AM And $i.Daylight is 0 Then Set Scene 'MBR Lights' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Hope this helps. -Xathros
That long silver one looks to me like a Quartz Crystal. Is there a component label near it on the board? -Xathros
Additionally, you can add a program to resolve this for you: If Status 'Switchlinc-W/Load' Is Not Off And Control 'Secondary-Switchlinc' is switched On Then Set 'Switchlinc-W/Load' 100% Else Hope this helps. -Xathros
What? I have to disagree. I believe this will trigger and run then at sunset and trigger and run else at sunrise. -Xathros
Because his error was: /conf/net/6.res -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Excellent. Thanks for posting back. -Xathros Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk