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Everything posted by auger66
Switching over from Yahoo Plus, and these settings got me a "TLS negotiation failed" error message. smtp.live.com 587 TLS checked Any settings that work with outlook.com? Also, is there still a problem with hitting the email send limit with the default settings?
The ON/OFF buttons aren't in any scenes at all. Let me look at this more. If I can't figure it out, I'll just start over with a keypadlinc factory reset. Thanks, ya'll. I just needed to know if the behavior was normal. Now that I know it's not, I'll dig deeper in to what I have done.
No, not normal based on my experience and expectations. My experience is that all buttons operate independent of each other unless specifically configured otherwise. Is it possible that you have inadvertently configured your keypad with some type of button grouping? That was my experience, too; but I've never used this specific keypad. No groupings. I've used the ISY for all programming. Also, I've found pressing the main OFF button switches off the ABD buttons, too.
I know there has been a lot of discussion on keypadlincs and LEDs, but I haven't seen this one. I'm putting in a new Insteon/ISY installation in a remote location. I have one of the recently discontinued non-dual band 6-button KeypadLinc Relays (2486S v.36). All buttons are in non-toggle on mode except the C button which is non-toggle off. All switches and LEDs function exactly the way I want except for one thing. When I press the main ON switch, any of the ABD buttons that are on will immediately go out. There is no delay at all so it seems to be a function of the switch. I can turn the ABD LEDs back on after the main ON is switched on. Is this normal behavior for the switch? Can it be changed? Thanks.
There's only one circuit for the fan and light so that is the case. That's what I thought. Give the Fanlinc the fastest ON I can give it with the KPL and let the Fanlinc control the ramp rate. Thanks.
And another somewhat related question. I want to set a two second ramp rate on the light. Where's the proper location to set the ramp rate--the Keypadlinc, Fanlinc, or both? I would think the KPL should be set to 0.1 seconds, and the FL to 2 seconds.
There's the problem, button D should not be a member of the mutually exclusive group. Button D should be non-toggle off and linked as a controller of the FanLinc (once the ISY is updated to support it) and buttons A, B and C. I tried that, but it doesn't turn off the ABC buttons--unless the button behavior changes after it's linked to the Fanlinc. I don't see how it would, though, since the Fanlinc is a responder only. I think the closest I'm going to be able to get to what I want is to put ABCD in toggle mode in a mutually exclusive group. That way I can turn the fan and button off by pressing the lit button or the D button twice.
I’m preparing a Keypadlinc (2486D v.40) for a Fanlinc installation. I have an ISY to program, but this installation will be stand-alone in a different location. I’m just trying to get the Keypadlinc buttons working the way I want right now. I’ll manually link the Keypadlinc to the Fanlinc if the new ISY firmware doesn’t come out by the 11th. I would like the light OFF and FAN OFF buttons to not be lit when used; i.e., when the light and fan are off, no buttons on the Keypadlinc are lit. I changed the light on/off button to non-toggle on, and it works like this naturally. The fan buttons–not so much. I changed the A, B, & C buttons to non-toggle on, and the D button to non-toggle OFF. Once I put all four buttons into a mutually-exclusive group, the D button became non-toggle on, or the light stayed on, anyway. So I put the A, B, & C buttons in a group. Now I just needed a scene to turn them off. I made a scene with the D button as the controller and the A, B, & C buttons as responders. That also made the D button stay on as a non-toggle ON. I guess the problem here is I’m trying to start a scene with an OFF command. Is this possible without an ISY program? Thanks.
Lee, Thanks for your interest. I'm going to start a new subject on this since this has nothing to do with 3.1.17. I had to step away from it for awhile once I started looking for wireless spy cameras. Gary
Lots of errors, but not any -5000x errors. But I've been trying to figure out my all-of-a-sudden TriggerLinc reception problem all day (nothing to do with the ISY and didn't figure it out.) I may have cleared the log last night after I finished with the email stuff.
No notifications, and they ran. The TriggerLinc issue turned out to be something else--RF interference, I think. I'm going to ask for thoughts on that in a separate thread.
It was either the email customizations or the triggers in the program itself. I just kept fiddling with both until the notifications started working again. After playing with all TriggerLincs, the ISY is receiving the signals again and showing their status.
I was just using the test button. I also found I had to redo all of the programs with notifications in them. On a separate issue, I have four TriggerLincs and have lost communications with all of them--no status at all in the admin console or log entries when their status changes. Hmmm.
I've always just used the default (alerts@universal-devices.com,) and it completely stopped working. So, I filled in the SMTP info for my email provider (Yahoo Plus) and had to change the SMTP port from 465 to 587. It works with those settings whether I put something before the colon or not in the "from" field. email: Yahoo Plus ISP: AT&T DSL
Physical design flaw with the Venstar Insteon Integrated Thermostat (Item# 2491T7E) if you install a humidity module The problem was losing communications and scenes not working with the new thermostat. It set up OK, but it didn’t last. After having the same problem with the replacement, I looked into it a little harder. The humidity module comes with a thick piece of double-sided mounting tape. The thickness of the tape and the module itself causes the circuit board to partially push the set button in from the back. You can tell if this is happening by the fact that the set button doesn’t “click†when you push it after the thermostat is snapped back together. I removed the thick mounting tape and just put a small piece of electrical tape on the circuit board to protect it. That is just enough so the circuit board isn’t depressing the button; i.e., it clicks now. Between the RMA calls, shipping, troubleshooting, re-linking, etc., this was quite time consuming.
D'oh! That got it. I wasn't familiar with that option; even though, humidity was being reported with the old dongle. I guess the good news is you got the "report humidity" option working. Thanks, as always.
Yes, it reports everything else automatically whether I change the set point or mode on the thermostat or with the ISY. And the thermostat reports inside temp changes automatically. I may have jumped the gun on the high humidity reporting. Breathing on it too much, maybe. I still need to watch it for a day or so. I did replace the dongle following the excellent procedure posted here. http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=6811&p=52014&hilit=dongle#p52014 If you think removing the thermostat from the ISY and setting it up again from scratch would help, I can try that. I just dont' want to do it unnecessarily.
Hmmm. I just found this thread after I replaced my 2.0 dongle with a 2.3 dongle on a Venstar 1900. The 2.3 is not reporting humidity changes. I have to query it. Plus the humidity it reports is about 10% more than with the 2.0. I just put it in so I'll have to watch this for a day or two to verify. Any updates on getting automatic humidity reports like with the 2.0 dongle? 3.1.13
Many thanks to GPG and apostolakisl for the guidance. There's no telling how many hours it saved me. I got two iTach units (WF and IP) today after giving up on a working Insteon IR solution. They both work great, and I was able to get rid of my last two X-10 devices. The Hunter Douglas Powerrise 1.0 blinds in my bedroom work consistently for the first time ever. The IR blaster is a little weak, though. I had to aim it precisely. Now that I have an iTach, I think I'll give iRule a shot at replacing my Harmony remote when the new iPod Touch comes out.
I checked the event viewer, and there was no X-10. Nonetheless, I'll try a reset when I get home.
No X-10. The KPLs are brand new. I'm leaving town tomorrow. I'll have to tackle the other suggestion when I get back. Thanks.
I have tranferred everything over to the ISY, and have my programs and scenes working great. However, the last thing I've been working on are KPL lights and which ones should be on when. I have one 6-KPL and one 8-KPL, both v.36. The six-key one has scenes defined on the four small buttons labeled A, B, C, and D. The eight-key has scenes on the bottom two buttons labeled G and H. I have the button lights working for the most part within each KPL. However, buttons on one KPL turn on lights on the other KPL without them being in the scene. For instance, if I press C on 6KPL, G and H illuminate on the 8KPL. If I add G and H to the C scene and put the slider at zero, same thing. Slider on 100%, same thing. It works the other way, too. G and H on the 8-KPL turn on A and B on the 6-KPL. I want A and B off. I tried a program to change the backlighting so it would look like they were off. Nope, same result. For clarification, the scenes associated with the buttons on the other KPLs are not being activated. The button light just turns on. I've removed the buttons from the scenes that aren't working properly and am ready to start over, but I'm out of ideas.
Flag program. Total newbie here and trying to learn the new ISY-way of doing things. I had flags in my previous program (HCA), but had no idea how to do it with the ISY. This will be a great help. Thanks.
Hi Michel, I'm about to place a large order for Insteon and an ISY. It will be all Insteon, but still a fairly small installation. No V1 thermostat. From what you've seen now and if you were starting from scratch, would you recommend getting the new 2413S or the old 2412S? Thanks.
Thanks, Joe. No Insteon yet. Waiting for a sale to replace all X-10 with all Insteon. I plan on using Homeseer with the ISY; however, from what I've read, I want the ISY to do as much as possible. I plan on going from X-10, Home Control Assistant (excellent program, btw) to the ISY, Homeseer/HSTouch, and a wall-mounted Archos 9 as a touch screen. The only reason I'm leaving HCA is the lack of touch screen interface. And the touch screen is just a want, really. Just trying to put it together in my head first.