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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. Then I may need to revise that logic. FYI Thermostat events are already debounced. If there are multiple events for the same thermostat within a short period of time (1 second), only one lookup will be done. I may need to increase that delay. Benoit
  2. I can share some insights on this one. When you have both the V3 skill enabled and Live update enabled, then a "permanent" subscription is started. That subscription is the same as when the admin console is started, or when Mobilinc is used. This is used to capture the state of Alexa devices, and send it to Amazon so that it can be displayed on the mobile app. Whenever a light goes on or off for example, an event is sent, it is captured, and sent to Amazon. Now, for thermostat specifically, the logic is this. Whenever a thermostat event is received, a /rest/nodes/<thermostat address> is sent to get all of the thermostat properties. Amazon wants to receive all of the device properties, so this is the reason for this "lookup". Now the question becomes why are there so many requests? A thermostat property should not change that often. Benoit
  3. Ok great, I was not aware of that. Benoit Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. To my knowledge, it's not possible to dynamically set the content of a network resource. If someone really wanted that, I guess you could configure 20-30 network resources with each a specific numeric value, 20-30 programs, and use a state var to trigger the corresponding network resource. But that's a lot of network resources and programs for the task. Benoit
  5. I think in most cases, it’s easier to use fixed network resources to increase and decrease volume, and assign them to the volume up/down, and not use network state variables at all. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Thanks for the report. It’s now fixed in dev. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. The update is complete. Benoit
  8. Humm... Strange. I would try with the iOS or android app then. Benoit
  9. You need to uninstall the V2 skill, and install V3. The V3 skill is available in Canada. Benoit
  10. I have applied for the developer preview. Given the amount of interest, this may be added to the roadmap. Thanks all, Benoit
  11. In order to turn on/off lights based on which echo you speak to: 1. Create an Alexa group (The name does not matter) 2. Add your Alexa device in that group (You need the iOS or Android app to do this - alexa.amazon.com web app does not support that) 3 Add your lighting devices in that group That's it. Now, what it allows you do do is: - Say "Alexa, turn off the lights", which will turn off all lights in the same group as Echo. - Say "Alexa, turn on the lights", which will turn off all lights in the same group as Echo. FAQ: Why does my scene does not turn on/off? A scene is not a lighting device. Only devices identified as a light will turn on/off. In the next update tomorrow to the V3 skill, you will be able to make your scene appear as a lighting device. Can I have 2 devices named the same, like "Alexa, turn off the bedroom light" which targets different devices depending on the echo? No. Alexa device names (or spokens) needs to be unique. Furthermore, when you specify a device name in your command, this is not limited to the group the Echo device is in. Your device could be in another group, or in no group at all, and it will be accessible. I can't add my echo to the group. You need to use the iOS or Android app. The Alexa web app does not support that yet. Benoit
  12. This is currently not in the roadmap. Do you have specific use cases in mind? Benoit
  13. No. What this will allow you to do is: In ISY, you have a scene. In Alexa, that scene will appear like a regular lighting device. What does that mean? It means that: - In Alexa, the scene will appear with a light icon (It has another icon, and shows up under scenes, instead of devices) - If you ask "Alexa, lights off", it will be turned off (scenes are not turned off or on by such a command) - In a Routine, you will be able to add it and choose to turn it off. (scenes can only be activated, not deactivated) Benoit
  14. This is strange. Have you also removed the devices in that second account? I reproduces the problem, and by unlinking the skill and removing devices, SYNC requests then worked. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. You could have an ISY scene that shows up in Alexa as a light. This allows things like implicit targeting; “Alexa, lights off” for example does not work on scenes, but if that scene becomes a lightning device, then it would turn off. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Unfortunately we have no control over this. Only Amazon could potentially enhance this.
  17. Hello everyone, We will have a maintenance release this Sunday 12-03-2017 at 5:00 AM PDT. Unfortunately, we will have a downtime period of up to 2 hours. Maintenance - Add resources to all servers (Memory) - Update SSL Certificates New features - Amazon Echo Smart Home skill V3: Add ability to expose Scenes/Programs/State variables as either, a Scene or a Device (Light, Switch or Outlet). - Google Home Home Control: Add ability to expose Scenes/Programs/State variables as either, a Scene or a Device (Light, Switch or Outlet). Benoit
  18. Hello everyone, We will have a maintenance release this Sunday 12-03-2017 at 5:00 AM PDT. Unfortunately, we will have a downtime period of up to 2 hours. Maintenance - Add resources to all servers (Memory) - Update SSL Certificates New features - Amazon Echo Smart Home skill V3: Add ability to expose Scenes/Programs/State variables as either, a Scene or a Device (Light, Switch or Outlet). - Google Home Home Control: Add ability to expose Scenes/Programs/State variables as either, a Scene or a Device (Light, Switch or Outlet). Benoit
  19. I reproduced the problem. In the GH App, go to one of the 2 accounts, and disable the skill. It should not be enabled on both accounts. I think this is an edge case Google should detect. But the easiest for now is to activate Smart Home on only one of the 2 accounts. Benoit
  20. Seno, This message appears, because of a specific error returned by Google: {"error":{"code":400,"message":"Request contains an invalid argument.","status":"INVALID_ARGUMENT"}}. By experimentation, the only case when this would happens is when Google Home does not recognize you (actually, the unique userId I'm sending). BUT, I looked at the logs and found something interesting. Following the SYNC request from ISY Portal, I see 2 syncs happening, after which the SYNC request from ISY Portal fails with the above error. Do you have 2 GH linked to the same ISY Portal user profile? I think the sync is actually working, despite the error message. Can you check if your new devices are indeed available in GH? If this message is caused by having 2 GH linked, I have to speak to Google. I may need to detect that, and not give an error to the user when it is actually working. Benoit
  21. Seno, I have personally never seen that option in the the mobile app. The supported way to send spokens from ISY Portal to Google Home is to use ISY Portal. In the ISY Portal Google Home page, there is a button to send spokens. Benoit
  22. Location specific requests like asking an Echo "Alexa, turn lights on" works with Alexa groups. As you guessed it, you need to have a group that contains your echo device, and the related lights. Now, all that allows you to do is to turn them all on or off. "Alexa, turn lights off" will turn off the light devices from that group only. Currently, there is no way to have the same spoken recognized using different groups. Whenever you request to turn on/off a specific device, the scope is not limited to the group the Echo is in. As an example, if you ask "Alexa, turn off bedroom", it will turn off that device, regardless of the group the device is assigned to, and regardless of the group in which that echo is. Benoit
  23. Yes. Presently, scenes/programs/state vars are exposed as switches. The next update will allow you expose scenes/programs/state vars as either a switch or a light. Benoit
  24. We are currently waiting for Amazon. Updates are sent to Amazon in real-time, but are not shown on the app. Benoit.
  25. Yes, this is coming soon. Benoit
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