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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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Everything posted by jerlands

  1. To test your programs right click on the program and select "Status Icons > Detailed" then right click again and select "Run (Then)" and your light should turn on and you will observe the file turn full green indicating it's running then. Next, change your program to a time close to the present i.e., From 11:47 To 11:48 and you can observe the program run and status change and you should be able to observe the light turn on and off. Jon...
  2. Post your resource. You may need to use URC format rather than the raw string (separated by comma e.g. 08,22,00,00,00,02,D4) Jon...
  3. What happens when you set up your resource as in post #49? (remove the commas ,\r,\l) Jon...
  4. Depending on your version I might hold off on that till 5.0.3 is released. I think 4.x is more stable and 4.4.3 is the only version supporting the free version of network resources. Jon...
  5. I don't know.. the settings are Auto Detect, Local or Secure so I image you need to select auto. Jon...
  6. Try rebooting ISY.. either Admin Console > Configuration > System and click Reboot button or remove power from ISY for approximately 30 seconds.. Jon...
  7. You might post your resource so others can see but you'll probably have to play around with it to see what works. Jon...
  8. Issues early this morning apparently resolved however now I have inconsistent behavior with Connected Home when turning on and off lights. While typing this out I'm playing around with Echo and things are now resolved. First Connected Home commands didn't work for all devices and if an alternate name was added it wasn't discovered until I "Forget all devices and groups" but now, 15 minutes later all commands appear to work consistently and alternate names are are discovered without issue? Anyway.. speed has increased! I had last timed responses at 2.2 seconds and now see 1.5 seconds. Jon...
  9. Echo stopped working for me last evening and I gave it up to the scheduled maintenance but this morning I've found the same problem. When I logged into my Amazon Alexa account all discovered devices were grayed out and several attempts to discover devices resulted in the dreaded "I couldn't find any connected home devices." I'm wondering who else is experiencing the problem. Edit: Also... Sorry, I'm having trouble accessing your ISY Skill right now Jon...
  10. So you know.. there's a couple good leak sensor programs floating around. Jon...
  11. You can write a program to do it. If leak sensor wet on Then Repeat 3 times on/off module on wait 1 sec on/off module off wait 1 sec Jon...
  12. Once resolved, and for the sake of any interested, you might post back the fix. Jon...
  13. One solution that always works is to open a ticket with UDI Jon...
  14. Also, here's a link to troubleshooting ISY flowchart that might help. Jon...
  15. I just noticed your light status in ISY... You might try rebooting to see if it clears to just showing power light lit. Edit: remove power from ISY, wait about 30 sec then plug back in. Jon...
  16. A possible solution is to Telnet into ISY (using admin/admin) where you can change user id to default admin/admin and also check the currently installed firmware version using VE command. Last resort might be to factory reset ISY and load last good backup but you'd lose any changes made from that period of time to the present. Jon...
  17. My workaround was to change my userid and password in ISY to that of the Portal and now I'm able to input local and use autodetect in Mobilinc. Jon...
  18. The passwords used are different for the Portal and local IP so auto detect won't work. Jon...
  19. Say -Xathros I greatly appreciate the explanation and examples! Not only did I learn something but reassures for me the ease of removing and relinking a device to troubleshoot. It works similar to any text editor.. right click on My Programs or anywhere in the folder and select Find/Replace and you can search through programs. Jon...
  20. I've deleted devices numerous times but forget.. if you renamed it as before my vague recollection is it doesn't affect programs? Apparently though you had to re-add it to programs it was included in. I also forgot to mention that using "Find/Replace" may have saved some time. Jon...
  21. If you have a recent backup you could use it but all changes made from the time backup was made will be removed. Jon...
  22. Good luck on the PLM replacement but be sure to follow the instructions for replacing and NOT to delete modem. Thanks for posting back... To replace a PLM: Unplug ISY from the power outlet Unplug the PLM from ISY and power outlet Connect ISY’s port A to the new PLM Plug the new PLM into a power outlet Plug ISY into a power outlet Go to Admin Console and wait for system initialization to completeIf you have PRO Series, click on the Battery icon at the top. This will prevent ISY from trying to update programming on your RF devices which are probably in sleep mode Click on the Restore Modem (PLM) menu optionIn case ISY cannot communicate (or decides not to if an RF device/PRO Series) during the process, you will have a series of nodes with green 1011 icons in the device tree. For each one of those nodes: If an RF device, ensure that the device is in Programming mode Right mouse click | Write pending updates ... Jon...
  23. I receive security and select ISY events and am able to record video of certain areas but I feel what I'm protecting myself from is the desperate individual who's looking for a few hundred bucks worth of stuff. Jon...
  24. Thanks for the insight and I can understand that it's easily done for those who have the skills but for the average citizen regarding ISY anyway I think the question is why? As larry said.. turn off and on his TV? Seems to me anyone who has the skills to hack into my network can earn a more substantial income than running away with anything I have in my home. Jon...
  25. In Mobilinc > My Settings > Lighting Controller Settings Jon...
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