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Everything posted by Panda88

  1. t looks like you found the place to put it (at the bottom - REFRESH_TOKEN) - Is the one shown one you entered - if not clear the filed and replace it with your token - make sure that there is not a blank space at the end of the token - I had that issue in the past. If it does not work, can you post a log file there - I need to know what it is wrong. Also it the version looks wrong - but it could be related to the node not starting
  2. I believe a full power cycle should do it -unless you had a very early version I think you may have the latest version already
  3. When you reboot it is designed to remove existing nodes and then recreate them - you often need to refresh the browser to the the node server to show all - it is a known polyglot UI issue Have you updated polyglot to latest version? There have been some node handling changes recently I do not see the behavior you describe - maybe you can enable debug in the log and send me a long log - Maybe I can figure out what is happening
  4. Really strange - There is no communication from the Yolink cloud - Using MQTT the sensors should report by them selves - I am only querying once an hour - nothing coming from the cloud - maybe try to generate new credentials For the UDI mobile issue - did you try to reboot the PoI ? The text files are only read at reboot - updating the server is not enough - little strange but it seems to be the case
  5. Are you running a different application with the same credentials (like HA or similar) - It seems only one one application can use the same credentials at a time . I am not 100% sure, but I have seen the same when using 2 different ISYs running the same code. I see the code initializing but then nothing happens - it times out and reacquires the token. I think another application has the control I did find an error on the door sensor that I fixed - I did not update version yet but uploaded the fix I am travelling and cannot test the code change.
  6. Congrats on the car, I think this should work - you can specify max charge current - but you need to make sure it works correctly - I have not been able to verify it You have to be a little careful as there is (I believe) a delay from the tesla API - I htink commands are ok but getting data back may have some delay
  7. Can you provide a log file from the node serer?. Aldo try to restart the node server after update. I think there were some cloud issues yesterday
  8. Try 0.4.2 - I no longer remove nodes - There may be an issue with multi devices - as I cannot create the sub nodes as there is no information on them - I'll look to keep the state but it is a more complex change
  9. I agree - but they are supposedly working on a local mode as well
  10. I'll be looking at it today - hopefully not too complex. Also, Maybe I should change the error to warning - program should keep running and as soon as node is back on-line it should pick up again (assuming it was there when the Node server startted)
  11. Yes - this is expected
  12. There is no local API yet - they are working on something but not released yet - will likely need a new version of HUB to do it
  13. yes - it detect the motion sensor as off line when installing and then it removes it - It is probably too aggressive - I should just keep it an let it show off-line - I have to assume that devices registered are supposed to exits I'll look at making that change later
  14. I need the log from the node server - go to polisy and go to node server and then download log The on-line checks if the cloud api has a connection/communication with the motion sensor It is possible I made a mistake but mine show up???
  15. If a device is not on line when restarted it is removed - Maybe that is too aggressive - let me know. Send me an log and I can take a look
  16. I forgot to change the version number in the code - did a 0.4.1 - try that
  17. 0 means closed - there is an issue that I have been struggling to find on the udiMobile - is somehow does not pick up the number to text conversion
  18. Is this a yolink device ? The door state is an input (opened or closed) - to control the door need to use the finger - issue a toggle to the finger
  19. the changes are in the IF portion
  20. Changes should be int he programming are - if you choose control in the conditional statement the nodes that can be controlled should show up now - e.g. a motion sensor should show up allowing control when there is motion - vs. a state change as before - In my mind there is little difference as the node server is MQTT based so the state change happens at the same time but it does not hurt to support both I guess . Or are you saying you do not see the nodes under control?
  21. Dropped 0.4.0 Added support for Control (and state) in relevant nodes Let me know it works
  22. I think they have an API with more capability that what is offered externally - lot of settings in the APP is not available in the external API. It would have been great to be able to combine the two but unfortunately I do not know how
  23. Dropped 0.3.6 - should support Finger - if you run into issues set debug level to debug and send me the log Hopefully it works, but I have no way to test
  24. The API keeps the two separate - I need to create a finger node for it to work - the yolink app may link them for direct control (no need to go through cloud)
  25. Yes - I need to create a node for the finger controller - i'll see if I can add it tomorrow - and then you can give it a try - I do not have one, so I cannot test it here
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