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Everything posted by dbwarner5

  1. When the outside lights turn on, does it change the luminance at the Motion sensor? if so, the Wait forces a re-evaluation of the IF and will make it turn false and so the Then will never complete.. Remove and put your wait and off settings into your Else statement and see if that fixes it. From WIKI --> The program's conditions are reevaluated each time a Wait or Repeat statement is encountered, and at the end of each iteration of a Repeat loop. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Scope,_Precedence_and_Execution_Order#Statement_Execution_Order
  2. @Kentinada I am not clear on exactly what you are asking. Do you have an insteon MD in the same vicinity as a Ring camera and you are trying to use the Ring camera to as a validation that the insteon MD is still working? ie, Motion from ring, but not InsteonMD? If that is the case you could put them both in an if statement: If ring=motion AND Insteon MD= motion. THEN leave blank, ELSE notify. BUT the problem is that they would have to report to the isy at the same time, so this would not work directly. You would need three programs that look at each other. Prog1 IF Ring=motion Then do nothing, Else Do nothing Prog2 If Insteon MD = motion Then do nothing Else do nothing Prog 3: If (prog 1 is true and prog 2 is true) or (prog 1 is false and prog 2 is false) Then do nothing Else, wait 10 seconds (or whatever time it takes for both to report true if they are working which will stop the Else from completing), Send notification Not sure if this is what you meant or not.
  3. Move to the Pushover Notifications Plug In. Works flawlessly. Made the move 2 years ago when ATT stopped being reliable in the same manner.
  4. My wife has a simpler idea.... first call when I die wont be to family, it will be to the electrician.. rip it all out.. lol
  5. Updated to FreeBSD 13.2p9 yesterday w/o any problems on Polisy! Congrats to @Michel Kohanim and team. I think this is the 3rd or 4th upgrade, using the button in the AC w/o any problems. This has been a long road as the team at UD has moved us from 994i to Eisy/Polisy and Polyglot to Nodeservers to Plug-ins. It hasn't always been easy and I can image at times a nightmare for them trying to keep up. A 3-4 year journey? (from an old post--> we will be performing maintenance on Polyglot Infrastructure on Tuesday June 9, 2020) But through and through, they have always been there to sort out the issues. Developers of Plug-ins have grown in their sophistication as well. And NOW... we have one of the most versatile and powerful integrator platforms for the Prosumer available on the market! And one that is set to usher in Matter as it develops as well. CONGRATS!
  6. There is a FIND and REPLACE command in the programs to make changes like this if needed. right click on the top My Programs folder and you will see the option. Is very useful to also just Find something in a program you cant remember .
  7. Upgraded on Polisy w/o any issues... Thanks @Michel Kohanim
  8. My Polisy is on the second floor, my PLM in the basement, connected via ethernet. A very long run w/o any problems.
  9. It's not clear in your posts if you are using the Portal to create the link between Alexa and the Eisy. See post above as an example of the Portal from @Goose66. Alexa cant discover anything that is not in the Portal, as this is where the link is made for all the connections between Alexa and Eisy, which then has the connection to the Ratgdo. No skill for Ratgdo is needed in Alexa. If you are using hte portal, then there is something different going on which may be the Universal Devices Skill in Alexa isnt working properly.
  10. As long as your Eisy connects with Alexa, and the Eisy is talking with Ratgdo, then you can make them talk. This is done through he UD Portal to set up "spoken" commands which can be anything: light, program, scene, variable etc Once you get the link of Alexa triggering a program in Eisy, then you can do anything from there. Example: Set up a program in Eisy to set the garage door and call it Shut the Garage Door Set up a spoken in the Portal --> Alexa that chooses the above program. Set the spoken to be gibberish such as shutthegaragedoor. Ask Alexa to discover new devices Set up a routine in Alexa that is "shut the garage door" as the verbal command and add the above spoken to it Now when you say Alexa, shut the garage door, it will trigger that routine which will run the then of the program you set up. That is the most simplest of examples. Do the same thing with Open the garage door, etc. I am not familiar with what or how the nodes are showing up for ratgdo, so you may be able to go directly to a "light" and have Alexa trigger it w/o a routine or program. More here https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY_Portal_Amazon_Echo_Integration_V3 Post or DM if you need help after attempting.
  11. A few ides you have probably tried, but just in case: hit the play button on the routine and does it run w/o the trigger? Change one of the items in the routine, resave it and try both the trigger and the play button to see if re-saving hte routine will kick it into gear again? double check the trigger element in the routine to ensure "detected" is checked and that it hasn't changed? and if it is, change it to not detected and save it, then change it back and save it? Just looking for ideas to see if the routine will re-engage.
  12. This sorta cracks me up. while most of us agree that the Java interface is far from a sleek and updated web interface, it serves the purpose well and diligently. For someone to complain about it and then recommend a RPi instead seems a bit ironic as most people would pick up the JAVA Admin console far before they could figure out an RPi. Anyway. between the service, the historical rock solid performance, the new UD mobile app, Node servers and upcoming Matter compatibility, there isnt anything out there that compares at double the price to the Eisy. For 10x the price you can get a Control4 and pay a tech service guy to change your living room light from 85% to 60%, but I dont think most people on this site want that either. UD, from Michel on down actually care about their customers and their products. Frankly, I dont understand how they are actually making a living with such LOW prices. Just MHO.
  13. Per this thread: I have found a second way to delete / manage scenes. Simply go to the Portal and edit the spoken and change it to a light. Then do a Discover new devices and then it will show in the normal device list and can be deleted. Be sure to delete it also in the portal or it will get rediscovered.
  14. yes it did. See below.
  15. I just tried two of my Alexa variables: -first where ISY initiates a change --> Alexa worked as expected (configured as variable in ISY and Device\Motion Sensor in Alexa) -Second where Alexa initiates the change --> ISY responded as expected. (configured as a variable in ISY, light switch in Alexa) So its does NOT seem to be a system wide issue.
  16. @ShawnW. While not as knowledgeable as Techman, after one of the many upgrades /updates, I was having problem conducting a back up as well. Turned out that one of the files got corrupted during the update. Opening a ticket, Michele was able to resolve it. I am not sure if this corrupt file also caused other problems, but this may be your case --> corrupt file is causing the insteon engine to quit somehow. I would open a ticket at this point.
  17. @Javi, I have no idea if this is even feasible, but I am "managing" five mobile devices in my house with UD mobile on them: wife's phone / iPad, my phone / iPad, an in wall iPad. Each time I either change programing in ISY, or make changes to UD mobile, it becomes a time consuming event to get each device up to date: -complete a sync on my phone -complete a backup on my phone and save it to files -send the file via airdrop to each device (cloud doesnt work on the older iPads) -restore each device and check the sync to ensure its also up to date. It would be nice to be able to push these from a central location, but probably pretty hard to accomplish, or, similar to the way MobilLinc does the backup and restore, it does it directly so it eliminates the need to save the file and transfer the file and then load the file. Was much easier and intuitive as it was all done within the app on both devices in one step. Cheers.. and thanks.
  18. @kzboray Why not just control it with insteon? I have a Napoleon gas fire place and did the following: -wired in parallel to the existing starter relay an insteon I/O so that either the existing remote from Napoleon or insteon can turn on the fireplace. Downside is that since either can turn it on, you need to know which one to turn it off. -For safety, I have one leg of the insteon wiring goes through a wall switch such that when that is turned off, there is no way insteon can turn on the fireplace. This avoids any strange on event for example in the summer time, or when we are away. -Once it's in the ISY, Alexa is now the way we turn it on and off. Programs monitor it for auto off after certain time periods. Also auto on in the morning depending on season, inside temp, outside temp and morning alarm settings. So back to point one, we never use the remote any more. Overall it works fantastic.
  19. @Javi Now that the UD notifications section is working well, is there any vision to add PGX module notifications of updates available to the notifications area? Right now, the only way to see if there is an update is to log into PGX and either look for a notice from the developer or go to the store and look for one. Not ideal. Thanks
  20. To further explain this, read this wiki. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Scope,_Precedence_and_Execution_Order#Statement_Execution_Order Whenever a WAIT is encountered, the IF is re-evaluated. In your program case, the if then becomes false so the program runs the else and never gets to the last command. @Goose66 is indeed the cleanest and most strait-forward approach and one I use all the time.
  21. interesting. I wonder what makes it appear. If I go to threads that I started, it usually there.. maybe you have to first Like the post?
  22. Do you see this green box in my post? be sure to be signed in.
  23. What is the verbal command for your night scene doing? Is it simply turning off /on a scene? If so, the easiest thing is like you suggested, create an Alexa routine that first turns off/on the same scene you were using and then turns off the amazon bulb. Pretty simple.
  24. Havent had any problems with formatting with the latest versions. Thanks Javi.
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