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Everything posted by dbwarner5

  1. FYI.. Just tried to update vis UDM / settings / plugins and getting ERROR, invalid node server. Hit the update button directly on PGX.. goes to a blank screen. Went to purchases.. not showing up Went to non production store, not showing up Went to production store, not showing up. thanks.
  2. Would th number of lines also have an impact? All the programs should have the same number of lines, even if that means adding another $test_X = 0 at the top. This would be to test if both programs start at the same time in your test 1, but program one has an extra line to process and hence turns the test_2 to 0.
  3. @Jimbo.Automates Worked!!! Shows and operates as expected again! Thanks!
  4. I dont think it is that important. Just something I had to figure out.
  5. Ok.. that makes more sense then now.. Your motion sensor could be turning off, which would also stop the program, and then back on, restarting the program. How do you have that set up?
  6. @smorgasbord Try making your if statement Bathroom Motion-Sensor' is switched On And $RecirRanRecently is 0 And then eliminate the first line in your THEN. As you have it written, when it hits the first WAIT, the IF is re-evaluated. Since you just changed the variable to a 1, it fails the IF and turns False, stopping the program.
  7. If your goal is to have Program 2 run "in the middle" of program 1, you can put a wait in program one, right after the "call" for a length of time you need for program 2 to complete. Just be aware that program 2 can NOT change the If state of program one in any way, or program one will either start over or run false etc, as it will be re-evaluated at the WAIT.
  8. Solved it! thanks!
  9. There have been some recent posts that hit upon the capacity limitations of the existing Insteon PLM. As Insteon's new ownership seems to be doing "all the right things" to improve the company, I havent heard about any improvement plans for the weakest link in my home automation system; the insteon PLM. So I wrote this to the company: I have been an Insteon user for over 15 years. I use universal devices controllers. The WEAKEST link in my very sophisticated and LARGE system is your PLM.. In this day and age with memory so cheap, why does it still have a 1000 count link table limitation? I have to work around this constantly. I have 254 Insteon devices, 96 scenes , 1000 programs, 656 nodes, 200 variables etc.. BUT I have at least 20 scenes I CANT use because of this 20 yr old limitation in the PLM design. In your new ownership, you could quickly sell so many replacement PLMs if you increased its capacity. And received this positive response: Hi, Thanks for the note! We are aware that this limitation exists and are actively looking at solutions. Stay tuned.... Thank you, Brent Carter Insteon Support Lets hope this weak link gets a massive upgrade sometime soon!! cheers.
  10. Two other options: 1). A long IF with ALL the lights you have in that scene separated by ORs, that if switched off (during the time period you want ), then maybe wait 30 seconds and then turn the scene back on. example: IF From 9pm until 6am next day AND ( Light A is switched off or Light B is switched off of light c is switched off ) THEN wait 30 seconds,. turn scene "nighttime" on Or 2) Just turn that scene on every 10 minutes during the duration you want it on, so it will "self correct" w/o any monitoring needed. example: IF From 9pm until 6am THEN repeat every 10 minutes Turn "nighttime" scene on. The advantage of this technique is that you can have in your scene all the other lights that you want off to turn off as well, again w/o monitoring I have use both techniques above for different scenarios. For my Bedtime scene. I probably have 30 lights included in it so I use the "every 10 minutes" technique but I think I use 20 minutes so that if someone goes out to the kitchen and turns a light on to see they have in theory anywhere from 0-20 minutes that the light will stay on, and then it goes off. Not always ideal, but it works w.o monitoring all 30 lights as to which are turned on, which are turned off etc.
  11. Have this program below. Running THEN does not change the Elk armed status as expected. When this program runs, the Armed Status is " Armed Away. Then Set 'Elk Main House' Set Armed Status Armed Stay However, if I add a disarm, it runs correctly. See next: Then Set 'Elk Main House' Set Armed Status Disarmed Wait 2 seconds Set 'Elk Main House' Set Armed Status Armed Stay Is this a function of the ELK or the Elk plugin? thanks.
  12. See answers in CAPS Do all of your temp data jive with the admin console or the webcontrol console? YES Is the heartbeat switching between -1 and 1 every shortPoll? YES Does the time/date update also every shortPoll? YES, buts it one hour off. (DST?), Eisy was correct I quess it would be easier to have asked, is the plugin working fine in UDM, just with the errors? YES appears that way.
  13. could have it have anything to do with the Json line? mine is blank.
  14. @TJF1960 FYI.. when I go to UDM and do a Sync.. the plugin throws an error for each node. So with 2 plug ins running, I get 72 errors.. See below for example of first page.
  15. Updated to latest version and restarted. Port held.
  16. Whew.. glad I wasn't losing my mind!! THANKS!!
  17. Try doing a restart and see if it stays at 84
  18. Under Tools / Diagnostics / Show PLM Link table.... then hit start. I am not as knowledgable as others on this forum about this, but I am pretty sure if you have programs running or adjustments happening to your system at the same time, it will throw the count off. So you need to stop your programs and let it run. Just ran mine.. 886.... big shortcoming of the PLM
  19. After playing with it for 20 minutes, changing various settings, I was finally able to get them both to stick. Cant say what I did but essentially changing the port to other numbers, restarting, changing it back, restarting, sometimes just chaining the port and saving, sometimes hitting the top save button, sometimes the bottom. So bottomline, I cant tell you what worked, but it too 20 minutes of trying to get them both to stick. thanks.
  20. Had to restart my EISY. Both of my WebControl Plug ins are searching fro port 80, even though in the config, I have 82 and 84. See screen shots below. thanks.
  21. Agree, but you can restart individual plugs in from the screen above.
  22. @larryllix great test program. Clearly verifies that the ISY rules work that way, as we all expected it should. Means something is corrupt. @CoolToys Sorry, but I cant remember, did you ever delete the program and rewrite it from scratch? Maybe in a different folder even. just to test if it's the program or the system?
  23. One of the questions above is whether or not the program is completing. This should be easy to tell adn possibly eliminate by watching the program execute in the AC.. it should show solid green for five minutes and then change to a background green for idle / true. This should also show in the summary tab as to last run time and last finish time.. My guess is a load interference. Can you remove the load and see if the switch goes on and off as expected?
  24. @Argelius If all you need to do is have a momentary close of a relay, there are plenty of zwave and if yo have the zigbee matter board, zigbee relays on amazon https://www.amazon.com/s?k=z+wave+relay+12v&crid=2L8WYHA87Z1ZK&sprefix=z+wave+relay%2Caps%2C148&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_2_12 This would integrate directly into the eisy if its within range of the gate. You would also need wifi within range out there for the RATDGO device.
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