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Everything posted by dbwarner5

  1. No problem. I only use the web8 for temp probes and only have been able to use 5 on one and 1 (really long run) on another. So naming isn’t a big issue. Will keep watching it until things settle down as you improve it. Haven’t look at thebprogramming side yet but device tree is accurate and doing what it’s supposed to do thanks!
  2. ok.. got it.. thanks. I installed two versions. took a bit for the first to connect and work. Had to redo my username to get it to take. Something in the config file wasn't "taking" the original value. The second too a bit longer until. I looked at the error log. For some reason it was using the default port of 80 when mine is at 82 and was set to 82 in the config.. so I deleted the original value of 82 and replaced it with 82 and received it.. all is good. Will play with the JSON line. thanks!
  3. @TJF1960 what does this mean ? "add JSON single line string for node names" thanks
  4. @TJF1960 Thanks.. I will leave all of my existing programs, both in WEb8 and ISYU in place until you have a production version, but will add the beta to test. thanks! one more simplification of integration!
  5. I have two web8 s. inam assuming with a plug in I would no longer need to run programs within the web8 as all the data will be available to the EISY where I can then do programming etc. ?
  6. I think what Larry was trying to point out that ANY program reflects the LAST state it ran in. Check any of your other programs like the 4am program. If a program got triggered true because of a time, or variable, it will run the THEN, and reflect green up UNTIL it runs false. So any sunset program, will turn true at the sunset time, run the THEN, and stay green until it runs false. It doesn't mean that it will run again, or keep running, just that the last time it was tested, it turned true. Hop;e this helps. Simple question, are you sure your time zone is correct and the sunset time reflected at the top of the AC is correct?
  7. Added note: I do two steps after every upgrade, while I am on the same network:: 1) open the launcher and make sure each of my paths to the eisy are there: (notice the different ports for https and http) -https://192.168.xx.xx:8443 -http://192.168.xx.xx:8080 -https://{dyns server router address}:8443 -http://{dyns server router address}:8080 -https://my.isy.io/isy/{admin consule address from Portal}/desc Then I hit SAVE and put it on my desktop. Then anytime I am having a problem with them loading, I simple hit LOAD and select this file. I also save a text copy of each address (I happen to use 1Password, but it can be in any text file format: email, text, Note, etc) so that if I need to add one of them specifically, I can do that by copying from. the text file into the ADD button. 2) I to go to http://192.168.xx.xx:8080/admin.jnlp A file will download. As a layman, I call this is a LOCAL copy of the AC. You use it just like the Start.jnlp file. It's called admin.jnlp. The BEST thing about his is that it takes you directly to Login of the ISY in one FLAWLESS path.And it's much quicker. I keep start.jnlp right next to admin.jnlp on my desktop and as long as I am LOCAL, I click on admin.jnlp. Cheers.
  8. @Mitch yea.. I actually have no knowledge of those particular devices, but am trying to think thru some trouble shooting ideas. If I understand it correctly so far.... -The two thermostats are talking correctly to each other. -The furnace is behaving as the thermostats say it should (?) -The isy shows the INCORRECT status of the thermostats and if the above is true, the furnace incorrectly as well.?? If those above are true, it has to be the ISY to the "thermostat system" that is wrong. So what different combinations of manipulation of the four devices in the isy can be tried next? ie: -delete all 4 devices and read only the 2 ZTHs? -delete all four and only add the 2 THs? -if you only have two devices in the ISY, delete them and add the opposite --> ZTH delete, add TH or TH delete add ZTH -Other?? Maybe these steps dont make sense if I have misunderstood the set up, so let me know.! Cheers and good luck!
  9. @Mitch this may be too simple but are you looking at the right device? Meaning which device will actually report back the correct status of the furnace: the TH or the ZTH?
  10. @Mitch You stated that you know this system well and that nothing has changed, but then you mention that each thermostat is now connected to a wireless device. Which device is actually connected to the ISY? Or is it the wireless device? I assume the wireless device actually "controls" the actual thermostat? Just trying to understand it better. Have you tried factory resetting the 2441TH? Factory Reset 1) Press and hold Insteon Thermostat’s Set button until it beeps. Insteon Thermostat will beep. Insteon Thermostat Set LED will blink green. 2) Press and hold Insteon Thermostat’s Set button again until it beeps. Insteon Thermostat will beep. Insteon Thermostat Set LED will blink red. 3) Double-tap Set button. 4) Press and hold Set button again for about 10 seconds. Insteon Thermostat will emit a long beep and its display will blink all segments. 5) When blinking/buzzing stops, release Set button and wait 10 seconds. Insteon Thermostat will perform a series of self tests, then return to normal operations. Insteon Thermostat display will return to normal. I also dont quite understand why you have the ZTH hooked up to the TH? Doest the ZTH run a thermostat on its own? I see from the Owners manual --> http://cache.insteon.com/documentation/2441ZTH-en.pdf Adding Insteon Wireless Thermostat to an Insteon Thermostat Link Insteon Wireless Thermostat to Insteon Thermostat to provide a portable thermostat wherever you want temperature control. You can add up to two Insteon Wireless Thermostats to an Insteon Thermostat. Where I am going with this, is are you sure that you havent created some strange loop or feedback that is confusing the ISY? You may want to start over with these devices by deleting an re-adding them.
  11. Another option is to set your geofence to turn a variable to 1 for entrance and 0 for exit. This manner offers the future flexibility and ease to trigger ANY program by writing it in the AC vs utilizing the geofence in UDM to add programs etc. Additionally with two phones (mine and my wife's), I am able to distinguish which one is home to open the correct garage door and in the case that we both come home together, it opens the most likely garage door that houses the car we usually drive in together. A lot more flexibility this way.
  12. It appears Kasa changed the structure for this outdoor Y plug. They used to have a name for the whole unit (parent) , with subnames for the two plugs (children). These are my xmas light switches so havent been used since last year. Testing them today, they only showed in ISY as the main unit with the two plugs greyed out. reflecting pgx. I since deleted them in the KASA app, and re-added them to the KASA app. Now in the Kasa app, they only show as plugs one and two. There is no longer a name for the "parent". In pgx, the old three names still showed: main unit, plug 1, plug 2. I was able to delete them by deleting the children first and then the parent node. After several restarts of hte PI, nothing changes; no recognition of the new plug 1 and 2 nodes, nor the parent name. I figure they changed the structure somehow so that the PI no longer recognizes that the children are nodes. so needless to say, ISY will be wrong as long as the PI is wrong. Any help? Thanks.
  13. dbwarner5


    Do you have Pushover? its a great app that can link to the Notifications plug in. Then you messages come across thru the pushover app and are easily customized and managed. the direction are quite complex but there is a "notifications for dummies" that between the imbedded directions under configure and readme combined should get you there. Once set up properly, a notification "node" will show up in your device tree and is selectable in a program to send a customization, which is essentially the text of the emails that you are trying to send. These are my notification Services from Pushover. This is an example program: Wind E - [ID 0226][Parent 023F] If 'WeatherFlow / Outside' Wind Direction >= 79° And 'WeatherFlow / Outside' Wind Direction <= 101° And $Wind_Direction_Trigger is 1 Then Set 'Notification Controller / Service Pushover WIND' Send Sys Custom With Params Content 32 Notification ID (ID=32) $Wind_Direction_Trigger = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The results in a weather message that comes from my "customization" section that looks like this: Resulting in a message on my phone that looks like this: (and yes I need to fix my typo in weather! lol) Once you get the Pushover set up and used to it, its works fantastic.
  14. dbwarner5


    Another option is to move to the Notifications Plug in and use that instead. Very reliable.
  15. If I understand your dilemma, you want to put in a seperate zone for an upstairs are, but dont want to run wires there ? How are you going to do a second zone? thru the heat ducts dampers in the basement? That is your first concern. Controlling both zones and the actuators is the next concern. Ecobee can do this if I understand correctly but placing one ecobee on the main floor where you have the current thermostat and then a second one in the basement, where the wiring is convenient, and then using a remote sensor upstairs that will control the thermostat placed int he basement. this article does a good job of describing this. https://homeinspectioninsider.com/will-ecobee-thermostat-control-multiple-zones/ and a great video
  16. ticket is open
  17. Nope.. tried those. nothing. Also UDM is also not connecting and the portal shows it as offline. Kinda in a BRICK situation here.
  18. have you had any luck? I am trying to upgrade a friends Polisy and it wont go back online. It is showing on our wifi as connected, but UDM and AC wont connect. have unplugged it a few times, have pressed the button twice quickly a few times.. nothing. any ideas?
  19. Similar here.. I convert serial to ethernet, run the ethernet from 2nd floor to basement, so its approximately a 50ft run. Plug ethernet into PLM.. No problems. Used a standard ethernet.
  20. There are two posts with the same issue / information..
  21. dbwarner5

    Elk setup issue

    There are two simultaneous posts going on the same topic. The same advice is being given in both. thanks.
  22. Yes.. tag it onto the IP address with a colon. The port is set in the ELK software for under the M1EXP. I cant remember what the default is, but I know I changed mine and then used it in the Plug in configuration.
  23. Hmm.. I have two wireless devices and they show up as any other node. -Are yours working within the Elk environment ie: on the Elk program? -are they showing in the nodes on the PGX web page? If yes to both of the above, close the AC, restart the Plug in. After fully started and all nodes are found, then try to re-open the AC and see if they show. If no to the above questions, you need to start with the first and solve that. If no to the second question, be sure your areas are defined. I am not familiar with "Group". Lastly in the AC, these items may be grouped under a name that isnt jumping out to you. Go thru your "My lighting" slowly and look for any item that you can expand that may be where the nodes are. See below screenshot. I have three groups of elk stuff.
  24. Have you looked through and followed the directions on this page? https://github.com/UniversalDevicesInc-PG3/udi-poly-ELK/blob/master/README.md Host is the IP address of hte M1EXP Also be sure this box is checked. This is how mine is set up.. works great. User code is set up in ELK program.
  25. Only put the one you are adding into link mode. Do them one at a time for best success.
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