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Everything posted by JSchumann

  1. Ok, so I moved the DIP setting to off. The dusk to Dawn notification is blank now (doesn't say Off). So it should work as a room sensor now. Thanks, John
  2. Motion Sensor 2842-222 ISY 994i 5.3.0
  3. In the Right screen for my motion sensor, Dusk to Dawn page, Status says ON. I cannot get it to turn off. This sensor is used in a room. Jumper Pin 3 is open, so it is NOT in night only mode Jumper pin 5 is closed, so I have Remote software enabled. In options I have sensing mode unchecked, on command only unchecked and night only mode unchecked I have written changes to device. Status for dusk to dawn always stays on. Any ideas on how to turn it off? Thanks, John
  4. Well, I reset mine last night. Looks like I need to Upgrade to POLISY Regards, John
  5. Under MAIN, Left Panel - two of my devices are showing in BOLD, while all the others are normal text. What does the BOLD mean?
  6. Hi Geddy, Thanks, I was able to transfer settings manually without doing the front page login, and it worked. Thanks for you tips! Regards, John
  7. I transferred MobiLink to another phone and it will not let me log in, says invalid user credentials. Worked fine on old phone. Regards, John
  8. Dennis, Yes I do have ELK RP, I will give it a go! Give mem a couple days and I will write back. Regards, John
  9. So I did a couple tests, - When the program evaluates true, the message comes - When the message evaluates false, the message is not sent. I need to determine why the program does not evaluate true every time. The trigger is setting the ELK to Armed away. I have a 3 min delay to allow me to get out. The only variable I can think of is how long it take me to get out and the last door closes, but as long as I take less than 3 minutes, it shouldn't matter. Stumped, John
  10. The log only shows sensors/actions. Nothing on notifications being sent or program actions.
  11. Thanks Mr. Bill, will do. Mine was set to 1000, so Last week I set it to 2000. It helped, but still not getting all notifications. Will bump it up some more.
  12. So I am using the program and after running it for many months, it sends the notification about half the time. Should I increase the delay to 4 seconds? I have the ELK send the same message and I always get that one. If Elk Area 'Apt 1102' 'Arm Up State' is Armed Fully And Elk Area 'Apt 1102' 'Armed State' is Armed Away Then Wait 3 seconds Send Notification to 'Default' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  13. On the device ID the 4th number associated to the function monitored (You can see this on the main tab, click on the device text in magenta, the look in the top of the screen under the name of the device) On a original motion sensor 1=Motion Sensor status (detect motion), 2= Dusk/Dawn status on or off, 3= Low Battery status On motion Sensor II number 1 has several functions, 1.BATLVL gives % of battery remaining. Not listing the rest here, you can view by going to the Main tab, then select the device. On Leak sensors, 4 = Low Battery status So, here is what I use for low battery (I list all devices in one e-mail): Low Battery on Motion Sensor (On = Dead) ${sys.node.99 D9 4E 3.name} ---------- ${sys.node.99 D9 4E 3.ST} ${sys.node.99 CA BA 1.name} ----- ${sys.node.99 CA BA 1.BATLVL} Note this one is a motion sensor II use 1.BATLVL vice 3.ST and so on Low Battery on Leak Sensor (Off = Dead) ${sys.node.99 E7 F 4.name} -------- ${sys.node.99 E7 F 4.ST} ${sys.node.99 EC CD 4.name} ----- ${sys.node.99 EC CD 4.ST} and so on..... The number of dashes between name entry and the next entry lines up the items on my email so it looks good. I couldn't figure how to use tabs in email customizations. So it took several tries to get it right. Regards, John
  14. Will I be able to access my ELK using this app (now or in the future)?
  15. I have the same exact issue, Firmware and UI are same. Email settings good. Will try increasing the timeout. Text is especially bad, sometimes hours late or no delivery at all. I setup a daily email and txt test at 8:00 every morning to follow timing or no receipt. Using gmail for ISY and Comcast for ELK. John
  16. I have been using alert variables for my email messages. Been working OK for Name and Control identification for door, window and such. I also use the same alerts for water sensors. So I got a weird email that said ST 22. Couldn't figure it out, so I went in ISY and determined it was a water sensor. So why does it work OK for doors and such, it says for example 'garage door normal' but for the water sensor it said ST 22. The statements I am using are: Alert.Action and Alert.Control These used to be in the wiki in the email substitution variable section, but I can't find them any more. Thanks, John
  17. dbwarner5 I tried that but it didn't work properly. The example from the wiki does work. Regards, John
  18. jfai, OK I can see that. But what programmer would recognize that and is it dependable? I'm not used to getting in the 'then' statement then dropping out..... Time for some comments in the program! Also I would suggest adding that info to the wiki. Regards, John
  19. Taking a second look at this program, I don't see how the 'wait 3 seconds' will sense the second activation of 'Armed Fully'. What I think it needs is a program to sense 'Armed with exit timer' that will enable this program. That way the first armed fully has gone by and when the exit time has expired (3 min on mine) the program will now sense the second activation of 'Armed Fully'.
  20. Thanks SeeGreen, looks like I have a new mission! John
  21. Thanks for the help mr Bill!
  22. I found the answer in the wiki: Program Examples Video: ELK Module Integration/Examples Trigger when the system is armed away AFTER the exit delay ends The Elk system itself sends events Armed Away, Armed Fully, Armed with Exit Timer, and Armed Fully in that order. We are uncertain as to why ELK sends the first Armed Fully. The workaround is to put a 2 or 3 second wait at the start of your program e.g. If Elk Area 'Apt 1102' 'Arm Up State' is Armed Fully And Elk Area 'Apt 1102' 'Armed State' is Armed Away Then Wait 3 seconds Send Notification to 'Default' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Thanks, John
  23. Thanks Mr Bill. What I need to know is the exact meaning of 'armed fully' does it include not armed with exit timer, making my 3rd statement redundant? When you are the ELK, there is a delay to allow you to exit and close all doors before it is fully armed. So I think armed is when you start the exit Fully armes is after exit delay is done Armed away is the particular type of armed (away, stay, vacation) So I am looking for the simplest way to ensure all 3 conditions are met before entering the motion sensor programs. Thanks, John
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