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Everything posted by kzboray

  1. I upgraded my Polisy from 3.2.17 to 3.2.20 today and ST-Inventory keeps restarting about every 5 seconds. I tried reinstalling it after first deleting it and the same issue continued. Any suggestion? 2024-03-14 18:22:35 info: NS: Starting Node Server 2024-03-14 18:22:35 info: POLY: Interface starting 2024-03-14 18:22:35 info: POLY: Getting config from environment 2024-03-14 18:22:36 info: POLY: MQTT client connected 2024-03-14 18:22:36 info: NS: MQTT Connection started 2024-03-14 18:22:36 error: POLY: Config has logLevel: WARNING 2024-03-14 18:22:36 warn: POLY: Loglevel: warn 2024-03-14 18:22:36 error: NS: uncaughtException REPORT THIS!: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nodes') at Controller.onDiscover (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/Nodes/ControllerNode.js:50:29) at new Controller (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/Nodes/ControllerNode.js:37:9) at Interface._addNodeToList (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:523:19) at /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:582:20 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Interface._onConfig (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:578:18) at Interface._onMessageQueued (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:361:17) at dataq.process (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Queue.js:28:26) at dataq.add (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Queue.js:18:10) at /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:336:26 2024-03-14 18:22:36 error: POLY: uncaughtException: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nodes') TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nodes') at Controller.onDiscover (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/Nodes/ControllerNode.js:50:29) at new Controller (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/Nodes/ControllerNode.js:37:9) at Interface._addNodeToList (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:523:19) at /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:582:20 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Interface._onConfig (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:578:18) at Interface._onMessageQueued (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:361:17) at dataq.process (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Queue.js:28:26) at dataq.add (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Queue.js:18:10) at /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:336:26 2024-03-14 18:22:36 error: NS: uncaughtException: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nodes') TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'nodes') at Controller.onDiscover (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/Nodes/ControllerNode.js:50:29) at new Controller (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/Nodes/ControllerNode.js:37:9) at Interface._addNodeToList (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:523:19) at /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:582:20 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at Interface._onConfig (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:578:18) at Interface._onMessageQueued (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:361:17) at dataq.process (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Queue.js:28:26) at dataq.add (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Queue.js:18:10) at /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_8/node_modules/polyinterface-v3/lib/Interface.js:336:26
  2. I put one in about 7 months ago. An alkaline battery lasted about 6 months in mine. 2845-222 v.47
  3. Polisy User Guide https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide
  4. The Second or Third Light Is Blinking Signature failure Old BIOS Please contact support. The Third Light Is Constantly On While Everything Else Is Off This means that that flash chip is corrupted Request a Flash Chip from support@universal-devices.com Once received, unplug Polisy, open the screws on the four corners, and install it as shown in the image below Plug Polisy back in Immediately after the unit is up and while still plugged in, unplug the Flash Chip, then SSH to polisy and run the following commands: sudo pkg update && sudo pkg upgrade and wait for completion sudo /usr/local/etc/udx.d/static/udxops.sh update.bios.force Wait for the unit to reboot
  5. @Techman I installed a 2845-222 .47 about 6 months ago. I hadn't paid any attention to the heartbeat until I saw your post. It is blank. I can however confirm that the low battery is working as it went off about two weeks ago.
  6. @jfai and @MBell you could always just wait a couple of weeks before installing something new and make sure there are no reported issues keeping in mind UD is a small company balancing client needs against potential risks. They also do an exceptional job of FREE support. So the occasional issue is quickly resolved with a support ticket.
  7. Not sure if you saw my edit above. I think this will fix things for you. In the program you posted just change the Then from AND to OR. So if switch one is 100% OR switch 2 is 100%
  8. You'll need to update the status of the scene with programs that watch the status of switches one and two. If either is ON then the program would turn on the scene that the keypad is in as well. The else of each program can be setup to turn things off. In the program you posted just change the Then from AND to OR. So if switch one is 100% OR switch 2 is 100%
  9. @paulbates Something weird going on with their forums then. Here is what a new user sees. Notice the user name I'm logged in as and this was just now this morning. If new users can't see the posts then as far as I'm concerned, they have been deleted. Same with me logged in as the original poster. I can't edit or see the posts. Why you can see them I don't know. but there is some funny business going on for sure.
  10. @paulbates Just a quick update. I created a new account on Insteon forums to test your observation and found that my posts have indeed been deleted. They left just the first sentence of my post and deleted everything else along with all the follow up posts.
  11. Verified Insteon has indeed deleted my posts. It's not just a function of the forums.
  12. @ELA Unfortunately Insteon has not changed in their mindset about this potentially catastrophic problem. I posted detailed information about this on their forums. The posts were deleted without any acknowledgement. They basically buried their heads in the sand while signing la la la. I guess Insteon figures if someone burns down their house due to an ALL ON event caused by a IOLinc attached to a relay controlling a gas line or some such they can't be sued because no one will know that they knew about the problem. The solution for me was to remove all of the following devices and replace them with Shelly instead. Adding the 2457D you have identified. 2450 iolincs .41 Micro dimmer 2442-222 .49 Siren 2868-222 .46 Micro Switch 2443-222 .48 and .49 Lamplinc/Dimmer module #2457D Hardware Rev 4.2 , Firmware Ver. 43 - date code 4722 There is also the spread sheet @IndyMike created which is a great reference as well.
  13. Yes, I moved all my LifX to Home Assitant.
  14. *** Insteon PLEASE FIX THIS!*** Devices ID'ed that still have ALL ON in FW https://forum.insteon.com/forum/main-category/main-forum/118513-insteon-please-fix-this-devices-id-ed-that-still-have-all-on-in-fw
  15. Thank you @IndyMike I especially appreciate the testing methodology and tools. Your detailed post of the bit difference that creates an all on event is exactly the kind of info I've been trying to figure out.
  16. @IndyMike Prior to 2016/17 most Insteon devices had an ALL ON function in FW. It was notorious for causing ALL ON events unexpectedly so they removed it reportedly from all devices, but as it turns out it's still present in PLM's, Micro Modules, and IOLinc's. It may be present in other devices as well. i3 devices seem to be free from ALL ON in FW. I am going to start replacing all IOLinc's and Micro Modules with similar Shelly devices to eliminate as many potential ALL ON Events as possible for my clients. There's nothing to be done about the PLM except to put pressure on Insteon to fix it. In the mean time I will also be removing all programs that change back lighting because Michel has indicated this is a common cause of ALL ON events (See the post above.). Some of my clients will hate this and I will need to evaluate each situation independently, but I can't have pumps running dry, security gates opening, or fire-pits coming on unattended. Michel also detailed how this happens and given the processing speed increase with Polisy and eisy, it makes sense to me that this can occur more often. So as indicated I am going to start replacing HW to eliminate this possibility.
  17. Just a quick update. Micro Module 2443-222 v.49 also responds to an ALL ON command. EDIT: I also left a note on the Insteon forums about this and I hope they remove the ALL ON from FW soon.
  18. @paulbates I had no idea the "ALL ON" button in AC would activate the ALL ON bit in FW. I always thought it would just send an ON to all devices. I had never tried it until your post. Thank you! Using the "ALL ON" button in AC produced the following results in my home. I'll have to test at my clients...all of them now 8( Micro module 2443-222 FW v.48 turned on. PG3x NS controlling Harmony Hub turned on to last used state. PG3x NS controlling Lifx lights in all locations turned on to last used state I/OLinc 2450 v 4.1 controlling a GDO opened the garage door. I have two new I/O linc modules that are FW version .49 to test with but they won't add to the system. I have opened a ticket to get that resolved. If I find they ignore the ALL ON I will update this post. It's interesting that the Harmony Hub and LifX NS's also responded to the ALL ON button press. I don't believe this is a desirable feature and will let @Jimbo.Automates and @Michel Kohanim / xKing know.
  19. @SMorgan I have a client that has a Insteon only installation working first on an ISY994i and now a Polisy. After the initial install in 2016 there were ZERO events that couldn't be explained. Recently in the last three months they have had three events that UD and the community would call ALL ON events. This makes little sense to me since they have had the same programming in place with minor changes for years and the same Insteon devices. The other piece of this puzzle that makes little sense to me is that the consensus seems to be to remove devices from any scenes and any programs to avoid possible ALL ON events. If they can't be in a scene or part of a program what is the use of having smart devices in the home? In each case the logs show that the SYSTEM was responsible for the device being activated. I'm not convinced this is the classic ALL ON event that used to plague the Insteon brand. It is also impossible to get any real information on what devices have the ALL ON FW. I have reached out to the community here and also Insteon directly. Insteon simply ignored my emails which asked for a list of FW versions that were susceptible to the ALL ON command or a way to check devices myself. Unfortunately I have also learned that all past and present PLM's still have the ALL ON command set potentially making this entire venture of tracking down which individual devices with ALL ON supported in FW mote. In my clients case the one common denominator has been the GDO controlled by a 74551. It has activated three times now in the last three months. Once by itself, and the other two times in combination with first 4 other devices, and the second time with two other devices. Unfortunately the GDO is part of a scene with eight (8) button switches and several 2477s's and integrated into the ELK alarm system for FOB control as well. All of this making it impossible to decouple from the scene or programs. Short of catching one of these events live on the event viewer I don't know how to give adequate feedback on the root cause. If it happens again I am going to put the ISY994i back in place which ran perfectly for almost 6 years without incident. Unfortunately this will mean a dramatic reduction in integration for the client as they have several system using PG3x. But I can't have their fire-pit coming on in the middle of the night again. The last time this happened the day before the ALL ON event the fire-pit had been covered with plywood for protection during a small construction project. If the fire-pit had come on even one day before there would have been a fire that could have spread to who knows where. Since this happened at 3am no one would have known until the fire alarm went off.
  20. I may be missing something here so I thought I'd throw this out to the community. I am trying to use an i3 Dial to dim / brighten LifX lights connected via PG3x. There doesn't seem to be a way to capture the dial movement in IoX or did I miss something? I also tried writing a program using STATUS set to 25% and then forcing the LifX lights to 25% brightness, but that failed to work as well. It's as if changes to the dial don't actually register in IoX, but that's not entirely true because if you turn the dial clockwise devices in a scene will eventually respond in the full ON. You cannot do the opposite however and turn the dial counter clockwise to turn OFF the same device/s in the scene. Only clockwise movement works and even this requires almost a full turn of the dial before you get a response. The dial seems to be very limited and I am wondering if anyone else has tried anything like this with any success?
  21. @NewTech I'm guessing you didn't default the devices you are adding to the eisy. Because of this you are getting the link tables from your old devices. You will need to default not only your devices, but your PLM as well if you really want to start fresh. Otherwise you are going to continue to pick up pieces of your old configuration. Factory Resetting Insteon Devices
  22. @WestSeattleBoi This is probably due to a bug that was introduced with an earlier version of IoX. The fix is to contact support by opening a ticket and have UD give you a hand recovering your system. Michel was able to assist me when I had the same issue.
  23. @CTBigman As @Techman indicated you will need to set each device in the scene and you have to set Scene | Controller | Set for each device as well. This has to be done using the adjust scene function. As a reference you can read this post. Adjust Scene And here's the program that switches my hall lights from 100% during the day to 35% at night. This allows local control. Notice how each of the three switches has four program changes made to make this work. I have asked UD to make this more intuitive, but it's not really something that's a priority. You really should only have to set Scene | Controller | Set once, but you have to actually call out every permutation possible to make it work correctly. Don't be fooled by some of these program lines looking exactly the same. the differences are in the adjust scene area not shown. Read the linked doc above. 2nd FL Hall Lights Power Setting - [ID 000A][Parent 001F] If From 12:00:00AM To Sunrise (same day) Then In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(M) West' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(M) West' To 35% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(M) West' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) East' To 35% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(M) West' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) North' To 35% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) East' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) East' To 35% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) East' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(M) West' To 35% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) East' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) North' To 35% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) North' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) North' To 35% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) North' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(M) West' To 35% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) North' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) East' To 35% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Floor Hallway' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(M) West' To 35% in 0.1 seconds In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Floor Hallway' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) East' To 35% in 0.1 seconds In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Floor Hallway' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) North' To 35% in 0.1 seconds Else In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(M) West' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(M) West' To 100% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(M) West' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) North' To 100% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(M) West' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) East' To 100% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) East' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) East' To 100% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) East' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(M) West' To 100% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) East' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) North' To 100% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) North' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) North' To 100% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) North' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(M) West' To 100% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) North' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) East' To 100% in 0.1 seconds, No retries In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Floor Hallway' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(M) West' To 100% in 0.1 seconds In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Floor Hallway' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) East' To 100% in 0.1 seconds In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Floor Hallway' Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lights(S) North' To 100% in 0.1 seconds
  24. @Techman Thank you mate. I'll do that!
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