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Everything posted by kzboray

  1. Update from AC. Took about 3minutes for the 4+1 beeps. Rebooted Polisy from AC. ISY started fine, PG3 was DOA. Ran the update script via SSH as documented by @brians in the post above this one and PG3 updated to 3.1.17_1 as expected. Tried PG3 again and it works, however this update once again killed the LifX NS. I will open a ticket about it this time. Here's the LifX NS fix for both Polysi and eisy Polisy sudo -u polyglot bash pip3 uninstall bitstring pip3 uninstall --prefix /var/polyglot/.local bitstring pip3 install --prefix /var/polyglot/.local bitstring==3.1.9 eisy sudo -u polyglot bash pip3 uninstall bitstring pip3 uninstall --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026038_7/.local bitstring pip3 install --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026038_7/.local bitstring==3.1.9
  2. On a Polisy 5.5.4 to 5.5.5 upgrade I encountered one very minor issue that was easily resolved. Programs that changed Insteon scene settings I had to click on each program and do an update followed by a save. I did not change any parameters, simply a click and update to refresh the values. I do not know if this is isolated to my Polisy or if others might encounter this so I wanted to share with the community.
  3. Upgraded Polisy no issues, took about 3 minutes from start to finish.
  4. @bgrubb1 Bitstring is updated to version 4.x in 5.5.4 OS update. This disables LifX from working as it requires version 3.1.9. If you install the 5.5.4 update it will remove the 3.1.9 version and install the 4.x version. The solution for both the eisy and Polisy are listed in the first post.
  5. @stevesreed Don't worry about "Bad" It's been that way since the dawn of time or at least the first Polisy. It doesn't seem to effect operation.
  6. @asbril Sorry mate. Keep us updated on the solution.
  7. @Bumbershoot Great idea, but it won't work for this problem. The issue is one of the NS's dependencies is missing. More specifically the correct version is missing. The LifX NS hasn't been maintained and is becoming out of date in regards to the API and dependencies. The NS won't even start correctly unless you replace Bitstring 4.x with the expected 3.1.9 version. It shows up immediately upon starting the NS when you will see errors in the log file indicating it couldn't find the Bitstring dependency, and then when discovery tries to start, it won't be able to find any devices.
  8. @asbril I've thought about your inability to get LifX working for the last few days and I'm not sure how to help you. I'm on a Polisy and you're using the eisy. The file structure is different between them so the original fix posted by xKing didn't work on the Polisy and I had to figure it out for the Polisy. The path for install on a Polisy is /var/polyglot/.local For the eisy you need to use: You will need to use putty or something similar to access the Polisy / eisy via SSH. You can log in with the user name <admin> and the password <admin>, then just copy and past the lines below one at a time and hit <enter> after each one. On the first command you will be promoted for password; use <admin> again. sudo -u polyglot bash pip3 uninstall bitstring pip3 uninstall --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026038_7/.local bitstring pip3 install --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026038_7/.local bitstring==3.1.9 Note that the /0021b9026038_7/ will need to be changed for your installation of the LifX NS. Look at your Polyglot dashboard and find the LifX NS slot number, then open putty and <cd> to /var/polyglot/pg3/ns. Then type <ls> you will see a list of NS by slot number, cut and past the correct NS name into the above command lines replacing /0021b9026038_7/ in both lines with your specific NS name. You should see something similar to this when you list <ls> the installed NS's. The number at the end of each name is the slot number. Be sure to use the correct one. [admin@polisy /var/polyglot/pg3/ns]$ ls 000db9560fac_1 000db9560fac_11 000db9560fac_3 000db9560fac_5 000db9560fac_7 000db9560fac_9 000db9560fac_10 000db9560fac_2 000db9560fac_4 000db9560fac_6 000db9560fac_8 You will need to restart Polyglot after you install Bitstrng 3.1.9. You should then see device discovery working. If not open a ticket with UD as the problem is not Bitstring.
  9. @bpwwer ==================UPDATE============ I fixed it. but the question remains, will dev-packages install the correct Bitstring version for the LifX NS? Thank you again Bob, you rock and I so appreciate you and all your hard work! =====================Original Issue================================== I had to reboot my Polisy this morning and now my LifX is dead again. I applied the same fix I used last time. sudo -u polyglot bash pip3 uninstall bitstring pip3 install --prefix /var/polyglot/.local bitstring==3.1.9 But it's not working. I'm wondering if the Bitstring 3.1.9 is part of the dev-pacakages. It seems when I add it, it gets erased upon reboot which isn't a long term solution. And now I can't get it to work at all. Any suggestion would be appreciated! Thank you!
  10. @someguy To the best of my knowledge there are two NS available that allow integration between UD products and alarm panels. Elk is one and the other is DSC. The Elk integration is handled by the very extensive Elk Polyglot NS that is actively maintained. The DSC integration is managed by the Envisalink-DSC NS which is also actively maintained. Elk is easier to program and offers extensive customization's that are not available with DSC, but most of those functions are duplicated and easier to manage on the ISY / Polysi / eisy anyway. For reliability I have to give a slight advantage to Elk, but they are both solid systems.
  11. @Bob A @Jimbo.Automates This is how I do it in RP2. I haven't used the NS yet, but it may be able to do something similar.
  12. @bwade913 As has been stated, this is either a PLM issue, PLM to ISY cable, or noise issue. There is an outside possibility it is a bad power supply on the ISY, but my guess is the PLM. Now you could have a corrupted link DB on the PLM causing issues, or just a PLM going bad. I'd replace the cable first and while you're at it if the power supply is more than a year old I'd replace that too. Easy cheap fixes. If neither of those fix the problem then as suggested I'd plug the next Insteon device you want to add into the same outlet as the PLM and click <Link Management> and then <Start Linking>. Once you've done that press the link button on the Insteon device. It should be immediately found automatically. If not you have a problem with your PLM. To check your PLM I would first restore a known working Link DB. But the caveat is this needs to be a Link DB that worked before you started having discovery issues. If you don't have one. You can make a backup, then factory reset the PLM and try to do an automatic discovery again with a device located in the same socket. Once you're done testing you can restore the backup you made. If it works, you know you had a bad Link DB and you will need to rebuild your system. If it fails, you can be sure the problem is the PLM itself. UD now offers a repair service, so open a ticket with them to have it repaired. There is one last possibility that just occurred to me, and that's a bad SD card, but the symptoms don't fit with a bad SD card so I wouldn't put to much weight on that as a possibility. If you want to eliminate the possibility you can buy a new SD card then install a fresh copy of the ISY OS on it using the normal update process using the files on the UD web site, then try linking a device rinse repeat the above process.
  13. @xKing =============Update============= Update 1/21/2023 The file structure for Polisy is slightly different than the eisy use the following to replace bitstring on a Polisy. sudo -u polyglot bash pip3 uninstall bitstring pip3 uninstall --prefix /var/polyglot/.local bitstring pip3 install --prefix /var/polyglot/.local bitstring==3.1.9 ===============Original Problem============ I've tried the suggested uninstall / install you listed above and am still have some issues. Can you point me in the right direction? This is on a Polisy running 5.5.4. 2023-01-20 14:05:58,036 MainThread udi_interface INFO polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30 2023-01-20 14:06:00,769 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: UDI Python Interface for Polyglot version 3 3.0.46 Starting... 2023-01-20 14:06:00,835 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: Traceback (most recent call last): 2023-01-20 14:06:00,836 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_3/./lifx-poly.py", line 10, in <module> 2023-01-20 14:06:00,838 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: import lifxlan 2023-01-20 14:06:00,839 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/lifxlan/__init__.py", line 1, in <module> 2023-01-20 14:06:00,841 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: from .lifxlan import LifxLAN 2023-01-20 14:06:00,841 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/lifxlan/lifxlan.py", line 10, in <module> 2023-01-20 14:06:00,843 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: from .device import DEFAULT_ATTEMPTS, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, Device, UDP_BROADCAST_IP_ADDRS, UDP_BROADCAST_PORT 2023-01-20 14:06:00,844 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/lifxlan/device.py", line 29, in <module> 2023-01-20 14:06:00,845 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: from .msgtypes import Acknowledgement, GetGroup, GetHostFirmware, GetInfo, GetLabel, GetLocation, GetPower, GetVersion, \ 2023-01-20 14:06:00,846 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/lifxlan/msgtypes.py", line 9, in <module> 2023-01-20 14:06:00,848 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: import bitstring 2023-01-20 14:06:00,849 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: ModuleNotFoundError 2023-01-20 14:06:00,849 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: : 2023-01-20 14:06:00,850 MainThread udi_interface ERROR udi_interface:write: No module named 'bitstring' [polyglot@polisy ~]$ pip3 install --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560fac_3/.local bitstring==3.1.9 Collecting bitstring==3.1.9 Using cached bitstring-3.1.9-py3-none-any.whl (38 kB) Installing collected packages: bitstring Attempting uninstall: bitstring Found existing installation: bitstring 4.0.1 Uninstalling bitstring-4.0.1: Successfully uninstalled bitstring-4.0.1 Successfully installed bitstring-3.1.9 [polyglot@polisy ~]$
  14. =============Update============= 1/21/2022 This has been resolved. Use the following to install the necessary bitstring dependency on Polisy sudo -u polyglot bash pip3 uninstall bitstring pip3 uninstall --prefix /var/polyglot/.local bitstring pip3 install --prefix /var/polyglot/.local bitstring==3.1.9 Use the following for the eisy sudo -u polyglot bash pip3 uninstall bitstring pip3 uninstall --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026038_7/.local bitstring pip3 install --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026038_7/.local bitstring==3.1.9 ================================================================================================ If you rely on the LifX NS you may want to hold off on updating to 5.5.4 until a fix is found for the NS's failure to discover devices after update. @xKing suggested patch: sudo -u polyglot bash pip3 uninstall bitstring pip3 install bitstring==3.1.9 Unfortunately this did not work on Polysi.
  15. PG3 LifX NS no longer discovering devices. Restarted NS and PG3 several times. Also a power cycle of the Polisy. It seems something in 5.5.4 killed the LifX NS.
  16. @bmercier O you didn't just say that. 🤣 If 25 years in IT operations taught my one thing it is, you never tempt fate! Thank you for all your hard work!
  17. @C Martin This would be a good place to start. https://www.universal-devices.com/start/ Anything here talking about ISY programming which is most of it, applies equally to the Polisy and eisy. The ISY cookbook has a lot of examples in it, but don't ignor the other aids, they are very helpful as well. If you have a specific issue, feel free to ask here on the forum, people often chime in with example code.
  18. Good Catch @Geddy! It is there, just very difficult to see.
  19. @ddaggett1 I've also noticed over the years of working with Insteon and UD that the lights flicker when the admin console is writing to the system. I've never given it much thought as it has a cause and stops as soon as I'm done writing to the system. I caught my son making changes to the system that way once. He was trying to play a prank and I noticed the lights flicker and knew someone was in the system making changes. I'm curious if any of the more knowledgeable here have a more complete answer. Also I just checked the New Ticket button seems to be gone, it's a glitch in the matrix. I'd give it a few hours until the sun comes up on the west coast and try again.
  20. @edwaud TPM is short for Trusted Platform Module. It is a cryptographic device (hardware) that is becoming more and more prevalent in all manner of tech. It makes hacking of a device so equipped, much more difficult. I just skipped over a lot of really important information and summarized in a not quit technically correct way, but that's the jist of it. It keeps your eisy safe.
  21. @TRI0N https://www.universal-devices.com/docs/ZMatter-Assembly- Instructions.pdf
  22. @waffles If you <Start Linking> from the IoX top menu <Link Management> and then press the pull out tab button on the 2477 once, the IoX should list the new device along with it's address.
  23. @3jtexas Auto DR should not be removed, nor do I believe it can be. AutoDR is Automatic Demand Response. Where supported, it allows the utility (power company) to send a message that the ISY would react to by turning off heavy loads during peak times. There is likely more to it but that is my understanding. The AutoDR scene I believe is where you would place the "Heavy Loads" that should be turned off on request.
  24. @Wes Westhaver Still not working, but no rush. I'll check back later tonight. Thank you again! Kaz
  25. @Wes Westhaver I really appreciate you sharing this work with the community. I just loaded up the project you had shared and had a few errors. I'm sure they are simple to correct with your help. Can you point me to where you found these icons? I'm sure I could experiment and find my own, but I thought I'd ask first. Thank you! Kaz
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