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Everything posted by mmb

  1. I would submit a ticket then, they are are pretty prompt on their response time. My bother had strange problems and Chris sorted it out pretty quickly. The OS is pretty bullet proof.
  2. Pretty rare you would have to do a reset. Can you ssh to it?
  3. Did you make sure you used https with 8443 and not http?
  4. Try or
  5. Try pinging the IP address and see if it's alive.
  6. Sorry but your post is a little confusing. Here's my mini remote. Mini Remote button A points to a Scene and the Scene includes the device to be controlled. Does that help?
  7. My 90 yr old parents are still on an ISY and Insteon switches. Making changes for them at this point would be too confusing for them so I leave things as is. In any event, aside from a massive ISY failure, nothing has come along feature-wise that I feel compelled to change things for them anyway.
  8. Much much better, now the logs make sense. Thanks for the help.
  9. Thanks, I should have provided a sample of what I'm confronted with when opening the logs. So disabled altogether (0) won't affect functionality of the plugin? I haven't seen any problems worth investigating since I installed almost a year ago.
  10. Hi, the DSC-Envisalink plugin for great! Question, my IOX log file is overwhelmed with the number of DSC-Envisalink events, to the point where it's difficult to find other events in the file. Is there anyway to turn off or suppress Envisalink the logs with something link Info, Critical, Debug etc. Thanks!
  11. I wonder if the Z-Wave backup is actually used during the update or is it just in case of a disaster. My brother has a Zooz dongle. It would suck to re-add all his Z-Wave devices.
  12. I would start a new thread as a starter. There's lots of talent on this forum.
  13. I generally write device info to variables so you can pop into the AC and validate the program is working properly. Question why wouldn't you use an OR Then On Else Off?
  14. Program Summary tab, right click the program and select Enable Run at Startup
  15. I know the OS can probably deal with IP6 but this is the first I've heard of it. Does that extend to Portal UUID? @jec6613 can you confirm you have an IP4 ip address?
  16. You're obviously special, my gmail smtp is sub 2 sec. on a Polisy. I did have to increase the timeout from 1 sec because I was getting the error.
  17. That's a crazy long time for a server response 12 or 20 seconds. Weird that we're both using the same server and mine is less than 2 sec. What's your ping response time?
  18. I'd check and perhaps extend your timeout to 2000, worked for me.
  19. I would use two Programs, one that sets up the Repeat every hour and calls another Program that tests and sets the ERV on or off. I use a similar approach for my house humidity control. My humidity test is rather complex as it uses forecast temperatures and internal humidity levels to dry out the house if needed for extreme cold temperatures to avoid window fogging/freezing. Welcome to Canada!
  20. My Polisy update went fine. I'm trying to decode Michel's wifi notice. Polisy does not support Matter when connected using WiFi. So does wifi enabled Matter devices direct connect to Polisy, therefore the wifi can't be used to connect Polisy to the network. Have I got that right? How is the eisy different?
  21. Wasn't that due to Google seeing their api as a security risk?
  22. Interesting, that’s the second bricked Polisy. Anyone with a Polisy that updated properly?
  23. Nuts, that's too bad @apostolakisl I checked the Unifi forums, a number of people were asking for an Access webhook. But responses were make an api.
  24. I shared a while back as several others asked as well.
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