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Everything posted by mmb

  1. Triggers like turning on lights depending on time of day etc are easily done by webhooks and the eisy. Super simple to setup and almost no latency . I assume different Access alarms can be triggered depending who it is and those in turn can trigger different webhooks. I haven't tried that yet. Of course an api would be better like I have for my DSC Alarm.
  2. Missed that sorry, I don't have have Access but I use webhooks to hook in Protect. Works pretty well...
  3. What were you thinking for integration? I can't think of anything useful on the Network side. Like maybe for Protect?
  4. mmb

    Has a Date Been Set?

    For me an eisy was too expensive before and now will become unaffordable after. I'd have to move to my HA platform for good. The Canadian peso sucks.
  5. mmb

    UD Mobile on a PC

    BlueStacks survives but UD Mobile needed a restart which amounts to a stop and start, about 2 seconds.
  6. mmb

    UD Mobile on a PC

    I already had BlueStacks5 installed so I installed UD Mobile from Google Play for you. Logged in with my Portal credentials. Haven't tested extensively but seems to be working fine.
  7. @FarmerGeek I've used Hub2 with Home Assistant for years, almost a decade and it's rock solid. I believe a subscription is only required if you use the Insteon phone app with the Hub.
  8. mmb

    UDI EISY Update 2025

    Correct, OS current version NAME=FreeBSD VERSION="13.2-RELEASE-p11" Update will take you to 14.1.
  9. Are you updating Integer or State variables?
  10. mmb


  11. Portal's http service is down and that will affect lots.
  12. The worst time for it to happen. I’m sure @bmercier is on it. Happy New Year!
  13. Dead for me, http error
  14. mmb

    UDI EISY Update 2025

    Several people including friends have asked for more information regarding Unifi Protect Alarms Manager webhook triggers. I based the following on my BlueIris NVR trigger implementation. The webhook is used to set an eisy State variable to 1 when a person is detected by my Unifi doorbell. An eisy Program watches the variable and when it changes to 1 it sets my front lights to On and Waits for 10 minutes followed by an Off. The variable is reset to 0. The webhook is pretty simple to configure. The only place I got hung up was on the eisy username password. There was a post on Unifi forums that shows the usual @username:password in the url doesn't work. I tested and found it indeed didn't work Someone in the Unifi forums figured out the username:password has to be included as a separate Base64 encoded Authorization header string. (WHY!) I used an online Base64 encoder to do mine using the full eisy username:password string of characters and a space after Basic. This is my setup for the Unifi Doorbell but it should work the same for any of the Protect cameras. There may be a better way to set this up, I'm all ears.
  15. mmb

    UDI EISY Update 2025

    I casually watch the forums and indeed the Java bit seems to be a never ending source of pain for some. Time to move on.
  16. mmb


    Pairing with z-wave seems better when the devices are close. My z-wave devices are all over my 2000 sqft home and never had a problem. I have Zmatter dongle and used to have a Zooz 700 dongle.
  17. mmb

    UDI EISY Update 2025

    I'm using Unifi as well. The Unifi Protect doorbell and cams trigger the eisy/insteon lighting nicely using their webhooks.
  18. mmb

    UDI EISY Update 2025

    Not sure why Michel didn't post this update on the Forum. Lots of good news. https://www.universal-devices.com/2025-liftoff/
  19. I use a z-wave relay and an ESP DHT thermometer sensor with mqtt. The DHT updates very quickly. I have an Aeotec Multisensor but found updates to be way too slow to be useful. I have 4 DHTs around the house. The combo regulates humidity perfectly and with forecast temperatures ensures very minimal frosting on the windows during the winter. I built it a few years ago and, at the time, finding a good z-wave/zigbee thermostat that worked with eisy/polisy was a pain. So went with esp which made the build more complicated but very reliable. Let me know if you find a a good z-wave/zigbee thermostat.
  20. 1. So you see the switch in the console but not UD Mobile? Did you sync UD Mobile?
  21. My son uses HA for his Aqara door locks, Ikea temp sensors and Zigbee smart plugs. One Zigbee smart plug is used in an automation to control a 240V contactor which turns on/off a garage heater based on info from the Ikea temp sensors. He also uses a cheap android tablet for a really nice dashboard. I use HA with an Insteon modem at our AZ condo. I run Tailscale the HA for remote access. Finally I use a Polisy/HA combo at our main house. HA has come a long way and solves lots of smart device integration problems.
  22. I'm using Home Assistant for a lot of this missing functionality. More and more it's my goto platform.
  23. It's hard to ignore them when there's hundreds of them. There should be log levels so users have control of what they want to see.
  24. I randomly got this update message in the last few days. Judging by the date it seems oddly old. I don't follow updates closely and there doesn't seem to be any discussion in the forum about it. UDX HW/Admin Service for Universal Devices eisy/Polisy Release notes for 3.5.8 - 07/23/2024 - Fixed upgrade failure bug - Fixed tpm and sleep issues - Fixed warning for upgrade to 14.x I presume it is safe to update? Thanks! Update: Running fine. Why can't UDI post UDX updates along with their IOX in the website section Software Releases & Updates? Isn't it equally or more important?
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