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Everything posted by mmb

  1. I submitted a ticket, this is the result. UD suggests the way to insert the license key involves deleting the DSC-Envisalink node entirely then reinstalling the purchased version and making sure to use the same slot. My brother is in the same situation but rather than use this delete option I just used the Reinstall Here that pops up after purchase. It seems to have the same effect as the delete and reinstall/restore node. Presumably we're licensed now, guess we'll find out in the month or so.
  2. Thanks @bpwwer I did click reinstall but as noted it seemed like nothing changed. According to Purchases both the Trial and Licensed are Active. I'll assume as you noted, the Licensed version replaces the trial version.
  3. Yes understand all that. As @bpwwer it should show the slot it's installed in on the "Installed" column so something seems wrong there.
  4. I installed the Trial, then Purchased. I'm then prompted with this window which is a little confusing because I just want the license, I don't want to reinstall or install in another slot. Perhaps the license is tied to the plugin? Anyway, I clicked Reinstall but nothing changed. Not a big deal provided something doesn't expire, leaving me without access to my alarm system.
  5. Hi @Goose66 I purchased your nodeserver and it's working fine with my DSC alarm system. I have the license and it shows in my purchases. However I noted the PG3 plugins area of the store, it still shows something I can purchase and install (ie not installed). Is this expected behavior? Thanks!
  6. @Chris Jahn provided a web based ZMatter reset link but it didn't work. We'll wait and see if there's another option before taking drastic measures. Thanks!
  7. Thanks, totally aware of what a factory reset is, just don’t know how to initiate it? Really this should be a last resort anyway @Javi. I recall they were all set to Auto. We set z-wave to On when detection of Zooz didn’t happen. And this is where we are now. We tried all the troubleshooting tips as well btw. Is there any command line options I can try? I have an ssh window open and ready to go.
  8. Thanks @Javi I didn’t do the migration, my brother just followed the eisy wiki according to him. His computer skills are very rudimentary. Is there a way to determine if it was enabled? Also I have never seen a factory on any of the ISYs, does that even exist?
  9. Thanks @oskrypuch, I tried two different Zooz z-wave 700 dongles on my brother eisy but neither worked. Not even detected using diagnostics. The ZMatter dongle is way beyond his finances at over $200. He could barely afford the eisy which was over $400. (Canadian $ sucks) Anyway, one of the z-wave dongles I used with my Polisy prior to their ZMatter dongle coming out and it worked fine. I subsequently moved to their ZMatter dongle. I submitted a ticket on my brother's behalf and got a rather short not so helpful message saying turn on Z-Wave in the Admin console then they closed my ticket. I submitted another ticket asking why they closed the previous ticket. They closed this ticket and reopened my initial ticket to Awaiting Agent Reply. Not sure what's going on in UD land. Certainly not the stellar support I'm used to. UD should just say third party dongles aren't supported if that's the case. Then my brother would dump the z-wave devices he was using with his ISY and move to all Insteon devices. I suspect @Geddy doesn't get involved in ticket matters.
  10. mmb

    Zone Mismatch

    Thanks I'll give that a try. Update: That worked, all good. I now have 18 zones, a discover would be excellent 👍
  11. Hi @Goose66, for the most part the Envisalink node server is working well at my brother's small condo. I did note that upon node initialization the main partition and zones 1 - 8 were created in PG3. Only 4 physical zones are actually used. The main problem is our wireless window sensors zones 17 and 18 are missing. These wireless sensors were added well after the original DSC installation because a window replacement mistakenly deleted the wiring to the original sensors zones 5 and 6. Is there anyway to correct this by adding zone 17 and 18? Thanks in advance!
  12. I migrated my brother's ISY to the EISY and all the insteon devices show but the ZW dongle shows as not responding. I remember it working on my own system prior to the ZMatter dongle upgrade. Thanks in advance.
  13. Thanks guys!
  14. Excellent thanks! But it doesn’t seem to have any content @Geddy ?
  15. @Geddy do you know where the instructions are for a ISY to eisy migration? I looked around and can't find them. I thought there was a sticky somewhere but maybe I'm blind. Thanks in advance!
  16. I'd like to know as well as my brother just received his eisy and has a Zooz dongle for his few z-wave devices👍
  17. There were issues with UDI's default SMTP server on portal back on May 03 and I notified @bmercier I switched to Gmail at that time and everything has been fine since. Perhaps the default still having problems. I doubt it has anything to do with the ISY itself.
  18. Thanks, I'm using Gmail now so all good.
  19. Hi @bmercier, I was receiving delayed and then stopped receiving notifications on April 30 and May 01 2024. Was this related to the Portal outage? I have since reconfigured my Polisy to Gmail's SMTP service. Thought I would ask in case others were having problems on those dates. Thanks!
  20. mmb

    Geofencing warning

    @Javi I included my latest update above. I’m out of ideas as to why UDM wants to jump into GeoFencing.
  21. mmb

    Geofencing warning

    @Javi I actually thought of a rogue thumb as well, so last night before checking UDM I was very careful to use my left index finger. So coincidentally it just happened as I was going to check into your last comment, pressing My Devices flashes the GeoFence Tile not My Devices, then the warning appears. I'm on 1.1.57 and will update later. Update: 1.1.60 didn’t fix it. I also turned off Location Services altogether for UDM but just got the permission error.
  22. mmb

    Geofencing warning

    @Javi the warning is back, it started late last week. Tapping My Devices brings up the warning. Per your instructions and there is no second tap, I can only tap the back button which takes me to the Home screen, then tapping My Devices works as expected. What is the warning supposed to be triggering on?
  23. mmb

    System Busy issue

    As the previous post mentioned it's likely a device communication problem. In my case, I isolated the problem to the Matter USB dongle extension hub. Bought a new one with a shorter 6" cable and changed the USB port as well, it went away.
  24. mmb

    Geofencing warning

    Update @Javi I haven't had the issue since the app delete and resync. Not necessarily the solution but definitely fixed the problem.
  25. mmb

    Geofencing warning

    Thanks @Javi I'm hoping to not replicate as well.
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