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Everything posted by jwagner010

  1. I see how to get to the feature, that’s very clear, but that wasn’t the question. The question is what does it do?
  2. @Chris JahnI too would be interested to understand exactly what this is. Is there documentation describing what this actual is / does? Much thanks. “Optional Basic and Button Press/Sensor Detection nodes for Z-Wave devices (See Z-Wave node level menu in the Admin Console)”
  3. Wow just came across this thread. Clearly a hot item for many of us. HousePanel looks really interesting, when/if it ever moves to the NodeServer store on POLISY happy to jump in at that point and provide testing and customer feedback. I have just completed a full gut renovation with 95% z-wave devices and 5% Insteon now. Have chosen to ditch Mobilinc Pro (simply doesn't work for me with z-wave and various sub-nodes), will use UDI Ajax in the interim on my iPhone and will sit and wait patiently and see what happens here with UDI, HousePanel and the other things in the works here. Will not hold my breath as we have been talking about these things for many years, but I have hope. HousePanel looks like the closest thing I have seen in a long time that could be configured for my needs. Keep up the great work everyone, glad to see we can have a respectful debate even if many of us don't like the answers. Cheers
  4. Looking for some opinions and recommendations. I currently have an all Insteon installation, switchlines, outletlincs, motion detectors, thermostats, leak sensors, etc, with close to 50 devices in total. Have been happy with my installation overall and in particular extremely happy with my ISY, the brains of the system which I have been able to integrate with pretty much anything using the network module. I am about to go through a major renovation and will be looking to move to zWave, although I have been happy with Insteon, the All On and All Off is a deal breaker for me, plus the limited evolution/choices of the Insteon devices. I do plan to stay with the ISY and will upgrade to version 5 of the software. To my question, one of the things I really like about my Insteon thermostats (Venstars with the plugin Insteon dongle) is that they push any temperate and humidity changes back to the ISY real-time, in addition to any manual status/mode changes. I use changes in temperate to trigger other events, fans, etc and so having the ISY see temperate and mode changes real time with the thermostat pushing the information is important to my set up (I do not want to be constantly polling the thermostats). I am not familiar with the various zWAve based thermostats so looking for recommendations of zWave thermostats that do push this information automatically back to the ISY controller. PS. I live in an apartment with Water Source Heat Pumps.
  5. Went and purchased an Insteon Hub. My only option for managing these device options. It is a shame that I need to buy another controller to manage these settings but I have no choice unfortunately.
  6. Does anyone know what the device options defaults are for the 2844-222? Pretty disappointed that UDI isn't fully supporting this device in the 4.x code base given it is a key device in any system. I understand the frustrations that UDI has with getting the API and like usual would probably need to reverse engineer it, but given it is such an important device in any home automation set up I would have thought UDI would have looked to solve this WITH FULL SUPPORT versus making folks wait for 5.x and we cannot even get a straight answer on when that will be officially released. Love the guys at UDI and always sing their praises but must admit this is the first time I am really disappointed in UDI.
  7. Works perfectly for me. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/18951-ir-companion-for-amazon-echo/?hl=%2Bglobal+%2Bcache+%2Beddy&do=findComment&comment=176935
  8. Confirmed it is fixed for me. Thanks for the quick (weekend) turn around. Truly amazing.
  9. Go to your ISY portal, click on Tools->>Connectivity->>Amazon Echo. Then from the list that comes up, click on one of the Scenes you have mapped, and add an alternative spoken to that scene, save it and look at the new scene name in the portal list of all scenes, devices, programs, etc you have mapped and you will see the first column called Name, for Scenes it is naming them by the spoken words and for Devices it is naming them based on the device name in the ISY. It used to be this name column would use the ISY scene or device name from the ISY. Also the Amazon Echo list in the portal doesn't download correctly from the portal for scenes when you add a alternate spoken to them now
  10. Mine work it is just the naming convention of the scene in the portal list that gets screwy when you add an alternate spoken to a scene (nb this behavior is just for scenes not for devices)
  11. No in ISY portal. Go to your ISY portal, click on Tools->>Connectivity->>Amazon Echo. Then from the list that comes up, click on one of the Scenes you have mapped, and add an alternative spoken to that scene, save it and look at the new scene name in the list of scenes and devices and you will see the problem.
  12. When I first set up my echo in the ISY portal and added devices and scenes the name for each device and scene I added defaulted to the name of the device or scene as it was named in the ISY (all good). Today I went to edit some of these Amazon Echo mappings in the ISY portal by adding alternative spokens and when it saved the name in the ISY portal changed to the spokens for scenes and for devices it remained as the device name in the ISY. This makes it terrible confusing to maintain the list of devices/scenes in the portal. I liked it when the ISY portal named each mapping consistent with the device or scene name in the ISY itself, not the spokens. When was this bug introduced? Also when you download your ISY Portal mapping to the csv file, the scenes now don't populate their name in the csv file.
  13. In my first post I show a screen shot of the Downstairs - Entry - Vent -30 scene and its responders. It doesn't have 3D.AC.3D. So using the ISY admin console I added 3D.AC.3D to the scene, then deleted 3D.AC.3D from the scene which appears to have fixed the problem for now. I will monitor. Something was out of whack, just not sure what it was.
  14. Thats the weird thing if I select the device 3D.AC.3D the right column does not show it being a member of a scene with either the KPL Secondary button or the 30 minute button on the coundown timer. How do I remove this scene from 3D.AC.3D?
  15. Thanks will slowly remove them and see what happens
  16. I have a scene (Downstairs - Entry - Vent-30 [7409]) with the 30 minute button of a Countdown Timer (0F.50.98) in it and also a Secondary Button on a KPL (3B.91.A9) in another room in the scene. All works fine when I press the KPL or the 30 minute button on the Countdown Timer. My problem is when I trigger the scene from the ISY admin console main screen or using an ISY program it not only executes this scene but turns on a switchlinc dimmer (3D.AC.3D) not defined in the scene. I tried removing the 3D.AC.3D Switchlinc Dimmer manually from the scene on both the KPL and Countdown Timer but still when I trigger this scene from the ISY it turns on or off the 3D.AC.3D device. I have also attached a Test Scene below but have no idea on how to understand it. Any help appreciated. Mon 05/30/2016 10:59:20 AM : [GRP-RX ] 02 61 1E 13 00 06 Mon 05/30/2016 10:59:20 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 3D.AC.3D 3D.C7.22 65 13 1E LTOFFRR(1E) Mon 05/30/2016 10:59:20 AM : [std-Cleanup Ack] 3D.AC.3D-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=1 Mon 05/30/2016 10:59:20 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.50.98 3D.C7.22 61 13 1E LTOFFRR(1E) Mon 05/30/2016 10:59:20 AM : [std-Cleanup Ack] 0F.50.98-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 Mon 05/30/2016 10:59:21 AM : [CLEAN-UP-RPT] 02 58 06 Mon 05/30/2016 10:59:21 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 3B.91.A9 3D.C7.22 61 13 1E LTOFFRR(1E) Mon 05/30/2016 10:59:21 AM : [std-Cleanup Ack] 3B.91.A9-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 <html><font color="red">----- Downstairs - Entry - Vent-30 Test Results -----</font></html> <html><font color="red">[succeeded]</font> Downstairs - Vent - E -30min (F 50 98 5)</html> <html><font color="red">[succeeded]</font> Downstairs - Entry - Vent (3B 91 A9 6)</html> <html><font color="red">----- Downstairs - Entry - Vent-30 Test Results -----</font></html>
  17. I have an old system which includes a number of 2443 Access Points. The vast majority of my devices these days are dual band as I have replaced devices that have failed over the years. Should I still use the Access Points in my system? 1) Do they provide benefit and I should just leave them?; 2) Do they provide no benefit but they provide no harm either so just leave them? 3) Similar to 2 do they provide no benefit but they provide no harm but just remove them to save on power? 4) Do they actually contribute to more comms noise to the system and so better off without them?
  18. Re: 2 I have a Synology nas with a package called surveillance station that functions as a security dvr that works with nearly all ip camera brands and allows http triggers to be sent to external devices like the isy. Also has a rest api where external devices can control the cameras / dvr. https://www.synology.com/en-us/surveillance/7.0
  19. The wait causes the if to be reassessed. You need to break your program into 2. First sets variable to 1 then calls the then of the second program.
  20. The plot thickens. Within ISY I deleted the scene and recreated it. All works fine, I now use the Remotelinc Button A (0A.0A.64) and it turns on and off the Dual Band Switchlinc (20.93.9B) only. However, when I use Mobilinc to trigger the scene it turns on both the Dual Band Switchlinc (20.93.9B) and also the Dual Band Outlinc Dimmer (2A.74.1C) again. I did a re-sync with Mobilinc (download all) and still the issue pesists. Compeltely stumped.
  21. I have the following scene called 'Downstairs - Kitchen'. As you can scene from the image attached below it contains a Dual Band Switchlinc (20.93.9B) and a Remotelinc Button A (0A.0A.64) My problem is when I trigger the 'Downstairs - Kitchen' scene on or off, it not only turns on or off switchlinc (20.93.9B) but it also turns on or off a Dual Band Outlinc Dimmer (2A.74.1C) thats not even in the scene. I am sure I don't have any other programs or scences that would also trigger the Dual Band Outlinc Dimmer (2A.74.1C) on or off. When I do a scene test on the 'Downstairs - Kitchen' scene this is the result: Sun 07/13/2014 08:46:59 PM : [GRP-RX ] 02 61 1B 13 00 06 Sun 07/13/2014 08:46:59 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 2A.74.1C 23.98.41 61 13 1B LTOFFRR(1B) Sun 07/13/2014 08:46:59 PM : [std-Cleanup Ack] 2A.74.1C-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0 Sun 07/13/2014 08:47:00 PM : [CLEAN-UP-RPT] 02 58 06 Sun 07/13/2014 08:47:00 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 20.93.9B 23.98.41 62 13 1B LTOFFRR(1B) Sun 07/13/2014 08:47:00 PM : [std-Cleanup Ack] 20.93.9B-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=2, Hops Left=0 ----- Downstairs - Kitchen Test Results ----- [ignore] Remote Grey - Button A (A A 64 1) [succeeded] Downstairs - Kitchen (20 93 9B 1) ----- Downstairs - Kitchen Test Results ----- Not sure wha this means but I do see the address for the Dual Band Outlinc Dimmer (2A.74.1C) in the second line. How to I trouble shoot this and correct it?
  22. Anyone have IR Codes for pause on a Tivo Series Premiere?
  23. I find it surprising that there are no hardwired smoke and Co combination detectors with battery backup that link to a home automation system either through Zwave or Onelink/smoke bridge.
  24. If anyone is interested there is now a plugin for the Logitech squeezebox where the squeezebox server will issue a GET command when a player is turned on or off. I use this to update variables in the ISY (using ISY REST interface) to keep my programs in the ISY in sync with the Squeezebox. More details at: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthrea ... in-SBNetIO https://code.google.com/p/sbnetio/
  25. If there aren't too many possible values for the variable you could define a separate network resource for each value hard coded in each network resource. Then write programs to call a particular network resource once a variable equals a certain value. A long work around that may work for you.
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