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Community Answers

  1. Motion sensors
  2. I would monitor the ping to the IR device and see if it’s not happy with the new WiFi. If that shows signs of 100% reliability then look at the way the IoX device is reaching the device and see if you can setup a monitor by running a query to the global cache NS maybe and put a THEN to notify you of its failure? Might be able to use that to troubleshoot the WiFi link to the IR device.
  3. Wish I had something to suggest. If no one else does there is always a ticket with UDI.
  4. Tried a reboot of the EISY yet? 🤞
  5. First for everything. Nice
  6. That should match the number of fans you have…. Seems like you need to retry pairing the fan units to the bond first
  7. Under advanced it’ll show “Devices Associated” - is that actually showing all the devices? What kind of Bond hub is it?
  8. I don’t see a SwitchBot (SB) node server plugin currently - but you should be able to use Network Resources and their API if you have a SB hub: https://github.com/OpenWonderLabs/SwitchBotAPI
  9. Alternatively you can get a Bond hub - assuming the fan will work with it. Then assuming you have PG3 already setup use the Bond Hub NS, and then integrate with your insteon network that way.
  10. Is the current switch Insteon? If so you can get a wireless remote and link the two into a scene. https://shop.insteon.com/collections/remotes?srsltid=AfmBOop4wmso7kusQzSJamCFxA8FhcVu7K3NZ-R1LP2OsGy-R_sQAgUL
  11. I get that error sometimes when I input the address in the name field; and name in the address field. Sounds rudimentary - but did you make sure you got the right data in the right field? Also, I never select the device type and let it auto-detect. Any diag output from the event viewer on level three when you try to add it you could include? I know I can't decipher it but others on here typically can; worse case - support ticket.
  12. In the bond app click on the bond pro under my bonds: see IMG910 At the bottom hit advanced: see IMG913 local token should be the second field: see IMG912
  13. Need to get the ISY “stuff” into HA. Then HA will see the status. Then you can setup control of the govee lights based off the ISY statuses in HA.
  14. To Be or Not to Be? - Universal Devices - News (universal-devices.com)
  15. It has a full API. Network resources on the ISY side for each ON/OFF. Bob’s your uncle.
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