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  1. I get that error sometimes when I input the address in the name field; and name in the address field. Sounds rudimentary - but did you make sure you got the right data in the right field? Also, I never select the device type and let it auto-detect. Any diag output from the event viewer on level three when you try to add it you could include? I know I can't decipher it but others on here typically can; worse case - support ticket.
  2. In the bond app click on the bond pro under my bonds: see IMG910 At the bottom hit advanced: see IMG913 local token should be the second field: see IMG912
  3. Need to get the ISY “stuff” into HA. Then HA will see the status. Then you can setup control of the govee lights based off the ISY statuses in HA.
  4. To Be or Not to Be? - Universal Devices - News (universal-devices.com)
  5. It has a full API. Network resources on the ISY side for each ON/OFF. Bob’s your uncle.
  6. I use a Din IV Relay by digital loggers
  7. Think you have to disable before you can delete.
  8. Found this - could use an Alexa (assuming you have one) to output the sound (mp3 of whatever):
  9. Create a scene. Make the light the responder and the switch the controller.
  10. That worked!!!! Not sure why I didn't think of that! Appreciate it!
  11. Found a work around in the mean time; Home Assitant + Wemo Relay Devices (Digital Loggers allows their relays to show up as a Wemo device). I can setup the necessary automations in HA until i figure it out further with Network Resources.
  12. Did some searching but couldn't find anything of the sort - so here we are... Got a Digital Logger's DIN Relay 4, trying to leverage Network Resources to trigger REST API call on said DIN Relay 4. Using Curl on test box on the same network I'm able to have a relay fire, but can't figure out how to chop up the curl command into something for Network Resources to consume...Any ideas? Working curl: curl --digest -u admin:admin -X PUT -H "X-CSRF: x" --data "value=true" "" Thanks in advanced!
  13. Seems like the light control is ON/OFF; don't see a way to set it to a level. You can set levels to fan (and direction for that matter). I use my Bond with two fans with down lights and have two separate 8 button KPLs for each room fan. I have buttons setup for each fan speed and to switch directions; and to turn the light on/off via scenes. Can't say I've seen a way to control light level from ISY -> BOND. Can obviously do it on the BOND app so sounds like there is a way just not exposed in the API maybe or at least not available in the Node Server
  14. Discovery traffic likely won’t pass the firewall between the two zones without an ALLOW - zones are there to segregate traffic easily. ICMP (ping) isn’t necessarily treated the same as TCP traffic (discovery maybe if it’s doing any two way traffic to inquire)
  15. It’s not clear if you left the EISY in the same Zone or Subnet as the actual devices. If the traffic has to cross zones you will need explicit ALLOWs for said port and protocol.
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