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Everything posted by oberkc

  1. Perhaps, but I am trying to reconcile that statement with the ISY Advanced User Guide (see a couple of attachments) which suggest (to me) that associations are part of the ISY capability and with the response from @Michel Kohanim below.
  2. That is my understanding, as well The only thing that I have come across is the web page for the Z-wave alliance: https://products.z-wavealliance.org This page provides, among other things, a list of certified devices and their features. Unfortunately, I am not confident in the accuracy of this. If I read it correctly, the Jasco switches (of which I own a few) have association capabilities. Despite this, I remain unable to create an association with these devices. As best I can tell, the zwave feature which allows direct communication and links between two or more zwave devices is known as "associations", which I assume is analogous to Insteon "scenes". I have not seen the term "scene" in my research of the zwave protocol. Perhaps someone could clear this up if I misunderstand.
  3. On 5.3.2. Is the association capability only available with the latest version? Yes. I have clicked on the primary node, along with various other nodes, including those called "basic scene control".
  4. I guess none of my devices supports either. I have a good number of GE/Jasco switches and outlets. I have a smaller number of Leviton switches. I have yet to come across a zwave device or node that gives me an option to choose these scene or association options. Is there a particular brand or model that support these link types?
  5. Apparently, this is an option. Polisy, in addition to hosting the polyglot node server function, doubles also as an ISY-994. So....both can be present on the Polisy box. Or, continue to use a separate box for the ISY-994 function and the Polisy box for the node servers. I am still a little fuzzy on the pros and cons of either approach. My separate system has been rock solid so I am not convinced that there is a noticeable reliability improvement. Furthermore, you may loose a few functions on the Polisy-hosted ISY-994 (IR comes to mind). On the positive side, I understand that the single-box approach may be faster. I also perceive that the single-box approach is the one supported by universal devices going forward and wonder how long the separate ISY box will be supported. At this point, I am in no hurry to move over to a single-box system, but I am starting to play around with the ISY on Polisy, having just ordered a z-wave stick. I must admit that I am not excited about putting in a bunch of hours to move over to the single box and fear that this is what it will take.
  6. I must admit that everything looks good as far as I can tell. Yes, it appears to me also that your keypad buttons are, indeed, sending ON commands. It also appears to me that your scenes are set up correctly (notwithstanding a few non-insteon link types). The only thing that is coming to mind at this point is the possibility that the links are not written to the individual devices. Have you tried "restore device" option for your keypads and other devices within that scene?
  7. I am certainly no expert at Reading the event viewer. Still, I find it easy, at least, to see if commands are being seen by the isy. For example, if you press one of your keypad buttons a, it's not too hard to see whether you are getting an on or off command. I definitely would like to confirm that your buttons are all configured in non toggle (on) mode.
  8. Good. Perhaps, then, I misunderstand. When you press Button A on keypad2 or keypad3, even the button A does not come on? This suggests to me that they are in non-toggle (off) mode or that there is some type of failure. In my experience, if a keypad button is in non-toggle (off) mode, they will flash when pressed, transmit an OFF command, then stay off. If a keypad button is in non-toggle (on) mode and pressed, it will flash, transmit an ON command, and stay on. If you confirm that they are, in fact, in non-toggle (on) mode, yet don't stay on when pressed, this is a problem with the keypad, itself. Either the ISY is not configuring it properly, or there is some type of failure in the keypad. I would check, again, that these buttons are in non-toggle (on) mode. A secondary check would be to open the ISY event viewer and observe what commands are coming when you press the keypad buttons A. Is the ISY seeing an ON command or OFF command? What does the ISY show as status for keypad buttons A when each is pressed?
  9. And, given that some of the A buttons do not come ON when you press them, it makes me suspect that they are in "non-toggle-off" mode. Do they flash a couple of times when you press them? Given what you state that you want, I would ensure that ALL buttons A are in non-toggle-ON mode. Based upon the four .pdf files you attached, it appears that the scene settings are correct. My best guess is that some of your controller buttons are not all configured properly for non-toggle-ON mode. Based, also, upon my impression from your matrix for keypad1, I cannot help but wonder if you are having some communication problems somewhere. I also cannot help but notice that some of your link types are "command" rather than "Insteon". I would have guessed that all should be "Insteon".
  10. yes, the same on mine. While small, individual scenes work fine (mostly), larger scenes seem to be taking longer as z-wave becomes a larger part. I can, and have, live with it but it makes me pause at the idea of a total transition to z-wave.
  11. I have tried some experiments with Zwave devices and nodes, but have never successfully been able to create a z-wave scene (aka association). While I have Zwave devices within the ISY scenes, the link "type" as shown in the scene definition is alway "default" and I have never seen a link type "z-wave basic" between any zwave devices or nodes that I have tried.
  12. Well, one thing that was not obvious from the post was whether this was a 6- or 8-button keypad. On the 6-button, "A" is not the load controller.
  13. I thought the same thing, and have twice recommended checking the responder levels for all the controller devices within the scene. I am not sure that the message is getting through amongst all the other tangential thoughts.
  14. Except that non-toggle sounds like the best approach to meet the stated needs (button A always "turns ON the scene"...the only stated requirement for pressing button A). Yes, there may be unstated requirements and yes there may be future requirements and expansion, but my intention was to address why the solution did not meet stated requirements, rather than question the requirements.
  15. Unfortunately, your attachment showed only the responder levels for each device when the "scene" is controlled (ie, ISY/PLM is controller device). As I suggested earlier (perhaps with insufficient clarity) you also need to check responder levels for the other controller devices. Remember, this is still an Insteon system, and controller/responder relationships are established between individual Insteon devices. Each device you have established as a controller will have controller/responder levels that may or may not be the same as for the scene and for the other controller devices. You must ensure all responder levels for each of the controller device is correct. Do this by selecting each of the controller devices within the scene and observing/confirming responder devices for the other devices in the scene. Yes, one can do this, but it does not necessarily explain why the approach by SESamuels is not working. And, if one does not need the extra flexibility, then one has multiple scenes where one is otherwise sufficient.
  16. Assuming it is not something such as communication errors (does not sound like it to me), I would confirm a few things.... Sounds about right. I suggest checking the responder levels for both buttons A. Mouse-Click on the scene name...what are the responder levels for the various devices in the scene? Mouse-Click on each of the two scene controller buttons...are the responder levels the same? Are they what you expected? Remember that scene controllers are also responders to other scene controllers. Also sounds correct. Make sure that this is true not only for scene#1 (when selected in the device listing) but also for when any other controller in that scene (two buttons A) is selected. Remember, responder levels within a given scene can be different for each and any controller within that scene. Which leads me to a question...does button A keypad 1 cause anything to happen to any of the keypad 2 buttons? Which leads me to: how do you determine that scene#1 "does not turn on". Does button A of keypad 2 not turn on? What must be ON for you to declare scene#1 to be ON? Are there light fixtures involved? To what Insteon device(s) are those fixtures attached?
  17. I have a couple of Leviton zwave switches. I can add them as scene controllers. Unfortunately, I am unable to create scenes directly linked (link type: zwave) but only via the ISY (link type: default) to other zwave devices. The scenes function fine, but I assume would cease to do so absent the ISY-994 controller (unlike Insteon).
  18. I wonder if one of those Itach WF2IR-type devices, along with a network resource, could be made to work. I am (unfortunately) uncertain whether they can receive IR, or just transmit.
  19. I am interested in the Brilliant "switch" as a user interface only...as an alternative to keypadlincs. It also happens to be a wonderful interface to Sonos, so bonus points there. I have no intention of using the brilliant as another hub, or as a bridge to other devices, or as a switch controlling a load. I also don't really care who supports whom, but was hopeful that the hue emulator (an existing node server) would work with the Brilliant much as it does with harmony remotes.
  20. The only "direct" support for ISY would be via Insteon or z-wave/zigbee (or x-10, I suppose), correct? All other interface to ISY would be via node servers, I understand, or via a network resource. To ask brilliant to incorporate Insteon is unlikely to happen, in my estimation. I suppose they could add a ziggbe or zwave radio, but they currently do not include these, so this would require replacing the brilliant controllers that we have. No, I suspect node servers are here to stay to have any hope of working with ISY. Maybe there could be a dedicated brilliant node server instead of the hue emulator, but this is not something that Brilliant could address by itself.
  21. Or...use a different port for Polisy?
  22. I am equally hopeful that I can someday use a Brilliant touch pad with the Hue Emulator. I am not overly knowledgeable regarding ports, but it does seem port 80 is a popular number. I did not check, but I am thinking that the actual hue hub also tries to use port 80 and I recall a couple of other devices I have that try the same thing. Was port 80 also the default port for the ISY, itself? Can one have multiple devices on one's network competing for that special port?
  23. Don't know whether they are going out of business but I, too, used the GE/Jasco outlets and they work very well. At one point they were available at Lowes, but I don't see them anymore at my location.
  24. There may be a few tricks to the z-wave "inclusion" process, but they are relatively easy to learn and, once included, z-wave works quite well based upon my experience. I understand z-wave is a mesh-type system and may require multiple devices, depending upon how far away the z-wave device is from the ISY. Sometimes, a device has to be included close by before installation in the final location. Factory reset of the z-wave device is a good idea, like with Insteon. I will add, too, that z-wave works best as a responder device than as a controller. Outlets, and plug-in modules work quite well in scenes and programs. Controller devices (such as wall switches) have some potential issues with programs and scenes, but there are possible work-arounds depending upon which z-wave controller device you have. I would definitely give one a shot.
  25. I don't fully understand why this is the case, but I had to bring my lock quite close to the ISY (after factory resetting) to enroll it. Once enrolled, it works fine at the installed location, 30 feet away separated by walls, but with a couple of z-wave devices in-between. Enrolling the lock while installed did not work well for me. This process was also required by a couple of z-wave switches I use.
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