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Everything posted by paulbates

  1. Control of devices can be distributed to the insteon network using scenes. This is handy when you want to control multiple devices at the exact same time. As an example, I use a scene to turn on/off my yard lights via three outlet lincs, porch lights and 3 lamps. They all go on and of at the same time. The flip side is that there is no single answer. If programming works for you, use it. You can experiment with scenes as you try more things. Also, share what functions you are trying to automate here on the board. You'll get different ideas that will include scenes and programs. Welcome to the board Paul
  2. To back up what others have said, it's not the isy. I had this issue with 2441TH before owning an isy.
  3. Thank you Stu!
  4. I used items located here when I started, and still do. The items that are documents are printable. This particular guide has a section on how to use the ISY program features & programming. There are 20-ish pages related to program functions / programming instructions in the document.
  5. Nice! I was hoping you would find it. I would have gone OCD trying to figure it out
  6. Notepad++ is good as Michael indicates. I use win 8.1 and excel and that works ok as well. I believe when you press the "view in excel" button, excel specific macros are added to the file stream and you pretty much need to use excel to look at it. My version of excel, 2013 and it makes me approve use of an excel macro in the file. The macro does provided formatting and shading which is helpful Also, excel allows you to do log analysis with filters or pivot tables if you are familiar with those. With pivot tables you can focus in on dates and or devices, and check up on programs and access from the web / mobile devices.
  7. Gary, To add to Tekens comments, you need a way to open and close it. The appliancelinc will be the easiest and cheapest way to do this. When the appliancelinc is turned on, it will add power to close the duct. The duct will spring back to open when the appliancelinc is turned off. You will need to have a switch, or some kind of logic, to say when you want it open or closed. How do you plan to control it, with a switch or keypadlinc? Paul
  8. If you back up to post 91 in this thread, its discussed and documented. Electronics knowledge and experience is needed.
  9. Yep, most likely spikes from the gas ignitors traveling to the stat and interfering with its non filtered main board. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  10. The 2441TH is not a venstar designed or manufactured device. This is a case of a consumer electronics company, smartlabs, trying to back into the hvac business. The 2441THs work for many, but not for all. My older hvac units triggered the same 2441TH issues noted by others... locking up and random mode changes. I sent the 2441THs back. Venstar has been in the hvac business a while and makes about 25% of the stats in the us. I recently installed 2 venstar t5900 wifi thermostats on the same hvac system, and they function perfectly. I since upgraded hvac systems and venstars drive the new units well too. Paul Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  11. I think my reason may not be quite right, its that the program is changing the condition of its entry. However, I believe the conclusion is right and that line should be removed.
  12. It looks to me like the if can never be true. Try removing this line and rerunning And Status 'Kit Sink Light / Hot Water Kit' is Off
  13. That's really what the Insteon Hub is, an Ethernet PLM. It plausible that ISY firmware could be requested to be modified to talk to it (probably need the network module too). It would need a lot of people asking for it. I don't know if that's on the horizon or not. Having said that, my money would be on the new UD PLM, serial or not. Insteon traffic travels in the 2k baud range, bursting to 14.4k baud. It would potentially be more of a wiring advantage than a performance advantage.
  14. paulbates


    Anything notable or remarkable in the wiring in the box its installed in? I have one in a 3 gang box that initially buzzed. It has a lot of wiring going through it. I unhooked everything and started with just the incoming hot and neutral on the switch. No buzz. It took an hour or two with a volt meter and figuring out where all the wires ran and wire it back up with a few changes. There was old three way wiring and things that went nowhere. That was 3 years ago, and no buzz since then. A different question; are you using the load on the A button, if so what is it wired to, how many watts does it drive? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  15. Oberkc, can Zwave devices can be added to insteon scenes?
  16. Outletlincs can be temperamental about noise as Xathros points out. I had those exact symptoms on a yard light transformer plugged into an outletlinc. It usually took several hours of it being in the "on" state, and then it would stop responding and give the red !. I had to use a plug in noise filter to stop it from getting the red !. How old is the fan? Is it physically making more noise in the room than it used to? Paul Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  17. I use time-a.nist.gov on my pcs, router and ISY to keep them synced time wise. Maybe that will work.
  18. Yeh, I went through a period when I had an WGL receiver putting X10 Motion sensors around to gather light levels. I've compromised on one spot that seems to get it right most of the time. The techniques in this post have me thinking about adding a seasonal program layer to it Thanks Larry
  19. It's been an ongoing struggle for me too. I've used several light sensor methods. Got close but never perfect.
  20. FYI. The earth's axis changed a few degrees. Oh, and the sun moved.too .
  21. Other packages have them. I used Mark Sandler's plugin for homeseer that watched traffic and calculated a 0 - 100% signal quality score for each device in a list. I had devices in the 60 - 80% range before signal linc, and everything except one MS was 95% or better afterwards. Most at 100%. That lead my down the path to rely on RF only when needed... noisy / problem circuits. The hop count dropped for many devices. Houselinc has a similar feature called signal diagnostics. You can switch over to that temporarily since its free and measure how it works with three signallincs breakers on and breakers off, but that's a lot of work if things work fairly well. There is a request into UD to have a similar insteon diagnostic feature in the ISY.
  22. + 1, Stu. My previous HA package provided a dashboard of signal performance for all devices. I started insteon with 3 access points, and then a few years later installed a signal linc. The before and after were measurable and remarkable. I removed 2 access points as a result, 2 less things to worry about breaking. I occasionally will notice, or hear from the family, about problems with devices on certain circuits not working properly. The resolution is to unplug and replug the access point there. In an interesting twist, I am having better luck with a circuit that always had an access point on it, when I finally removed it after putting in the signalinc (and I did swap APs to make sure that one wasn't defective) My view is that a combination of adding a signalinc to the main / root panel, and locating the PLM there too, provides the best balance of access from devices on the powerline to the panel. Even though you have a lot of mesh in dual band devices, all roads lead to the breaker panel and there's the potential to drop a hop getting to and from the ISY. I've not heard any specific stories that installing a signal linc made an installation worse afterwards. I'm not sure either way if the sub panels would need signalincs too. Start with one on the main/root panel and see how things are different. If you think you can do better, move on the other panels. Paul
  23. Yep, you got it. I have the same duct booster situation. I use my thermostats' mode changes and outside temperature to turn that on.
  24. I've used several HA platforms over the years, and came to ISY in the last couple of months. I found that it takes a little bit of practice to learn the ISY's way of doing things, but after I got a handle on it, its pretty straight forward. One suggestion is to explore / search 'How to's and tutorials" section of the board, also "Questions and Answers". Search for "bathroom" or "sprinklers" or whatever you are automating. You will find something that resonates with what you are doing, and find sample programs that demonstrate different ways to do it. That's another concept, there might be several ways to do the same thing. What works for you is the right way. As you write more programs, you'll run in to more complex scenarios with "if"s and using the "else". Don't worry about it now, and know that there is a ton of help on the board if you post your program; either suggestions or sample programs back for you to look at. In addition to the programs, its a great community. It was helpful for me to move functions over one at a time rather than focusing on devices. For example, move your yard light motion sensor and associated lights, then move on to the attic fan...etc. You will have different functions than my examples, but that's approach served me well. Start simple, move into the more complex.
  25. As a follow up, I had my first occurrence of this technique working on its own last night. There was a light rain that started early am. The normal sprinkler cycle started at 2:15 as expected. At 3:25 enough rain fall to equal normal watering had fallen and the "Mid Cycle shutdown program" kicked in and shut the cycle down. It indexed the variable to track mid cycle cancels. It cut ~2 hours of sprinkling out of a 4+ hour cycle.
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