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Everything posted by paulbates

  1. Its hit or miss on things that are not core HA devices. Many people have great luck with the 2441TH. I had the same problem that Shannon had, but it was 2 years ago and I did not have the same insight or ability to provide electronic filter remediation to a new product I had just purchased. Its either a trip to nowhere, or a trip to Radio Shack ... no wait... The "land locked" firmware makes it hard from a product life cycle perspective. When I had a gen 1 Hub, it needed to be replaced for firmware reasons. It required credit to be held until I returned the old unit. Not going to lie, not a fan of this model
  2. Alex Try putting combinations of \r and \n at the end of the statement. Telnet needs the carriage return and newline, just like you did on the telnet client. Most likely, your line should look like this SETCH 0101\r\n What I'm not sure about is the commands telnet uses to establish the connection, but the above is a place to start Paul
  3. Thanks for the follow up. You can't go wrong with RCS, they are a "ground up" HVAC company that moved into the the consumer electronics world. Their commercial experience pays big dividends in the home as well. I used their X10 Thermostats for 10 years, very solid devices. It would be good to hear how its working out, what you like, etc after you use it for a while.
  4. There are 2 ways- 1- Send only command mode using network resources from the network module. There are samples on the board if you search for T5800 or T5900 or T6800 2- Use io_guy's feature packed .net app. It gives full read and control capabilities from the ISY. It needs a pc or raspberry pi to run on. It runs in the background and has no impact on the device its running on. It does not need to be dedicated, a "user" pc can run it. The apps are very small and configured via a browser like you would your router. http://forum.universal-devices.com/index.php?/topic/13076-VenLink:-Latest-Version-v0.5.15 Having a program running on a additional box is a non-starter for many. I've had it running for 3 months now and have kinda forgotten about it. For the things I get back, its a very small price for me. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  5. +1. I have 2 of the T5900's. They have worked out better than expected. The screen can be programed to "dumb thermostat" mode so it looks like a basic stat to the family. Configurable Stage triggers are extremely useful as well, finding a balance of comfort versus burning up gas. The separate humidification cycle feature of the T5900 has measurably improved comfort and health in my house for our dry Michigan winters. The humidity is even all the time and no coughing or itching. Even our pets have stopped their winter scratching. No more separate in room humidifiers.
  6. While it depends on the model, for carrier, I didn't find that much going on in their thermostats that added specific value. There is nothing on the Carrier Infinity list, out side of zone control, that other stats don't do as well or better for my 59TP5 furnaces. 'Variable speed' means 4 speed settings, I run mine at their lowest blower speeds and that works well for a stage 2 system and is also good for general circulation/humidification calls. I do get it if you don't want to have a tug-a-war with the hvac contractor about using their whole solution. Mine was flexible and open to discussing alternatives with me. Its worth getting the pdf for the furnace and understanding its capabilities and settings. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  7. I use two scenes, and the keypad being lit means the door is up. I don't need a program for keypad activation of the door, but a program is needed to test the io linc sensor after 20 seconds of the down action to make sure it completes. I press the lit key to send the door down,and the light goes out and I assume the door goes all the way down. It's rare, but if the door threshold sensor trips midway going down (leaves, debris), and it stops the door or sends it back up, the program relights the key indicating the door is not down. I can't see my door, so this is important. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  8. paulbates

    Java required?

    It does for controlling HA devices,, but its not a complete replacement for the admin console. It also has a modifiable version called HAD, home automation dashboard. Its well documented and you can modify pages to fit your needs. However, you can't add or manage devices, write or manage programs,etc with these web interfaces. A java applet is a reality, for now, if you go ISY I would not "throw the baby out with the bathwater" on Java alone. I am a recent convert to the ISY from a web/.net based competitor and I found that I could deal with a java applet in my device. I look forward to whatever replaces the Java app, but as an HA controller solution the ISY is very compelling. You also have to consider the "entire package" beyond the device itself. The Universal Device company owners are active members on this forum and are as responsive as they are able to be to user questions and concerns. This one alone trumps java as the access method. Also, this is a great community, lots of inputs and points of views when you need help.
  9. You're too nice. My version would be a program that opened a trap door when any key is pressed
  10. Board feature request: rimshot
  11. paulbates


    Hmm that is wierd. I ordered some keypad keys in december and got them last week. Sent an email during that time to check and they responded promptly Paul
  12. paulbates


    I know they are behind on orders. They "over-dealt" their hand with the holiday shopping specials However I was just able to log in to my account, my orders etc were there Paul
  13. Looks like an 'add a wire' device on the left providing the green and yellow wires. Have you confirmed how they are connected on the furnace side? And to Stu's point, pull the furnace cover and provide a pic of the terminals on that side including a shot of the add a wire. We're only seeing half of the equation. Edit: Larry covered the add-a-wire concern, Sorry Larry, missed that. I'm suspicious that the add-a-wire is at least part of the problem. I believe the answer to this is on the furnace side, nothing more can be done at the stat. If you're not comfortable opening the furnace, I would get an HVAC guy to work through this with you
  14. Wayne Program logging was recently added to ISY Logger. It creates a log entry by program id when the if conditions turn a program on, or when they are no longer true and turn it off . ISY Logger also logs variables that you pick, so you can track the variable changes and program execution together. It creates its own text log, and/or feeds a syslog log. You'll need a desktop or raspberry pi to run the small executable that makes it work. Paul
  15. We (including me) all have to share in the responsibility in this... Google is this big because we allowed it to be. We use google, but do not always have to. We just do.
  16. Europe thinks google in general has too much power and a combination of the EU and EU countries have bee trying to essentially bust google up. The pinnacle of this drama was last week when Spain tried to strong arm linking fees out of google news referrals, and google news shut down its bureau in Spain and dropped all Spanish publishers.
  17. That says Insteon has no ADR aspirations for the Hub. The more I learn about the HA market, the less I understand Paul
  18. Fair enough, my method won't work for this scenario. Paul
  19. The only way to approximate it I can think of is to: - Have the device's on/off actions managed through programs. (if control switch A turns on, then set light B on... etc) -Then disable / enable the programs based on whatever logic you want The downside to this is method is that there will be a slight delay in the device on/off under program control as opposed to controlling the device directly. It would be fairly easy to try it and see if it works for you. Paul
  20. Richard. Glad you're back up and running! (Note to self, get that backup UDI PLM as soon as its available!) Paul
  21. Yes, but make sure to use a filter that has enough amp support for all of your gear, stu and others have documented some. Otherwise the filters will blow fuses I'm not sure I understand your setup enough. Is your powerlinc modem behind the UPS, powerstrips and/or monitor? These devices can "blind" the powerlinc. You won't need the powerlinc behind the UPS as there is nothing to control if the power to your house goes out. If possible move the powerlinc further away from this gear and straight into the wall. I know this is tough if you have a ISY IR version. Paul
  22. Yeh, agreed I don't think any one approach covers all cases. I would would keep leak sensors in the same way if i had them. I like keeping my battery panic devices all in one central spot so I don't have to look around for them. Even with messages sent by programs, I like the idea of them being together. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  23. I'm the "Location and then device / purpose" type. I've been able to put the scenes in with the locations, though that's sometimes a difficult choice. Name consistency helps too, and again I have to work at that sometimes. I try to keep the keypad key names to their labels, etc. I try to have the programs basically follow this structure, but again not always possible. Paul
  24. The noise filter will block signals to everything behind it, and not let any noise or signal come back through it to the powerline. So you'll want noisy things plugged into the filter(s) and then filters plugged into wall (or ISY modules), like this: Powerline -> Insteon filter -> your home theater device(s) This gives 2 limitations: 1) you want certain insteon modules to control certain devices. If that device is a noise source, you need a separate filter for it 2) Filters have amperage limits, like 10amps. I don't think your Home Theater Gear will get close to that, but make sure You may not need filters for each component. You may want to experiment before buying, trying different combinations of plugging in or turning on devices to see which ones cause the problems, then just get filters for them. Paul
  25. Hi Lee- Switchlinc dimmers are only for the lighting loads specified in their docs. No switchlinc dimmers are designed for a motorized load and it wouldn't be healthy for either device. I don't anything about zwave, but I believe this is an electrical/electronic limitation that will transcend which powerline switching technology is used. Paul
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