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Everything posted by paulbates
Hi, I suggest opening a ticket with UDI at this link. Provide a link back to this thread in the form since you've provided log details and other info here. Something unusual is going on here. Paul
If you replaced a PLM, did you follow this restore procedure?
Todd This is not common behavior. It seems like something is disrupting regular communication between the admin console and the ISY. The 2 culprits I can think of: Network, or Virus scanning software. I think you would know if you were having network problems. This could be aggressive virus scanning software that watches network connections, especially for thick client java apps like the Admin console. Are you using the same virus scanning software on both systems? Can you temporarily disable it and see how long you stay connected? Paul
Michel Ok, good point. If I use the web link to the admin console on my ISY, it will download it and run it. My browser choices are chrome or ie, and I got it working through ie. In the past I had kept a version of the jnlp on the laptop, which negated the need for the download... that still does not work However this is a workaround and gives me a way in. Thanks! Paul
Its not about hating anything with an apple Logo on it. Its about living in a universe that doesn't tacitly revolve around the apple logo, and the opportunity cost of trading away everything else away for it. There are a number of established ways to control the ISY from ios (including voice control) and mac os that are not homekit. I didn't see in the posts if that was tried, or not. The ISY offers some great integration capabilities and power. UDI has been developing and deepening these capabilities over a number of years. . Homekit does not cancel all of that vision and accomplishment out. We each have to decide what is worth it, or what is not. Just to be clear, passive aggressive statements about needing to sell of the ISY because it doesn't support homekit are neither impressing or motivating anyone. Stay, go. Its up to you. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
My job requires travel, and until last week I was able to run the admin console on my company laptop to my ISY. Now, security changes on the laptop have been applied and java will not cooperate and run the admin console any longer. I need to find an alternative method to be able to get to the admin console remotely. Candidates include: RDP to a Windows Server that I decommissioned recently. All I have to do it turn it back on, but prefer not to. RDP to one of two W8.1 desktops in the house. This is ok, but I need to not "bump in" to the family using them. RDP to an RPi and run the console. RDP works great to the Pi, but I've seen posts that suggest that the admin console doesn't doesn't work well on the Pi. Would like to hear if someone has it Other suggestions? Thanks Paul
Also describe your system, Is it a gas 2 stage heater? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Can you post the pick for the insteon wiring , or indicate which wire color you attached to which terminal of the Insteon Thermostat? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Thanks Apostolakis. I've needed those for my 'datacenter' too, which is a wall in my office closet. The powerstrip for that gets jammed up quickly with odd sized transformers.
Nah, I consider you as resetting 'the bar'. Its enabling. Thank you Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Guilty of that too, not going to lie. I have an extra appliance linc relay that I want to put in front of an Elk 40va transformer, if I can make those two things fit physically. The 24vac device is controlled by an iolinc now and works fine, other than 40va x 24 x 7 use of power. If I can't make it fit the appliance linc, time to get another outlet linc! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I had a hub and PLM for a while. It was nice to have the insteon app to control things and have easy alerts for things like the garage door. However, its can be a lot of work and you can trip yourself up as mentioned. The "Add devices found in links and keep existing links" method of adding devices must be avoided. The ISY will see the links to the other hub as a device and try to add. That can leave a trail of unusable links in devices. When you use the other ISY methods to add devices, existing links are deleted, including links to the other Hub. You have to add devices in the right order; to the ISY first, and the other hub / PLM second.
There is a relatively simple addition to to an iolinc, called a 'buzzlinc' here. No voice, just a buzz. I've given thought to that as well for certain sensed actions, but buzzing or flashing would create annoyance here either way.
More of a twitter lurker, but I made an exception in this case. Thanks for the idea Jay
Jeff You might have to move your ISY with the PLM, it depends how far away the desk is from the electrical panel. That means running an Ethernet line to where the panel is so the ISY can connect in. I would plan this one, and weigh how big of a project it is. Since you indicate everything works for you, it may not be worth it if means a lot of cost or time to get the wire there. If you decide to do it, the phase coupler goes in a box on the panel and gets 2 new breakers. I made it a double gang box and added an outlet that connected on one of the breakers. That made it a dedicated/isolated circuit, and I plug my PLM in right there on the bridge. I would suggest going ahead with the surge protector and the signalinc.
Hi Jeff- The basic "infrastructure" list for me is: Locate the PLM right at the panel if at all possible. giving it the most likely coverage on any circuit Whole house power surge protector. It keeps power spikes from damaging my HA investment. The signalinc phase coupler in the panel to bridge. It allows insteon signals to travel directly between phases. Its proven valuable to my setup I use filter things that cause problems. If something stops working after I put in a new computer, TV, etc, I get a filter at that point. Not sure how many of your devices are dual band. Its seems more are coming as dual band. I try to have phase couplers or dual band devices on each floor and with a clear path to at least one other dual band device or phase coupler. Paul
Joe I think its more about growth. If you believe that your requirements will stay simple, the hub is certainly cost effective. Depending on the vacation home, I would start to think about leak sensors, thermostat, alarm, etc. I know I start out meaning simple, but end up someplace else Paul
Thank you, very interesting approach and things to think about as I look to improve my setup. Bill- I use tipping bucket mode and count up .01" per iolinc "click", which is how its configured out of the box. When it gets to 11 (.11"), that sets a state variable that indicates the next cycle can be skipped. Mine is on a old flaky iolinc that doesn't always respond to queries, but very faithfully 'clicks away' when its raining. I recommend the hydreon's tipping bucket mode, and an iolinc. Tipping bucket mode gives a real datapoint to manage / log irrigation from. While the ezflora has a raingauge breakout kit that can be used with the hydreon's irrigation mode (emulates the cork sensor's behavior), I don't recommend it. The ezflora will stop responding to zone commands whenever its rain sensor inputs are connected. It also means locating the hydreon near the ezflora for wiring, which I didn't want to do. For other Wx data, I use the climate module and Detroit Metro Airport (DTW) Wx station. Its ok for temp and wind values, and because its from an airport, I don't worry about it being "down". Paul
Agreed, thank you Bill. This post interests me because I want to further maximize water savings this summer. I don't want to set up a full Wx station, but Wx reported rainfall has been an issue, causing over and under watering. I'm getting the actual rainfall on my property via the hydreon rain sensor and iolinc, and I've continued to write my own irrigation routines around it, as it is super accurate. That with a model like Bill's or zerop's would make it better. zerop, could you share your programs as well? The programs can be copied / pasted in and tagged as code as Bill did. Paul
Joe The Hub is not very capable, especially when you compare it to the ISY. I would be sure you know what you are getting: very basic schedules, very basic notifications and remote control. The scheduling function is self contained locally. The schedules should work without the cloud. At least they did on Hub 1. My guess is that you are interested in the remote control and notifications part, The remote control and notifications won't work without the cloud. The hub will not work standalone with SmartenIt products like the EzFlora or EzIO series of products. It can, if you run a 24x7 PC at your vacation home with Houselinc. Having the hub on your home network should work, but per Stu's comments, mixing scenes and devices across an ISY and a Hub is a slippery slope. If you were wanting to learn the hub at home first, I would suggest complete isolation of devices between the two. Either set up extra devices on the Hub that you aren't using and are not defined in the ISY. Or for efficiency and learning, define the new devices you plan to take to the vacation home on the hub before you go the first time, then mark the devices, pack it all up and take it with you. And don't attempt to add the hub to the ISY. Paul
Totally agree. When I first set my ISY up, coming from a different package, they set up time that worked with me, remoted in and got me working, as well as educating me on things I needed to know as a migrating user. This dedication is very important to me. Could not say it any better.
Its hard for me to say "super easy" and HA in the same sentence. Learning, testing and technical knowledge, both past and ongoing, are required. The best example I can think of is external internet access to the ISY. What is desired makes it seem super easy, but its not. In my past jobs, I've had set up workstations and firewalls. I had to learn about IPv4 address, subnets, NAT, DNS, Domain services (dndyns) etc. When it was time for me to set that up in my ISY, I knew what to do. However, if I had not brought that learning with me to my iSY, setting up remote access would be very confusing and frustrating because I would not understand the fundamentals. Internet setup is one example and one topic. To implement different types of HA projects, basic generalist skills needed include: Construction, especially electrical programming & logic networking Electronics and signaling Individual HA technologies (Insteon, Zwave, 1wire, ...) HVAC (and your individual HVAC system type and its wiring) Irrigation (and your individual system and its wiring) Security (and your individual system and its wiring) Where knowledge on one of these topics is absent, dedication and patience is needed to use this board, or other resources, to get where you need to be. Another good example is HVAC. HVAC systems are different and are wired in different ways. Not all thermostats are the same. You really need to know before picking any thermostat off of a web page. Per other comments above, just about any HA project has the potential to be daunting. Before deciding to jump into any one project, ask "what do I need know about this?" Leave time time to "bench test" and experiment with each project before setting it loose on the other residents of the house. It makes sure it works the way you want, and provides you with additional valuable learning: what it really does vs what you intended for it to do. I learned this one the hard way when I first started. Paul
Teken There is an instance of the device definitions in the hub and one in the cloud. There are some subtle differences on being local to define devices and set them up (at least in hub 1). I agree that the apple vs android makes no sense, but there is a way to eliminate that, have them log in at: https://connect.insteon.com/Account/Loginand see if they can see it there. If its not visible at the cloud account, then somehow its known locally but not on the cloud (and not a problem with mobile apps). Its been over a year since I used it, but I think that the credentials are the same ones you set up in the mobile app. I believe your last advice is best. Delete, and re-add it, see what happens. Somehow the cloud account lost track. Paul
I would add a wait statement as the first line. How long does it take HVAC to cool the house within normal operating parameters? 15 minutes, half an hour worst case? If it's sitting in the wait statement, and the temperature drops in the time expected, the program will stop executing. However, if it goes past the wait, then it will take action Paul