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Everything posted by paulbates

  1. paulbates


    I have (3) 8 button keypads that control related devices. the top four buttons on each keypad control the exact same devices. In the case of the A button, all three control outside lights. They are all controllers (they are red when controller / responders, blue when responder only) I use method one. The advantages are that there is one scene that keeps the keypad buttons and outside light switches synced. The motion sensor also turns them all on. Also, use the ISY to create scenes to do the linking, on shown on my admin screen. Then there is nothing to do at the switches themselves ( you do have to press the set button for battery only devices like motion sensors, but not the keypads) Page 21 of the manual describes setting these up. Crosslinking is the same as the device being Red and a controller/responder. I Does this help answer what you're looking for? Paul
  2. If you are getting correct on/off readings at every query, I would guess that the syncrolinc and PLM are not liked properly. I would suggest finding the device in the admin console, right clicking on it, and selecting "Restore device". Its fast and easy to try. If that doesn't work, than going through Larry's steps would be next.
  3. There was this ISY/Echo update from Michel in another thread that I thought should also be copied here, FYI.
  4. I evaluated one of the Serial Hub PLMs. It worked for 3 months then began showing the symptoms discussed above, classic PLM failure. Within a week of that, it no longer would accept links. (This unit was from SL and before UDI will work their magic on the electronics for their version). I agree with the other comments. Why are there still BOM type problems that probably affect price minimally? Please SL, raise the price of the PLM covering the cost to fix everything that needs to be fixed. That would be worth it to me, to not have worry about my PLM all of the time. I interpret this as either bad judgement trying to cut costs, or lack of discipline in design and testing. Is product reputation worth this chronic, incessant problem?
  5. Lp Not sure I'm following, just put the a CR in the body of the message per this example. Paul
  6. I lost a hub a few months back.. it exhibited the same flaky, intermittent behavior. The behavior got worse as time went on, to the point of no links being in the buffer. I would be ordering another PLM.
  7. Those are the symptoms, I'm afraid.
  8. Lp Ok. I'm sure they will figure it out. Paul
  9. LP, Ok, this helps. UDI is on record of saying don't use their mail service (default), but send through your own. Intermittent success is a symptom. I send through google. This is a little bit of guessing, but I would see if you can send through icloud. Back up your ISY, and then see if these settings for smtp will work. SMTP information for the outgoing mail server Server name: smtp.mail.me.com SSL Required: Yes If you see an error message when using SSL, try using TLS or STARTTLS instead. Port: 587 SMTP Authentication Required: Yes Username: Your full iCloud email address (for example, emilyparker@icloud.com, not emilyparker) Password: Your iCloud password You should be able to send to both accounts using your icloud account. You can try searching the forum for icloud or maybe others who have used it can chime in, Paul
  10. LP Can you post the configuration you used under settings/groups? Who/what is providing SMTP transport to the sprint and icloud destinations? Paul
  11. Lp, Ok. So it might be the mail / cell service or potentially configuration of it. Can you describe the provider(s) and how you've configured them (no accounts and passwords) Ok, that "if status" caught my eye.. if something changes it, it could stop the program. But it looks like its something to do with the messages being sent / received. Paul
  12. Lp Hmm ok. Just to confirm, that the program always finishes and the ezrains run all the way everytime regardless of messages? What is this and how does it affect program execution? Status 'KpIrr B IrrigationTime 5 Min' is 100% Paul
  13. Lp Try building a program that only has the notifications in it and some other action to trigger it. See if you can spot a trend without waiting for everything to run. The next steps would be to look out how the notifications are configured, what email / mobile provider, etc Paul
  14. Lp Ok, that helps. I see 4 different Send Notification commands. Are all of them intermittent and flaky? How would you describe it? Any one of the 4 flakier than the others? Email more flaky than cell? Was there ever a time it worked right, and then it started becoming flaky? Paul
  15. lp Irrigation programs can be tricky depending what is allowing/preventing their running. If the conditions causing the programs to run change, its possible it never gets to sending the alert. I had this same experience in my irrigation programs and I had to create a set of programs manage variables for state that only get touched once a day, right before running the main sprinkling routine. Can you post the program(s) in question? Paul
  16. We all have different pressures on our lives, me too. Good luck and I hope you accomplish your goals. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. There is something going on here as well. I found this link a few months back looking at skyport: https://firstalert.skyportcloud.com/
  18. Interesting comments, thanks. As a novice pi user, what are the precautions needed to protect the pi from the internet? Limit access to specific ports via firewall?
  19. Sure. Expected for any device where it was too much trouble to change the admin/admin credentials as instructed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Certainly not doubting anyone's skill, but what is presented here is 100% scare and 0% evidence. If the work is so compelling, why not wait and publish with the evidence? So far, there is the potential to get people concerned about things that can't be seen or evaluated.
  21. Thanks Stu. This kind of report is as tiresome as it is old. I understand the basis / model. I have been Looking for a real exploit recreate or actual evidence of a breach to evaluate. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Hi I think that the way the product works, you'll get one notification, when the temperature rises above the threshold you set with the dial. I don't know how to set this up with an iolinc for a range of temperatures. After wiring the Minotaur to the iolinc per the instructions, you add the iolinc to your ISY. Use Link Management / New INSTEON Device. Here are two sample programs. One tells you the temperature went above threshold. The other tells you the temperature is no longer above threshold. Lets say you name the iolinc 'Freeze Sensor' High temperature program If 'Freeze Sensor' is switched on then Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Freezer Alert! Temperature above threshold" Temp no longer high program If 'Freeze Sensor' is switched off then Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Freezer Temp is no longer high" You have to use the Configuration tab and Emails/Notifications to set up the alert. Paul
  23. Hi, follow these procedures. Paul
  24. Hi For the garage door, check the magnetic sensor and iolinc (assuming that's what you have) and make sure they are operating as intended. My garage door used to wander left to right and sometimes the magnet for the sensor got our of range. Some wood shims on each side keeps it in place now. If that doesn't help find the problem, can you post your program here? Find the program name in the list, right-click and then pick copy to clipboard from the bottom of the options provided. Paul
  25. Hi DBB, welcome to the forum. Insteon will perform much better than X10, and the 2 legs of your power system need to be coupled. There are 2 ways to do this. Either: 1) A signalinc bridge wired in the panel, or 2) 2 Insteon RF devices plugged into opposite legs. The 2413 PLM is one of these devices, and I believe the 2477S is also dual band. They have to be on opposite legs. If the 2477S is dual band, and if you have a 2413 PLM follow the instructions that came with them for testing if they are on opposite legs. If the test shows that they are not, move the PLM until they are on different legs. The instructions for this are on page 12 of the 2477S Manual. Paul Edit, if this doesn't work, or they are already on opposite legs, it might be line noise or the nature of the load being controlled. Let's make sure that the devices are dual band and on opposite legs, and go from there.
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