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Everything posted by paulbates

  1. Polisy is still supported AFAIK. I've seen posts in the recent upgrade threads that it took some people multiple boots. Here's one that is thorough and prescriptive on things to try
  2. DHCP or RA (router advertisement), the address has to be provided from somewhere.
  3. Matter is based on the IPV6 network stack. My understanding is that your internet router needs to provide local IPV6 addressing for Matter devices to work. Many ISPs and many home routers provide IPV6 addressing, IMO the lack of IPV6 is likely not the cause of problems we're seeing here. My router shows that my eisy is assigned a public IPV6 address which means it should have a local one as well. I've seen posts and comments that boarder routers can be IPV4 but not found concrete documentation on how that actually works.
  4. Plugins are on polyglot, pg3x.... Use a web browser on your local network that the eisy is on: http://your eisy's ip address:3000 Or, if you're in iox, there's an option under plugins to open pg3x there You may want to look at the eisy wiki docs and read up on it before diving in.
  5. Take a look at this thread. I believe you could record your own audio and do it, or find a ringtone sound Jtsao's comment reminded me that insteon has a chime module. I have it linked with a scene to my water leak sensors and sump pump depth alarm, where it's set to the siren sound. But it also has a chime sound that's noticeable but not as severe as the siren sound
  6. The ones I know about require additional hw/sw The yolink hub 2 can make announcements and has an eisy plug-in. Assumes the hub is somewhere you'll hear it Michel wrote an audio plug-in. You'll need to look at that section of the forum to see how people add hw to play the sound I think Alexa and Google home can do it, but it's been a long time since I've looked
  7. Yes since you have an eisy you can replace the serial with USB version, just use the cable that comes with the new one and follow the replace PLM procedure. The procedure listed is for the ISY994 but you can follow it for eisy except for the Port A step, plug it in to where the current PLM is plugged into eisy The only caveat is if your current serial PLM is located remotely from the eisy, more than 15' and you have a custom serial cable... if "yes" to that special case, you'll need to get the serial version of the PLM. If not, it doesn't matter.
  8. You're welcome. The information is all helpful. It's an older PLM from 2016 that's an older rev. It's somewhere between dying and dead. You'll need to get a new PLM ordered and follow the swap out procedure. The new rev PLMs have had component upgrades so ideally it will last longer
  9. Looks like you have links. A few more questions Do you have Insteon device to device setups like a 3 way where the switches work on their own without the ISY? Do those things work? Can you turn on the event viewer, set it to level 3, pick a few devices and switch them from the device and then also control them from iox, and post the event viewer? A screen shot will be better
  10. Sounds like a dying / dead PLM. Some questions How old is the PLM. There's a sticker with 4 numbers on the back of the PLM, what are they? Unplugging, waiting for 10 seconds and replugging the plm, any change? Restore plm now, any change In iox go to tools/diagnostics/PLM info, what does it say What does the PLM links table show?
  11. YW. A follow up FWIW; like the i3 security and signal improvements, nowhere have I found or seen referenced exactly how an i3 device FW is upgraded in place. Unlike matter, Insteon devices are not internet devices, no IP stack... so how is it accomplished?
  12. We left town on vacation on last Monday when this was announced. Did it this morning. I was on 13.2 of OS and 5.8.4 of iox and they both upgraded as expected. It did not take long, like 10 - 15 minutes. I'm wired, insteon for powerline. My plugins are Ecobee, Notification, Yolink, Ring and Timedata. All came up as expected. My "audit' of programs and manual device settings show that things are working.
  13. I've not seen Insteon update the infamous "white paper", but online discussions have suggested that, while backwards compatible, i3 devices are supposed to have improved communications and security. However insteon is unfortunately mysterious on their own site about i3; you can read about each product and the director app references them as being incompatible with their old hub. IMO the 2413 PLM is still i2, so these improvements would be realized through i3 to i3 devices only, not eisy> 2413 > i3 devices. However, that assumes they didn't make changes to it and I don't have a way to know that. It seems there would be a versioning with marketing hooha and sell it as a feature. There isn't. To look at it qualitatively, I'm into my second year at a new house, new eisy and i3 devices, my observation is that the handful of any individual insteon false "ons" (no "all ons") have been on microdimmer modules and lamp modules, which I believe to be i2. Speaking of all ons, we proved here on the forums that the "all on" reponse has been removed from i3 devices,, they are immune. A suggestion is to go to the insteon forums and ask directly for insteon to answer, or use Insteon's sales site and use the pre-sales button to ask them directly.
  14. When switching to eisy it's common to have to open some programs and press save to get them working. Sometimes these programs have a yellow icon next to them
  15. Having used most insteon switches for many years, and i3 for over a year, I really like i3. Coms are great and they blend in visually versus stick out and drawing attention. A couple of gotchas that can be navigated around via awareness is that to implement them, each switch has 2 'nodes'. One is the traditional settings and one is advanced i3 paddles settings. This gotcha is that there are some of ones like 'disable wireless'. A few of mine came from the factory with that set The advanced node, also called flags, do not get updated when using restore device
  16. I would download and reinstall Java, then reinstall the launcher
  17. Can the installer tell you what brand/model the panel is? Can also go to the panel, see if you can find brand/model info on the cover, stickers or the main board behind the door. You could search the internet for its pdf manual and look through it. I had a panel at my last house and did that. It did have dry contacts capability. If your panel does have that ability, you might be able to talk your installer into enabling it, or maybe there's YouTubes out there describing how to do what you want. You could research and decide it you want to get your screwdriver out.... I ended up installing SimpliSafe, and it sent emails based on alarm status. I used gmail to make filters for those emails and update my ISY via IFTTT. A little clunky, but it worked
  18. ADT's approach is to be the central controller to Home Automation and integrate a with google home and Amazon Alexa and zwave. ADT uses 4 different brands of panels, including their own brand. Knowing which one you have is part of the answer. If your panel has dry contacts capability, there's the possibility of connect it to an Insteon, zwave or zigbee io interface. Integrating with an alarm panel can be technical and specific to the panel you have. It would be best to talk to the alarm installer and ask them what's possible with a dry contacts controller.
  19. Is it that the fav can be turned on, but not off?
  20. If the client is present when "the scrape" is going on, tell them to expect random beeps from everywhere there is an Insteon device
  21. paulbates


    I was going to ask which model of Venstar CT do you have, there are models with and without a humidistat
  22. Double check the directions in the link I posted above. It's not necessary to clear the java cache unless there are specific symptoms. You can log on locally when you're there, or via the manual remote link you create per the directions when you're away. When remote, iox will use the portal as a proxy to initiate conversation with the eisy. Even though it's the same iox login screen, you have to use your udi portal credentials when remote. It took me a couple of times initially to get that right
  23. You can run iox remotely by having a UDI Portal account. It provides a link that that can be used on a remote iox instance. Note the instructions on which login credentials to use
  24. Advanced Insteon tasks need to be done in iox on java capable pc, etc
  25. When you add an Insteon device from the linking menu, one you know the Insteon ID of like a wall switch or plugin module, there's and option to have it not delete existing links, and use the links table of that device as input to find the others. You'll need to spend time after it's done cleaning up and naming things as it can't know what function it is e.g "Kitchen Table". You'll have to turn on on the devices it's discovered to see what goes with what. It takes a long time so go get a coffee (or beer ) A couple of assumptions The "buried" devices are all linked to other devices that are being searched by this iox feature, so that they can be found The buried and other old devices weren't used in X10 mode that some older Insteon devices supported. The devices aren't dead This should get you most of the way there and point to what devices weren't found by virtue of you not being able to turn them on or off with the device table that is built from this feature. I tried this when I first moved to the ISY with about 30 devices and resultant list of devices looked like a mess and some of the scenes where hard to figure... but as I renamed devices to functional, meaningful names, it got closer to making sense, Some scenes didn't make sense and I deleted and rebuilt what i needed
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