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Everything posted by stusviews

  1. A home automation "scene" is defined by the protocol and may or may not have any relationship to how another protocol (or industry) defines a scene. An Insteon scene is anytime one or more devices are linked to one or more other devices. Each device can linked as a controller, responder or both. An Insteon device can be a controller of one and only one scene, but it can be a responder to many scenes. ISY scenes differ a bit in that if the device is a scene controller, then it's also a scene responder. Because the On-Level of any responder can be On or Off (or any level in-between if the responder is a dimmer), the scene itself has no status, only the devices which are members of the scene do. Thus, turning an Insteon scene off turns all its member off, turning a scene on can result in multiple On-levels including Off. Note that an Insteon scene does not need to have any controller (as defined by the Insteon protocol) at all. When a scene is turned on or off by some other method, then that method is considered a trigger, not a controller (in Insteon terminology). BTW, the Insteon protocol has its roots in X10 to which we owe the All On/All Off phenomenon (and which has subsequently been deleted from the Insteon protocol).
  2. My motion sensor requirements are twofold, first and foremost, an established ISY version. Even a version that's not perfected is adequate, as every system has bugs. An Alpha version is nowhere close, no matter how many users find praise. A second requirement allows the device to be a scene controller, minimizing the response time. I understand that ISY v.5+ meets the second requirement (for both Insteon and Z-Wave), but not the first. zippo, for me, there's no search, just waiting--unless, of course, an unanticipated solution occurs. I have no prediction at this time., it is, after all, unanticipated I don't know what will happen next, but I can hardly wait.
  3. The Alexa smartphone app allows you to use virtually any phrase to turn a device, scene or program On or Off. That includes Open and Close. I even use "Flip the slats," to rotate the slats on our verticals.
  4. Yes, there are limits to the word expressions that can be used. For example, I have a morning program that opens the bedroom window coverings. The app won't let me use, "Let the sun shine in." There also also other reserved expressions and words.
  5. After months of trials, I've settled on TOPGREENER TDOS5, mainly because a neutral is needed. Sensors without a neutral are less dependable. It doesn't hurt that they're also low cost
  6. Which ISY version are you using? I don't see For 12 house as a conditional option in v.4+.
  7. The main thing that you can do with routine, but not with the portal, is to more definitively describe the action. For example, the portal allows you to only turn something like a device,scene or program On or Off. Routines allow virtually any descriptor such as Open or Close or Good Night. I even use Flip (to rotate the slats on verticals). However, a program can only be turned On, not Off. That means that you can run Then, but not Else. The solution is to define the program in the Portal as a Light. Also, I like to be able to call out the On-Level for some lighting (e.g., turn on the light to 20%). That requires adding both the device and the scene to a smartphone Alexa group with both the device and the scene defined in the Portal as a Light.
  8. I have several in-wall motion sensors wired to Micro Modules. Works like a charm. In most cases, the controlled device is a dimmer, so no sudden bright lights.
  9. If you find that powering the PLM from another outlet is successful, then you need to consider that something on the original circuit is causing line noise and should be filtered to minimize the probability of future problems. At that point, you can safely plug the PLM into the original place.
  10. 1) I found that sometimes things (e.g., scenes, programs) that should have worked but didn't, did a day later, 2) Do you mean that your "dedicated outlet" has absolutely nothing else on that circuit breaker? 3) & 4) See response 1)
  11. So the fan control device is not in an enclosure at all. The back of the controller is just in the wall. Is the existing box plastic or metal?
  12. Did you just create an opening or did you install an approved enclosure (e.g., old work box).
  13. What specifically are you trying to accomplish? Adjust Scene is used to change one or more settings on an already created scene, for example, On-Level, based on a particular condition, otherwise run the scene as created. What's the result when you clock on the down arrow?
  14. I already know what "light" does. But what are the advantages of "switch" or "outlet?" Are they the same? If so, then why different categories? If not, then what are the differences?
  15. Alexa never forgets unless specifically told to. You probably have both entries. In any case, forget the errant "scene," (both if it's both a scene and a device) and re-discover. It should appear as only a device. You may have to wrestle with both the smartphone and computer app separately if you use both.
  16. I get that exposing a portal program as a Light allows an Alexa Routine to turn that program both On and Off, otherwise only On is allowed. What I seem to have missed and I can't find the original reference, is the benefit (or lack of) exposing anything as a switch or outlet.
  17. stusviews

    Beeping 2477D

    Do you mean that the beep continuously or just once with each press? If the latter, then that's a feature that was added to some devices including the 2477D. It's supposed to be off by default. Based on a vast majority of posts, the factory reset was not completed to fruition. Did you get the final double beep that indicates that factory reset did, in fact, occur? If not, then try again. Don't let go near the end to save time.
  18. What is the device that has the condition, "Status 'Christmas Tree Lights' is not On?" What kind of load, incandescent, LED, CFL, something else? What's the result of running Then for the first program, running Then for the second program?
  19. Now that both the UI and firmware are identical, start troubleshooting anew. You already have some tools at hand, for example, creating an entirely new program. Do not use copy. Start with the original condition and one Then statement. Each day, add another one or two statements to be executed, no more. There are (usually) no time savers to troubleshooting.
  20. If you're referring the the program from the original post, then it appears to be a state variable being changed from something to 0 (zero). Yes, this is an assumption. Are you actually asking what causes the state variable to change to 0 (zero) from some other value or are you asking something different? I don't mean to be simplistic (which I am), but simplicity often provides better solutions than assumptions.
  21. The errant message continues, it's not just you. Whatever you create will work. There a solution to the On/Off abnormality which appears to be the final solution. At the portal, click on the spoken (it can take 20-30 seconds to "activate") and select Light for the Alexa Category. Now, both On and Off are Routine accessible.
  22. I'd link to run through one more verification. 1. From the Administrative Console, after selecting Configuration. Portals, there's a box similar to this one: True/False 2. After logging into the portal, there's an image similar to: True/False
  23. There's no way to control anything directly from the portal. Edit: ScottAvery is correct, there's no Forget All if nothing has ever been detected.
  24. Just enabling and disabling the skills is not adequate. Doing it in the order I specified, including forgetting all devices (even if there are none) really matters. I don't know why it matters so much, but the posts about installing ISY v.3 are pretty convincing.
  25. Just to verify: you added the SwitchLinc to the portal and gave it a spoken, yes? Can you control the SwitchLinc from the ISY (i.e., turn the load on/off)? Can you also dim and brighten the load from the ISY? If all the above is true, then, from the Alexa app. forget and then discover. But it's really best if you start with ISY v.3. The procedure is nearly the same. In order, forget all devices, disable the v.2 skill, enable the v.3 skill and, finally, discover.
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