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Everything posted by stusviews

  1. Yes, create a scene with the KPL button as a controller and the plug-in module a responder. That's all there is to it.
  2. builderb, any particular reason that you used a progam which adds a delay and depends on ISY instead od a scene which responds immediately and is independent of the ISY?
  3. If you have only two 14/2 cables (i.e., line and load), then there is no other cable to feed another light.
  4. How did you determine which 14/2 was the line and which 14/2 was the load?
  5. So, your switch box (not the SwitchLinc) has black red and white wires? Other than ground. are there any other wires in that switch box?
  6. The 2477D does not have screws for connections. It's a violation of the electrical code to use ground as a neutral.
  7. Does the problem recur if you disable the patch program? What does the Administrative Console indicate as the current state of the heartbeat?
  8. 2477D: How did you determine which wire was the line and which was the load? KPL6: Can you control the load from the Admin Console?
  9. Once you have two correctly located dual-band devices it doesn't matter where additional are installed. But, it's a good idea to ensure that the 4-tap test succeeds in both directions.
  10. Just having devices on opposite legs of the split, single-phase electric supply does not guarantee that they are communicating using RF, although the chances are pretty good that they are. Unfortunately, "pretty good" is not good enough. In order to be sure you must use the 4-tap test. It's also best to run the test in both directions.
  11. An I/O Linc with the NC contacts connected to the external contacts of an INSTEON wireless Open/Close sensor (2843-222). Use latching mode and turn the I/O Linc relay On.
  12. You are absolutely correct. Another conditional need for a date without a year. And the months I posted aren't even winter months
  13. I use six programs, one for each season, one for lighting, both interior and exterior and one for window coverings. Sunset Winter If From 12:01:00AM on 2014/09/20 To 11:59:00PM on 2020/12/22 And Time is Sunset + 15 minutes Then Run Program 'Sunset Lighting' (Then Path) Run Program 'Sunset Shading' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  14. Info only: Standard 3-way switches are so called because they have three terminals. They're used when the same load is controlled from exactly two locations. If control is needed from more that two locations, then a 4-way switch is used at each additional location beyond the first two. A 4-way switch has four terminals and, like both standard on/off switches and 3-way switches, has only two positions, up or down. Both 3- and 4-way switches are not labelled On or Off because the result of toggling the switch depends on what the last toggled switch did. The wiring is usually referred to as a 3-way or multi-way configuration. (INSTEON switches use a different configuration.) BTW, in most countries, switching a load from two locations is called two-way.
  15. Good to know that "b" followed by ")" produces
  16. Flashing red indicates that both access points are communicating (that's good), but that they are not on opposite legs of the split, single-phase electric supply. That doesn't matter as long as you have at least one pair of dual-band devices correctly located (as indicated by the 4-tap test). That one Access Point doesn't respond means that those two devices are not communicating at all. That's also OK if the previous condition is met. Additional Access Points extend the range of the INSTEON signal. The reason for my suggestion was that I read, "I plugged it in and the LED does not light." to mean that there was no LED illumination ever. But, something is not right. The Access Point LED should be dimly lit as soon as it's plugged in. Is it, if you plug it in somewhere else?
  17. Dual bright is a type of sensor that should be avoided for INSTEON conrtol, halogen is a type of bulb that's usually INSTEON friendly. You may want to avoid halogens that utilize a transformer. I've had success with Leviton and RAD.
  18. Try using one of your working Access Points as a test.
  19. http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-2992-222-range-extender.html
  20. If you've updated, then you need to reinstall the Admin Console (Settings).
  21. That depends on your location, but in general, the sun sets quicker in winter (turn on lights earlier) and slower during the summer (turn on lights later). Unless you're in the southern hemisphere
  22. I neglected to include an example: If From 12:01:00AM on 2014/09/20 To 11:59:00PM on 2020/12/22 And Time is Sunset - 15 minutes Edit: ending year correction.
  23. Some times of the year, turning on lights or closing window coverings at sunset is too early. Other times of the year, it's too late. And yet other times sunset is just right. Sunrise, too. The reason is that the interval between sunset (sunrise) and "dark" ("light") varies based on the declination of the sun. Depending on your location, you may want to try advancing or retarding to on or off time by 15 or 30 minutes or not at all based on the following dates through 2020: vernal equinox: March 20 summer solstice: June 20 or 21 autumnal equinox: September 22 or 23 winter solstice: December 22 or 23 To create four sunset/sunrise schedules, deselect Daily. A calendar appears. Set up seasonal lighting in advance, too
  24. If your only concern is the KPL button and everything else works, then If X10 'A15/On (3)' is Received Then Set Scene 'KPL Button D' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') and If X10 'A15/Off (11)' is Received Or X10 'A15/All Lights Off (1)' is Received Or X10 'A15/All Units Off (13)' is Received Then Set Scene 'KPL Button D' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  25. Any dual-band device wired or plugged in near the sensor, including a Range Extender, should work. BTW, battery power devices are RF only. So is the INSTEON thermostat.
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