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Everything posted by stusviews

  1. No, but I can tell you about them The thermostats are INSTEON which are not heat pump compatible. But they replaced Venstar thermostats which are. The dampers are standard dampers, opened or closed. The zone panel is a Honewell Totalzone. But, there's nothing special about the system other that that it's under ISY control.
  2. It's not possible to separate on and off in a scene. I don't know if two separate on programs would be any faster than an Or statement.
  3. Log on to the HTML interface via nearly any browser.
  4. We have the front half, the rear half of our home and the media room each zoned separately. One zone panel, three thermostats. Voila! Each zone is also controlled by the ISY. Edit: The separate zoning for the media room was added later, no additional dampers needed, only a change in wiring. I had already installed a 4-zone panel.
  5. The wireless thermostat would need to be completely independent of the wired thermostat to be able to control the dampers AND head pump separately unless both zones are always "on." Otherwise, how could it control heat pump?
  6. No matter which thermostat(s) you use, if you want the temperature in one area to be different from the temperature in another area, then you need a zoned HVAC system with a sensor, usually a thermostat, in each distinct area. BTW, zoned systems adjust dampers for each zone independently.
  7. The camera's video
  8. Configuration, Clock. Is Daylight Saving selected? Is NTP enabled? Is the an NTP Server entry?
  9. If you are manually setting the On-level, then at step 2 the tap must be really, really, really quick. The load will blink if you are doing it fast enough. If the load doesn't blink, then the tap was too slow.
  10. If the problem dimmer is newer that any other dimmer you may have, then the difficulty may be your older ISY.
  11. As LeeG suggested, your best choice is a KeypadLinc in place of the SwitchLinc. But, you can have a Fast Off toggle between turning the lamps on or off. What you cannot do is prevent the SwitchLinc's load from turning off.
  12. Configuration, Emails/Notifications, Customizations, Add, Save
  13. After you tap the first AP rapidly, does it blink continuously?
  14. Most generators have a jumper between neutral and ground. That's the bond. Reliance recommends that you remove the jumper so that the neutral "floats" above ground.
  15. You can have integer variables in the "If" part if there is some other trigger.
  16. Unless the generator produces a pure sine wave (few do), INSTEON signalling will be negatively affected. It may be best to unplug both the PLM and ISY during these times. Wired INSTEON devices will continue to control their loads with no adverse affects (unless voltage regulation is extremely poor, not usual).
  17. If the light is on, then turn on the scene that also turns the light on which makes the status of the light on which turns the light on .... Else never happens. What is the goal of the program?
  18. Not just possible, but likely!
  19. Most people refer to them as phases because that's the term most often misused. The split, single-phase electric supply is in no way on two or on different phases. Because the supply is alternating in polarity, the direction of the current flow in each of the opposite legs is always 180º out-of-phase, respectively. But, the electric supply, that is the nearest transformer on a pole, is the closest connection for the INSTEON signal between the opposite sides of the secondary winding. A phase-coupler bridges those sides within the residence so the signal doesn't need to travel to the pole and back where it may not make it. Any 220/240V device in the home that's on accomplishes the same task. BTW, the primary, or high voltage, side of the transformer is three phase. The current flowing in each of those phases is 120º out-of-phase with each other phase.
  20. It's GremLincs. Most often seen on St. Patric's day, GremLincs also show up around Halloween. They usually travel in groups of two and are commonly known as dual band GemLincs.
  21. I've used both Trendnet and Netgear broadband over powerline adapters for years with INSTEON and have not experienced difficulty caused by that technology.
  22. Can "Backyard Light / Garage Door - C" trigger the I/O Linc? What else is an I/O Linc trigger?
  23. There's a lot of concurrent activity in your log. Are these programmed or linked devices. If so, what are the details of the programs.scenes? Which are controllers/triggers? Which are responders only? I also don't see anything involving an alarm in the log.
  24. stusviews

    Java error

    I'm using Java 1.8 with 4.2.16 on Win 8.1 devices, both 32- and 64-bit.
  25. Info only: The split, single-phase electric supply has two legs (or sides). Only a three-phase supply, usually used in commercial and industrial applications has phases.
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