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Everything posted by wwat

  1. If batch and battery mode are turned on is it correct that ISY will not attempt to write pending changes to devices? thanks.
  2. wwat

    Automatic shut off

    Hello Dodger, Here is one approach which turns off a lamp at 12:00:01AM if the status of the lamp is anything other than off. Make a new program using the 'If' and 'Then' part of the program. Once you have finished, save the program and then make sure you enable it by ticking the 'enabled' box, There seems to be a bug in beta version 2.7.12 at the moment that requires you to deselect that box, save and reselect it and save again. If you don't see a little red symbol against the name of the program then you know the program is enabled. If Status 'Living Rm LL - Taliesin Lamp' is not off And Time is 12:00:01AM Then Set 'Living Rm LL - Taliesin Lamp' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Regards, Wayne ps. you can also use scenes to do this by turning off the scene at the required time.
  3. That would be in the queue somewhere behind 'Variables' wouldn't it.. Everything is looking good on my network.
  4. Does anyone know how to get the Motion Sensor version number to display from within ISY? Thanks.
  5. There are other threads about this on the forum, I thought it best to start a fresh one to avoid any confusion. I/O Linc v.36 ISY Alpha 2.7.11 First off in my case I think everything is working perfectly. There appears to be some contradiction between different versions of the Insteon Quick Start guide in relation to the status light and when it should be on or off. I've read various threads on this forum and got a little confused because I'm not an electrician and all the n/o & n/c stuff I found confusing. Like most things ISY/Insteon I just try to follow the instructions as best as possible. The paper version of the quick start guide that came with my kit states the following: I/O Linc’s Sensor Status LED will turn on when garage door is closed and turn off when it is open Which is the opposite to the online version found here: http://www.smarthome.com/manuals/74551qs.pdf It states: I/O Linc’s Sensor Status LED will turn off when garage door is closed and turn on when it is open I used the black and green leads (sense & ground), and the N/O and COM connections to my garage door motor. At this stage the sensor light on the I/O Linc acted as per the paper version of the quick start guide, it was on when the door was shut and off when open. I then followed UDI's guide found at this link to set up the KPL operations: http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Garage_Door_Kit The only difference was that the button toggle mode box read the following: Non-Toggle [On]. That seems to differ to what is displayed at the link above. Here are the status of the relay and sensor during operation: Door Closed: Relay: Off Sensor: On Door Open: Relay: Off Sensor: Off Going from my paper version of the quick start guide everything seems to be working correctly. I have tested the door from the KPL and the light is on when the door is up and off when down, the door works from the KPL or from a garage door remote control and the safety sensor works perfectly. One other thing is I set the timeout for 2/10th of a second, the screen shot at the UDI setup link states 2 seconds. At this stage unless anyone can see any floors in this set up I'm leaving it because its working 100% as expected. I just thought I would chime in to say the v.36 I/O Linc seems to work in my case. Regards, Wayne Added: After rebooting the ISY the door remain closed and everything worked as expected. To get the status reading I did have to query the relay and sensor devices in the ISY admin interface.
  6. It's making a lot more sense now, unfortunately I have a lot more v35 than I realized. Thanks.
  7. I don't believe anyone other than Smarthomes can upgrade the firmware.
  8. So I removed a SwitchLinc, ran 'Auto Discover' and the v3.5 appeared instead of the .00 which is helpful to know. The part of this puzzle that really has me wondering is why the SwitchLincs have v4.0 printed on the units themselves and at the sametime have firmware version v3.5 as evidenced when viewed from the ISY admin interface. If anyone can shed some light on that I'd appreciate it. I've been having the intermittent scene response failure and this could be the answer. All along I was thinking they were version v4.0 SwitchLincs Many Thanks,
  9. Hi Michel, Thank you, I never realised that I needed to run 'Auto Discover' to have the correct firmware version displayed. I guess the only way forward is to remove and run 'Auto Discover' Regards,
  10. Hi, I have 10 SwitchLincs installed, they all have a small white label on the metal mounting bracket that reads v4.0. The ISY reads the firmware on one switch as version v.35 and the other nine as v.00 Does anyone know what is going on here, why the firmware version is unclear and how do I determine the correct firmware version for each of these SwitchLincs. Thanks,
  11. Hi Tim, Didn't restore any backups, haven't had to do that for a while now. Also, unfortnately I didn't perform a backup prior to attempting to link the TriggerLinc and I wished I had after that experience. One other thing I noticed after selecting option 3, was that everytime the 'Initializing System' progress bar displayed, it show the following message at the bottom of the dialogue box: [xx xx xx x] Failed getting engine version. Reverting to i1.
  12. Hi, I'm hoping someone can shed some light on what may have happened when attempting to link a new TriggerLinc. First off my wireless communication is quite stable now with 4 AP's and a SignalLinc in medium sizes home of about 2.5k sq/ft, 2 levels in a boxy configuration. Put TL into link mode and in direct site of an AP, tried to link using the 1st option (remove existing links) but constantly received the following error: [-110012] Couldn't open config file to read[/conf/f490c.rec] [-200000] Failed writing device link[testtrigger-opened] I then tried the 3rd option and all hell broke loose. I've never tried that option before, it seemed to take forever going through many links but it still didn't work. After this option appeared to complete I started getting weird issues. I shut down ISY Admin, cleared Java cache and re-opened and still had problems with many devices, ISY reported errors saying it could not read their files. May of the device links were missing from the ISY table. I had to remove all the affected devices, set them back to factory default and re-link them, fix all the programs that no longer worked etc etc. All this happened just to add a TriggerLinc. What can cause this type of problem? my initial thoughts are Anti-virus or firewall programs. If so what is the best practice regarding shutting them down and under what circumstances should they be closed. I finally got everything working again including the TriggerLinc (using option 1) but I want to avoid this mess in future. There is no way I would ever chose option 3 again unless I could be sure it would not cause the same problem. Is it suppose to take a long time to run just to add a single TL. Could this be a Alpha 2.7.10 issue. Thanks,
  13. Hi, I'm not sure if its possible to use RemoteLinc with ISY to turn up or down the temperature set point (1 point at a time). I tried creating a scene with the thermostat as a responder and a RemoteLinc key as the controller but it didn't seem to work as expected. thanks, Wayne
  14. I was wondering whether this new adaptor is an i2 enabled device? Thanks.
  15. Hello, I have a few questions if you get a moment to answer. If I set up an ISY Scene with the thermostat in Scene and setup a program to turn that Scene on at a certain time, will that information get stored in the PLM or do I need ISY to be running. Also if I set up another program to 'Adjust' a scene at a certain time each day, will that adjustment information get stored in the PLM or do I have to have ISY running? The reason I'm asking is to get a better understanding of how it all works and if in future ISY has some problem then the PLM can handle the thermostat until the ISY is fixed or replaced. Many thanks, Wayne
  16. For any company needing a lesson in customer service, point them to this site for an example of what is possible and what they should be aiming for. I feel very confident leaving my home automation in the hands of Michel and his team. Thanks for all your hard work.
  17. I'd be interested in whether anyone else can duplicate this bug. Description: Heat setpoint changes to 16 deg when the mode is changed from 'Program Heat' to 'Heat' mode. Steps: Open admin console and click on thermostat properties page. Set mode to 'Heat' and heat set point to 72 deg Change mode to 'Program Heat' Change mode back to 'Heat' At this point the setpoint will change to 16 deg if you experience the bug. Thanks.
  18. I don't have any KPL's so I upgraded from 2.7.9 to 2.7.10 Alpha and the only problem immediately visible was the thermostat set point value. It was set to 0 deg. I changed the mode from 'Program Heat' to 'Heat' and it changed to 16 deg and then I manually changed the value to 72 deg and everything seems to work. I'm not sure why it would start out at 0 deg and subsequently change to 16 because the actually thermostat is set to 72. Is there any easy way to make sure the upgrade worked perfectly, like an upgrade log or something similar that enables us to view each step of the process. thanks.
  19. wwat

    Electricity tab?

    Initially thats kind of what I initially thought it did, looks like Michel has plans to make it that way which is good to hear. I can't justify the expense of the Brultech system at this stage but something like what you suggested would be interesting since most of the frequently used electrical appliances are tied into the ISY. Regards.
  20. wwat

    Electricity tab?

    Hi Michel, Since this feature is only useful in such a limited geographic area wouldn't it make some sense to provide it as a free add-on rather than include it in the base product which is distributed worldwide. If this 'electricity' page is ultimately to made into a generic solution then it would make sense but that doesn't appear to be the case. Regards,
  21. wwat

    Electricity tab?

    I'd like to understand exactly what this is used for and whether I can use it. Seems like this section might be state/country specific? I see California referenced in a few places regarding the Flex alert section. I live in Toronto canada. Thanks,
  22. A quick follow up to say this worked perfectly. I created 10 programs and you can hardly notice the change in light levels. This worked out to be a really good solution. Regards, Wayne
  23. Does anyone know if these properties are exposed for read/write via the adaptor: UV Light service warning Furnace filter service warning External temp. thanks, Wayne
  24. Rand, Many thanks for your feedback, I suspected as much. Variables would make life a lot easier in these situations. I heard some talk of variables in the past, is this part of ISY's short term plans? I'm wondering whether a work around might be to create a program with 10 'If' conditions 1-10% 11-20% 21-30% etc and change the light level to the nearest one, that way it would not be as noticable. For that matter I could do a program with 100 'If' conditions. and call it from each folder. Thanks, Wayne
  25. Hi Tim/Michel. Thanks for your help. Everything is working except when the paddle is manually operated (make light a little brighter for example) and then person leaves the room and walks back in after some time. The light level changes back to the scenes current level. Just to reiterate the features that I am aiming to achieve: 1) No 1 second delay in turning on lights after motion is detected. (working) 2) If a person walks out of room without touching paddle, the light will turn off according to a timer program (See below). (working) 3) If a person manually operates paddle and changes lighting level, then the level should never change from that level unless a person manually changes level via paddle. (Not working) (The exception to this is if the person turns the light 'Off' which should revert control back to the motion sensor routine.) 4) Motion sensor activitated lighting level will be different depending on time of day. (Working) Current Setup: Motion Sensor Pins: Pin 3: Night-Only Mode is deactivated Pin 4: On-Only Mode is activated Scene contains 1 motion sensor and 1 switchlink, both have been added as controllers. All programs have been enabled. Main Initialisation Program If Control 'Main Bath MS - Sensor' is switched On And Status 'Main Bath SL - Light' is Off And Folder 'Bathroom - Day' is False Then Run Program 'Light Timer' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Timer Program If Control 'Main Bath SL - Light' is not switched On And Control 'Main Bath SL - Light' is not switched Off And Control 'Main Bath SL - Light' is not switched Fast On And Control 'Main Bath SL - Light' is not switched Fast Off And Control 'Main Bath SL - Light' is not switched Fade Up And Control 'Main Bath SL - Light' is not switched Fade Down And Control 'Main Bath SL - Light' is not switched Fade Stop And Control 'Main Bath SL - Light' is not switched Bright And Control 'Main Bath SL - Light' is not switched Dim Then Wait 4 minutes Set 'Main Bath SL - Light' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Each of the following programs are in their own folder, each folder has a conditional time period, they run once per day when their folder is true to change the scene lighting level required for that period: If Folder 'Bathroom - Day' is True Then In Scene 'Main Bath MS - Sensor' Set 'Main Bath SL - Light' 0% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If Folder 'Bathroom - Late Morning' is True Then In Scene 'Main Bath MS - Sensor' Set 'Main Bath SL - Light' 40% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If Folder 'Bathroom - Morning' is True Then In Scene 'Main Bath MS - Sensor' Set 'Main Bath SL - Light' 18% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If Folder 'Bathrooom - Evening' is True Then In Scene 'Main Bath MS - Sensor' Set 'Main Bath SL - Light' 75% (On Level) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') [/code]
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