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Everything posted by asbril

  1. I understand your situation. I also have the same Kasa device twice in HA, one coming from ISY and one from the Integration. It is not an issue for me as I select just one (whichever of the two) in HA Cards and Automations.
  2. I believe that nodes needs to be deleted twice (in PG3) to be removed. However they may come back if you restart the ns for an update. Furthermore, even if you don't use a specific Kasa device they should not bother having them in ISY. Put them in a separate folder if needed. BTW there is no conflict having Kasa devices in both ISY (Node Server) and HA (Integration). That is what I have.
  3. You need to have access to Polyglot 3 which you can find using the url of your Polisy or eisy like XXX.XXX.XX.XXX:3000 and then go to Node Server Store. You acquire the Node Server and follow instructions of the particular Node Server in Configuration. Then you will find the Node Server in your Administrative Console, though you may need to restart the AC.
  4. Smiling is not mocking........ I understand his concerns. I am on the board of directors of a bank and cyber security is at the top of our concerns as well. There is no doubt that there are and will be serious cloud incidents. My point is that I am also concerned about a nuclear war or incident and if I move to Papua New Guinea there would be less risk of a nuclear issue. However life is not about avoiding risks alltogether but manage them to the best of our possibilities. As such, when using Dropbox etc I select 2-step authentication. I also regularly backup my Dropbox data on a USB drive that I keep in a safe. That is managing the risks in the 21rst century. I could choose not to use the cloud at all, but the advantages (for me) by far outweigh the risks.
  5. Did you check whether the Kasa devices are still online in the Kasa App ? I have found that when a Kasa device is not working in ISY it is because the device may need to be reset in the Kasa App..
  6. Welcome to the 21rst century. I doubt that one's phone number will be the new SSN, but more likely it will be a secure app on the phone. In fact this is likely to improve security and make it more difficult to steal someone's SSN. Nobody forces you to open an online bank account. For the foreseeable you can still walk into a bank branch, write checks, take cash from a teller etc, but prepare yourself for the future. In Europe there are many bank branches without a teller and only an ATM, and that is coming to the US as well. I understand your concerns but accept (reluctantly as it may be) evolution.
  7. Whatever makes you happy and good luck finding investors for the horse carriage. A friend of mine still uses a flip phone without any apps. In fact some religious communities limit themselves to that type of old phone. So may there be a market for your non-cloud ? I have been wrong with many investment opportunities and who knows.... I may be losing out on your investment as well
  8. I don't really know whether it actually works but the message disappears when activated on my eisy with ZMatter.
  9. I am not sure but I believe that "write changes" only works with ZMatter board. Are you using Polisy ?
  10. The horse carriages also worked fine when the automobile was invented.
  11. In my humble opinion, cloud is universal😀now. I use several cloud services and apply 2-step security for sensitive information. For me the pros are more important than the cons. As for ISY, the fact that I can control my home (except for my wife ) while I am anywhere in the world is a major plus.
  12. Google Holidays Node Server has a Tomorrow node which I find very useful for programing. I have not found an equivalent in the Google Calendar integration.
  13. Have you tried a restore ?
  14. Always appreciate the support: https://github.com/sponsors/shbatm or https://www.buymeacoffee.com/shbatm Done !!!!!
  15. He for sure deserves "buy me a coffee/beer" . Where can I find that link (for when it works again) ?
  16. The subscription is for the cloud access (akin to the ISY Portal) and funds the small full-time development team, but is not required to use the app. You can set up external access several different ways for free if you'd like. Yes, it is to use the HA App outside of my local network. I did not know that there are free options but I am ok to support the development team, the same way I'd be willing to do the same for UD Mobile.
  17. Earlier this morning, my PG3 showed a message that 3.1.23 is available : I did a PG3 restart and then PG3 would not log in again. Then I did a Upgrade Packages in IoX, but that did also not resolve the PG3 log in issue. Finally I did a power cycling of eisy and that resolved the issue. However, in IoX it still told me to Upgrade Packages and PG3 remains on 3.1.22. Furthermore, about 1/4 of my Zwave devices did not show a status. The status came back when I clicked query on each of these devices. This has happened several times before. Not a big issue but probably some kind of a bug. Everything is working now, but upgrading PG3 and/or IoX can be problematic.
  18. My Home Assistant yellow is ordered and has a 6 week wait time I am jealous..... I ordered mine last Summer and still have not received it. Supposedly it arrives in March . Yes, you can use both node servers and Integrations. As an example, I use the Kasa Node Server and the Kasa Integration. I don't use any of the Integrations that you mention. I find the eisy programing better and easier to use and some node servers are better than their Integration equivalent. For instance @firstone's Holidays Google is more powerful than the HA Google Calendar Integration. On the other hand, HA is more a community development and generally one does not depend on a single developer. HOWEVER, while there is an extensive HA user forum, there is basically no customer support and that can be an issue, especially as we are all addicted to UD's out-of-this-world support. I find HA to be an excellent complement to my eisy. HA has many more Integrations than eisy has node servers and HA has a nice UI, allowing me to have both my eisy devices & node servers and HA Integrations on the same page. While I have the latest Iphone, I am more a PC user and therefore HA is basically on all day, including even on my Iphone. Of course UD Mobile is an excellent App (Bravo @Javi), but the HA App ($5/mo) gives me access to both eisy and HA. Enjoy your Polisy and HA and have fun.
  19. Aside from @lilyoyo1's important link, know that currently Zooz is the best option for Zwave devices. In the past (and still occasionally) I used GE/Jasco, Inovelli and Homeseer, but now I find Zooz the best option. My experience is that some manufacturers don't get sufficient profitability from their Zwave line and then either abandon all together (Inovelli seems to have done that) or don't give good support. Who knows, that may happen to Zooz some day, but right now it is the best option.
  20. RESOLVED. I downloaded the update through HACS and it is working again.
  21. I tried to add the integration (as if it is an additional eisy, because I did not delete the existing eisy) and this is what I get :
  22. @shbatmThis morning my Eisy integration no longer works in HA. I am not aware of having changed anything and all was working last night. It says "Not loaded" but clicking on the 3 dots there is no option to re-load. I restarted HA in System, but no luck. My eisy works fine otherwise. I did not (consiously) update to PyISY 4. Any suggestion ?
  23. resolved
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