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Everything posted by asbril

  1. asbril

    Zooz zse40

    Thanks. I included/excluded several times but only got one single node with empty status. I'll try again tomorrow. No parameters, no query.
  2. You are exactly right. I did not remove the top part but was able to make it fit, but it is tilted. One of the 2 antenna pins on the board kept coming off and I hope that it stays on. I don't want to re-open the enclosure while it works but I am aware that it could be an issue in the future and it may or may not work when the Zigbee firmware is released.
  3. asbril

    Zooz zse40

    Did anyone succeed in getting the Zooz zse40 sensor to work with ZMatter on eisy ?
  4. Does this also apply to the LifX ns ?
  5. 1. Did you try the ZMatter board on your Polisy to see if it works on it ? 2. Did you put the board in the enclosure yourself or did it come assembled ? I put it myself and it was not easy as it does not really fit and it could have connected inside the enclosure.
  6. I would love someone to tell me how I can resolve this.
  7. The AC sometimes disconnects. You may give it instructions but they either don't show or not even execute.
  8. Other than the large button on the top, I don't think that these are supposed to show their status in the Administrative Console. These are Scene buttons.
  9. No and I am pretty sure that it did not happen (for me) before ZMatter. BTW regarding @TRI0N's comment, on my ZEN 32 the sentinel lights are ON when the lights are OFF, so I may have changed the parameters when I installed the switch, though I don't remember.
  10. As I wrote above, no program needed, just find the right parameters. As many know, I am a proponent of Zwave but having multiple manufacturers oftem implies that each uses their own parameters.
  11. I guess that is a matter of setting the right parameters. I suggest that you check on Zooz' web site, and once you know what parameter to use, then you can change it in the eisy Administrative console.
  12. I am not sure that this will help you, but in my case the upper button is used in a program to control a number of devices : As you can see it the ZY065_1-Binary Switch For the 4 below buttons I use the Scene buttons as : Remember, these 4 lower buttons work as 1 click is ON, 2 clicks is OFF
  13. I tried anyway but no success. This is what shows : s: admin Keyboard-interactive authentication prompts from server: | Password for admin@eisy: End of keyboard-interactive prompts from server Last login: Fri Jan 20 13:06:36 2023 from yogac740141ml.lan FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p5 #7 releng/13.1-n250174-753d65a19a55-dirty: Sun Dec 4 06:58:17 UTC 2022 root@bsdev.isy.io:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/eisy Welcome to iiii i::::i iiii eeeeeeeeeeee iiiiiii ssssssssssyyyyyyy yyyyyyy ee::::::::::::ee i:::::i ss::::::::::sy:::::y y:::::y e::::::eeeee:::::eei::::i ss:::::::::::::sy:::::y y:::::y e::::::e e:::::ei::::i s::::::ssss:::::sy:::::y y:::::y e:::::::eeeee::::::ei::::i s:::::s ssssss y:::::y y:::::y e:::::::::::::::::e i::::i s::::::s y:::::y y:::::y e::::::eeeeeeeeeee i::::i s::::::s y:::::y:::::y e:::::::e i::::i ssssss s:::::s y:::::::::y e::::::::e i::::::is:::::ssss::::::s y:::::::y e::::::::eeeeeeee i::::::is::::::::::::::s y:::::y ee:::::::::::::e i::::::i s:::::::::::ss y:::::y eeeeeeeeeeeeee iiiiiiii sssssssssss y:::::y y:::::y y:::::y y:::::y y:::::y yyyyyyy If you're not a geek, you should not be here!!! Please contact us at support@universal-devices.com. Otherwise, enjoy your eisy session! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [admin@eisy ~]$ sudo -u polyglot bash Password: [polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ pip3 uninstall bitstring WARNING: Skipping bitstring as it is not installed. [polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ pip3 install bitstring==3.1.9 Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable Collecting bitstring==3.1.9 Using cached bitstring-3.1.9-py3-none-any.whl (38 kB) Installing collected packages: bitstring Successfully installed bitstring-3.1.9 [polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ ls -l /var/polyglot/pg3/ns total 39 drwxrwx--- 10 0021b902606b_11 polyglot 26 Jan 19 20:45 0021b902606b_11 drwxrwx--- 7 0021b902606b_16 polyglot 21 Jan 19 17:48 0021b902606b_16 drwxrwx--- 8 0021b902606b_2 polyglot 26 Jan 19 20:46 0021b902606b_2 drwxrwx--- 8 0021b902606b_21 polyglot 29 Jan 18 20:30 0021b902606b_21 drwxrwx--- 8 0021b902606b_22 polyglot 29 Jan 13 15:16 0021b902606b_22 drwxrwx--- 8 0021b902606b_3 polyglot 19 Jan 19 20:42 0021b902606b_3 drwxrwx--- 8 0021b902606b_4 polyglot 23 Jan 20 14:52 0021b902606b_4 drwxrwx--- 9 0021b902606b_5 polyglot 28 Jan 19 17:56 0021b902606b_5 drwxrwx--- 9 0021b902606b_6 polyglot 22 Jan 19 20:47 0021b902606b_6 drwxrwx--- 7 0021b902606b_8 polyglot 20 Jan 18 20:30 0021b902606b_8 drwxrwx--- 10 0021b902606b_9 polyglot 23 Jan 18 20:30 0021b902606b_9 [polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ pip3 uninstall --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b902606b_4/.local bitstring Usage: pip3 uninstall [options] <package> ... pip3 uninstall [options] -r <requirements file> ... no such option: --prefix [polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$ pip3 install --prefix /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b902606b_4/.local bitstring==3.1.9 Requirement already satisfied: bitstring==3.1.9 in /var/polyglot/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages (3.1.9) [polyglot@eisy /usr/home/admin]$
  14. Thanks so much to both of you but this goes beyond my expertise and I am worried that I may mess up something. Should I expect that this issue will be adressed in an upgrade of the Node Server ?
  15. Thanks !!!!! But, again, excuse my ignorance.... I do that in windows CMD ? Is 0021b9026038_7 generic or must I look to something specific in my own setup ?
  16. Are you referring to this ? And if so, (excuse my ignorance) is that in Windows-Run-cmd ? sudo -u polyglot bash pip3 uninstall bitstring pip3 install bitstring==3.1.9
  17. I believe for some Lifx is working with ZMatter on eisy. Not for me. I attach the log in case someone can guide me how to get LifX to work, thanks LiFX_1-20-2023_121030-PM.zip
  18. I just want to share my deep appreciation for @Michel Kohanim and @Chris Jahn, and the rest of the team. My setup is a bit different from most as I have some 80 ZWave devices, several Kasa and LifX, but no Insteon. I also have several node servers and being semi-retired I am addicted to my eisy (previously 994i and Polisy). Even though @lilyoyo1 talks my ego up, I am by far not as technical as most of you and sometimes I feel like a little leaguer playing with the big boys. This is not false modesty but how I really feel. From time to time my playing around with the system, (and also sometimes upgrading to the latest firmware when I really should wait for all bugs to have been resolved), messes up my system. I probably should have waited with the migration a bit longer especially as everything was working fine on Polisy. Earlier this week everything went wrong (including getting Covid) and practically nothing worked. I tried everything that I could think of, but at the end I had ask several times for support. Both Michel and Chris spent a lot of time helping me. They were patient and did whatever needed to be done. Some of the issues may have been due to the migration and others may have been some of my complex programs, but right now it all works again. Michel likes to say that their support is normal. It is not.... It is out of this world and I am humbled by their attention and patience. From what I read on this forum, the migration has been challenging for others as well and it must have given Michel and Chris a lot on their plate. They are the best among the best. I repeat the suggestion I made a few months ago, which isn that we should set a date in 2023 that some of us meet in LA and spend a day with Michel and his team. I know that Michel is supportive of the idea.
  19. For me the LifX NS has not been working since migration to eisy, even before 5.5.4
  20. Thanks @MrBill So in fact simpler than I had expected
  21. Not exactly...... The difference is that for Polisy you have the choice of adding the board inside or, with enclosure, in USB port. For eisy it is only with enclosure in USB port.
  22. I wish I coud do the same but with some 80 Zwave devices changing the URL etc would take too long. I changed my HA settings to Beta and hopefully a new beta version comes out soon that will allow me to link my eisy to HA.
  23. ZWave is not included. You must use either the Zooz 700 dongle or (preferably) UD's ZMatter board in USB enclosure.
  24. While waiting for a solution, I am trying to use Home Assistant. I would like to duplicate on HA a program that I have on eisy (not working because of Lifx Node Server not being recognized) : IF From Sunset to 10 pm THEN Lifx 1 = ON at 100% and color Blue Lifx 2 = ON at 100% and color Blue Else Lifx 1 = ON at 100% and color White Lifx 2 = ON at 100% and color White Wait 10 seconds Lifx 1 = OFF Lifx 2 = OFF Anyone knows how to make this automation on HA (while waiting for ISY Lifx Node Server to work) ?
  25. Everything came after a ISY reboot in ISY Portal.
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