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Everything posted by asbril
Thanks so much. As you say $ 10 for a Node Server is like free so I'll get it and plya with it. I chose the 3 because I drive less than 6000 miles per year and by far mostly local. Maybe once a year a trip (from here in Miami) to Orlando or the Florida Gulf Coast, but other than that all short trips to the super market, dry cleaner, my kids who live 5 minutes away and three times a month meetings 20 miles away
Zwave issue resolved. Thanks
I ordered the 3 this morning, after they dropped their prices
I ordered a Tesla which I should in about 2 weeks. What should I know about the Tesla node servers and should I use these ?
I opened a ticket but this is the situation in case there are suggestions. I failed the migration from Polisy-Zooz to eisy-ZMatter I believe that I exactly followed these steps : 1) Make sure 5.5.3 is installed 2) Leave your Zooz dongle connected and ZMatter Z-Wave dongle not connected 3) Create a backup of your Polisy/eisy (File | Backup ISY) 4) Create a backup of the Polisy/eisy you are migrating to (if different than in step 3) 5) Go to configuration tab in Admin Console and select "Migrate to ZMatter ZWave" 6) Choose the option that allows you to create a "migration" backup (first option) 7) Once you have your "migration" backup you are ready to migrate To migrate, you remove the Zooz dongle and plug in the ZMatter Z-Wave dongle. If you have a ZMatter Z-Wave board then you would power down Polisy, add it, then power on again. Next, use (File | Restore ISY) to restore the "migration" backup you just created (in step 6). When your Polisy/eisy restarts it automatically migrates and creates the new nodes, does the device interviews etc. All the nodes and programs did migrate but all the Zwave nodes failed to connect. I checked and the ZMatter dongle was working. Subsequently I restored the Polisy backup and tried a new migration, but this time from Polis-Zooz to Polisy-ZMatter but that migration also failed. I now restored the latest Polisy-Zooz backup and the system is working as before. I also did a factory reset of the ZMatter dongle on eisy and restored the latest backup. This worked though I will need to re-include the 2 Zwave devices. HOWEVER, I can no longer log in to eisy PG3. It gives me a an auth error.
It is still going through the migration but so far Zwave nodes show as not connected. At least some of the node servers seem to be working. Kasa devices seem to be working Right now I can not log in to the eisy PG3
lll let you know as I plan to migrate later today
I did discover, query in AC and restart in PG3. I have no Insteon but I do have 4 Zwave nodes on my (test) eisy.
1.0.10 still shows Insteon for ZWave devices.
Yes I know but still no answer on when to move the node servers, but after thinking it over I now think that is makes no difference when. Anyway I already added my Polisy PG3 node servers to eisy PG3 in the same slots, so that is my answer to my question
Am I the only one having issues with updating node servers on Polisy with Zooz ? It is not a big deal for me as most likely I will soon try migration to eisy with ZMatter and then send my Polisy to the Smithsonian
I just checked. Still the same on eisy, 4 Insteon nodes while have none and while I have 4 Zwave nodes. However it is correct on Polisy. BUT there seems to be a general issue with PG3 on Polisy which is that my node servers do not update with restart, even though the update message disappears after a restart..... and then comes back after a day or so. So, as on Polisy PG3 I am still on 1.0.8 I could possibly have the same reverse Insteon-Zwave if & when it updates to 1.0.9
Like @Mecheng70 I probably have different brands of dimmers if needed. I also have ZWave fan switches.
@shbatm @MrBill This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <nodeInfo> <node flag="128" nodeDefId="UZW0042"> <address>ZW107_1</address> <name>1. Office Fan Light</name> <family>4</family> <parent type="3">26126</parent> <type></type> <enabled>true</enabled> <deviceClass>0</deviceClass> <wattage>0</wattage> <dcPeriod>0</dcPeriod> <startDelay>0</startDelay> <endDelay>0</endDelay> <pnode>ZW107_1</pnode> <rpnode>ZW107_1</rpnode> <sgid>1</sgid> <custom flags="40" val1="0"/> <devtype> <gen>4.17.1</gen> <mfg>12.17479.12340</mfg> <cat>109</cat> </devtype> <property id="ST" value="80" formatted="80%" uom="51"/> </node> <properties> <property id="BATLVL" value="" formatted=" " uom="0"/> <property id="ST" value="80" formatted="80%" uom="51"/> </properties> </nodeInfo>
Thanks @MrBill I will try in a bit and will contact you if I need help
I'll do later this morning
I asked the same 2 questions in different part of the forum, but here it may be more appropriate. I plan to soon initiate my migration from my Polisy with Zooz to my eisy with ZMatter and follow the above instructions but need clarification : (1) I currently have some test ZWave devices and a few node servers on my eisy. Do I need to do a factory reset before starting the above steps ? (2) Other than migrating the licenses of my node servers (which apparently can be done in ISY Portal), do I install the node servers on eisy BEFORE or AFTER the migration ?
@shbatm Right now I have several ZWave dimmers on my Polisy (Zooz dongle) that show up (and work) in HA. However I am not familiar with XML and you would need to guide me(maybe with PM) so that I can give you what you need.
I am confused as well. There have been so many posts on migration that I don't know which one applies to my situation which is currently using Zooz on Polisy and wanting to go to ZMatter on eisy. I would very much appreciate step-by-step instructions to move my whole setup (Zwave and Wifi devices, programs, scenes and node servers) from Zooz on Polisy to ZMatter on eisy.... I already have the ZMatter dongle working on eisy but right now just for testing. Do I need to do a factory reset before migration ?
On my eisy the ST-Inventory shows that I have 4 Insteon, but I don't have any Insteon. It looks it mixed up Insteon with Zwave as it shows 0 while I do have Zwave.
Am I right in understanding that Chris' instructions are for a migration on Polisy from Zooz to Zmatter or does it also apply to a migration to eisy ? In the latter case, should one first do a Zooz restore on eisy of a Polisy Zooz backup ?
where can I find this in HA ?