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Everything posted by jgcharlotte

  1. Wow, I never saw that LOL. I was just using the heat output. Going to play. The workaround I did (above) seems to work well.
  2. Ok. . . no, this is the Insteon wireless companion thermostat 2441ZTH
  3. Ok, so this seems like a bit of a workaround but it works. I just added a program that looks at the status of the auto control folder. When it goes 'true' at 10 pm, it forces the 'auto on' program to run and turn on the heater if the thermostat is calling for heat. After that, it will run as usual. There may be more elegant ways to do it, but it does work! Space Heater Auto Folder Status - [iD 00E5][Parent 00CE] If Folder 'Space Heater Auto' is True Then Run Program 'Space Heater Auto ON' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  4. Lost me on that one I have 'on', 'off,' and 'responding'.
  5. Ok, what about a program that turns something on via status, and it is behind a folder to limit time of day. Specifically, I have a space heater controlled by a wireless thermostat, but I only want it to run between 10 pm and sunrise, as specified in folder conditions. It works great unless the thermostat is already calling for heat at 10 pm when the folder is enabled. The status does not get read and the heater does not turn on. Thanks guys, great thread! This does not work if the thermostat is already calling for heat (status ON) when the folder is enabled at 10 pm. Space Heater Auto ON - [iD 00D7][Parent 00D6] If Status '_MBR-Thermostat Heating' is On Then Set 'MASTER-Space Heater' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  6. Didn't realize that. . . .
  7. Hi Stusviews, not sure who was proposing that. . . it doesn't make sense. The only IO Linc I have is using the contact to bypass an LED strip dimmer module for full brightness in under cabinet lighting. Works great for that. For strictly dry contact input, seems like open/close should work well, as attested to by others. One nice thing about the IO Linc, though, is that it's dual-band.
  8. I'm using 3 of them now, front door, back door and cabinet lighting (using multiple mag switches on multiple doors). I don't think I've had a single failure. Been very happy with them.
  9. Cool, thanks. I couldn't think of any major downside.
  10. Has anyone used an open/close sensor as a cheap and simple alternative to an I/O Linc? Strictly for the dry contact interface, using the 'external sensor' terminal. Thinking about it for an IR Photoelectric Detector.
  11. I have a MS pointed toward my front door to give an alert and turn on a couple of small spotlights at night. I've been getting some alerts, but I look at the video and there's nothing there. However, it seems like every time it happens, there is a gust of wind blowing the bushes around. I didn't think that type of motion was supposed to be sensed, but apparently it was. I lowered the sensitivity to hopefully alleviate that. As far as the low battery, I gave up on that one a long time ago. Now, I just use day/night as a 'heartbeat'.
  12. I want to decrease the sensitivity of a motion sensor. The instructions say to reconfigure jumper 1. Jumper 5 is set to control options from the ISY, but there is no sensitivity adjustment in the ISY options. So if i leave J5 where it is and change J1, will it decrease the sensitivity? Thanks.
  13. It doesn't look like they implemented a heartbeat to replace the useless 'battery low', but it can be USB powered. http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-motion-sensor.html?trk_msg=C43VDJMBVNFKD5BUVKJ54ONOFK&trk_contact=56DQDM0V7EAS64R9H8D6PTV6UG&SK=HML17RA46&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Smarthome&utm_campaign=170118R
  14. Awesome, thanks guys. My 2nd Dot was supposed to be in on Friday, they shipped a Fire instead! Replacement coming in today.
  15. Wow, glad I found this thread. Second Echo coming in today, I groaned when I saw the thing about sub-accounts. So, as I see it, I just set up the second Echo online, and it will have access to the same portal command library as long as they are both on the same account, correct? There is one in the master bedroom and one way downstairs in the den, so there is virtually zero chance that they will both hear the wakeup. Thanks!
  16. Interesting, mine started working when I pulled the batteries and ran it on 5 vdc alone. Still working. Has it had a 2 degree change?
  17. Interesting, I removed the batteries to run it only on AC, and now it is reporting temperature.
  18. This one is reporting everything BUT temperature. Heat/cool outputs are working fine (it's controlling fine) and reporting fine.I'm going to let it go a day or so in changing temperature and see if it comes on. If not, I probably will return it. It's Amazon, so I shouldn't have any problem there.
  19. Thanks, all, for the feedback!
  20. It seems like it should display the current temperature on the console when you query it, without waiting for a change. Like the z-wave multi-sensor.
  21. I have a 2441ZTH thermostat that I want to use as a standalone controller for a simple space heater application. It is on AC power. It works fine, responds to set and actual, etc., but I can't get a temperature display in the console, just humidity, setpoint and control mode. I pressed buttons, blew in it to get it to change 2 degrees (changes on the display, but still not in the console), nothing I do seems to work. Any ideas on this? Thanks.
  22. I just did a test on the one in my office, v2.6. . . Box checked Timeout set to 30 If no motion is sensed after initial, OFF sent @ 30. If motion is sensed @ <7 seconds (approx) after initial motion: timer is reset, no signal is sent. If motion is sensed @ >7 seconds (approx) after initial motion: timer is reset, ON signal is sent each time motion is sensed, even before timeout. 30 seconds after last motion, OFF is sent I don't know if that 7 seconds is proportional to the timeout setting or not, I'll check that. Box unchecked Timeout set to 30 If no motion is sensed after initial, OFF sent @ 30. If motion is sensed before timeout, timer is reset, no on signal is sent. 30 seconds after last motion, OFF is sent So this is what you saw also. I guess when they say 'sensing mode', what they really mean is transmitting mode. They give the impression that unchecked it will not sense, but in reality is does sense and reset the timer, but does not transmit. I thought it was not sensing at all and therefore was not resetting the timer. So, yes, it should do exactly what I want it to when unchecked. This makes more sense to me for an occupancy sensor. If the timeout is 60 minutes, why transmit every time someone in the room moves and generate all of that network traffic? Got it now, thanks!
  23. Looks like I'll just move the timing function to the ISY and use 'on' only. Thanks all.
  24. I agree, it is definitely more flexible, but it's a lot more network traffic if the MS is sending an ON every time there is motion. Impacts battery life also.
  25. I guess I'd like to see it keep resetting the OFF timer without sending ON when motion is sensed, then send OFF if there is no motion when the timer times out. Classic 'off delay' function.
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