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Everything posted by jgcharlotte

  1. I canceled the first one (3rd party) and ordered the Amazon ($55). It was quicker delivery anyway. I'll post what happens. Thanks.
  2. Yeah it is confusing. I checked to see if there are any other 2413S on Amazon and there are not. That is the only one. There's no way that Amazon creates all of the descriptions when you see so many mis-spellings and grammatical errors in the descriptions, obviously from other countries, most of them probably China. I sent the seller a message to verify it is 2.3.
  3. Crap, I didn't notice that. I was just reading the description verbiage (attached). (which also says 99i LOL) I guess I'll take my chances, check the rev level when it comes in and return it if its not 2.3.
  4. Yeah, they address that specifically: https://smile.amazon.com/Insteon-PowerLinc-Dual-Band-Interface-2413S/dp/B002X8W4SI/ref=pd_ybh_a_4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=ZPWXKK9RSQFPGNQT869Q I ordered one. at least I'll eliminate that possibility and maybe it is a bad PLM.
  5. I'm starting to wonder. Amazon has them for $40. I might just order one. This one was a warranty replacement from Smarthome.
  6. Exact same result.
  7. It's going out to each device now. I'll wait until that finishes, then do the restore again. It will be later tonight. Thanks for the help!
  8. I sure was hoping it would go that well. But I have seen a number of other threads in the forums about restore PLM hell. One of them was exactly the same issues I am having. I defaulted the PLM, rebooted the ISY, it's now going to each device and reporting failed comms. When that is finished, I guess I'll try the restore PLM again.
  9. After seeing all of the warnings about NOT deleting the PLM, no I didn't.
  10. Did that a gazillion times LOL Both are 4.6.2
  11. I've updated the ISY to match the console, performed a restore from my most recent backup. . . . no luck. PLM status does say 'connected' with the correct address. If I try and restore a device it does nothing. Sometimes when I start the console it just give me all of the 'comm failure' boxes and displays the red exclamation points and sometimes it tries to communicate with each device, gives 'comm failure' box, then displays the red exclamation as each device fails comms. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
  12. I didn't want to glom onto another thread as it would make it more confusing. . . . When I powered up the ISY (994), I let it go to each device, fail and replace the green IOIO with the red exc. Then did the restore PLM. I followed the steps to restore my new PLM, along the way I got the attached error and I still have a bunch of red exclamations. Ideas?
  13. You can get a hub and two dimmers for under $40 on Amazon! $20 per dimmer and a free hub! I've done it twice, the first one I used, the second one is still in the box. https://www.amazon.com/INSTEON-Control-Starter-Dimmer-Modules/dp/B01695JNHK/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1501718011&sr=8-3&keywords=insteon+hub
  14. According to Amazon, I purchased this one a year and a half ago. https://smile.amazon.com/Insteon-PowerLinc-Dual-Band-Interface-2413S/dp/B002X8W4SI/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1501622303&sr=1-1-fkmr0&keywords=plm+insteon+994
  15. LED seems pretty bright and flickers slightly when I operate some lights with a mini remote.
  16. I did Diagnostics>show PLM links table>start>count Result: 0
  17. As far as I know, I've pretty much mitigated any noise issues I had. But you never know. It seems like every few months I have a couple of days of havoc in the system then it settles down. This seems worse. Unplugging seemed to work yesterday, but not today. I'll follow the recommendations to test, thanks!
  18. jgcharlotte

    Bad PLM?

    My system is suffering major malfunctions. This morning it was dead - no control. Rebooted, but it worked sporadically and now getting a lot of communication errors and basically nothing is working. PLM going bad? What is the best way to test it? v2.1 1543
  19. No biggie, it's done now, and works. I remember 'back in the day', when we were messing with serial drivers in industrial automation. . . stop bits, baud rate, parity, blah, blah, blah. I wasn't very good at that either LOL.
  20. This sensor works well and you get the added benefit of temperature sensing and also light level, which is useful to control lights if the room is subject to outside light. Also humidity, although I'm not sure how accurate it is. I would recommend using it with a power supply as opposed to just the battery, though.
  21. Click on the icon nothing happens. I just went back and re-installed it from scratch with the now-empty cache and it works fine now. Thanks!
  22. Thanks Paul! Yes, that was it. I guess I should have changed it when I changed the IP, but I changed only the IP. Duh. I set up the networks myself but my knowledge beyond basic is in the 'enough to be dangerous' category. I still can't get on to the console, except for thru IE. The finder still finds the correct IP, but the errors I get still stay 168.1 instead of 0. Kinda weird. Hopefully I'll get that figured out. Thanks again to all for all the help.
  23. Yay, I got in with IE using These are my settings now. It still won't 'call out', though.
  24. When I type the IP into a browser I can access the UDAJAX and I can control devices. If I try to access the admin console from that it just displays the 'keep this window open' screen and does nothing.
  25. Geez, didn't notice that. Saw that, not sure how recent my backup is.
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