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Everything posted by jgcharlotte

  1. Yeah, or any other software based on/off control. I have it set up now with an on/off module that doesn't control anything but allows me to turn it on and off and monitor it's status, which I use in the program. Works perfectly. I just wish I didn't have to use a module, I wish I could do it just in software, create a 'virtual module', if you will. I'm sure I could probably do it with some phone app or something, but so far I've gotten by just fine with the Ajax interface, which is not ideal at all, but it does work. And my wife is fine with it as well.
  2. Yeah I looked at that, but how would you activate it from a phone with a standard on/off control?
  3. Not tied to a physical Insteon device. IOW turning it on would set an internal bit to '1', turning it off would set it to '0'. That could be used to trigger other things in the program just like a physical Insteon device would. I looked at turning a scene off and on, but you can't monitor the status of a scene.
  4. Has anybody figured out a way to do a virtual control or is dedicating a module that does nothing the answer? I just installed a garage door status kit and as an extra safety, when it is being closed under program control (IE, phone, etc) I want to have a 5 second delay while a strobe and audible warning (Z-Wave WA105DBZ-1) are active before the door starts closing. Thanks!
  5. Ok, I got it. I found another post, apparently it does not link in the normal way, you link it by setting up the buttons, which puts a node in the tree, then you add the node to a scene. Works well, but it is a very sloooow process. I think I also may have held the remote key too long (I held it until the 2411T LED stopped flashing), because when I test it on a little TV I have, I turn on the scene, it turns on the TV and then turns it off again, so the sequence is too long. Maybe you don't have to hold the remote key while learning until it stops flashing and beeps? Need to play with it. Thanks.
  6. I can't seem to link this device. Don't see anything in the forum and the Wiki is useless for this issue. It's brand new. Thanks. I get:
  7. Ok, I may be misunderstanding the option settings. Looking at the event viewer it appears that the sensor is sending an OFF 2 seconds after the ON. My timeout is set for 20 minutes and 'as motion is sensed' is checked. I thought that means it will sense motion as it happens instead of waiting for the timeout but it won't send an output signal until after the timeout. IE, as I move about the office it will be constantly resetting the internal timer and only when that timer reaches 20 minutes (no motion) will it send an OFF signal. It appears that's not the way it works. But if I uncheck 'as motion is sensed' (only after timeout), the internal timer will not reset and will always go to 20 minutes and send OFF? I just want it to never send an OFF as long as I am moving around the office, pretty typical scenario, not time out then wait for motion again. I can do my own off delay, but that will put a lot of extra traffic on the network, like I'm getting now.
  8. Ah yes, I'll look at the event viewer.
  9. Office Floor Lamp ON - [iD 0039][Parent 002E] If Control 'Office Motion Detected' is switched On Then Wait 1 second Stop program 'Office Floor Lamp SLEEP' Set 'Office Lights' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This is the program. The SLEEP program it refers to sets the lights at 10% if no motion is detected for x minutes, then turns them OFF after 2 hours (if no motion). So if motion is detected, this program turns them ON and halts the OFF delay. I ran the 'then' several times manually without multiple ON commands being sent. If it is the device, I would think the device's 'switched ON' status would show up in the log, wouldn't it? Haven't tried a new battery yet. Thanks to all for the help!
  10. This is nuts. The sensor is sending just one 'on' command, then the program generates multiple 'lights on' commands.
  11. Hmmm, might be the battery issue. Since it was a refurb, did not come with a battery, I just used one I found in drawer Didn't even check the voltage. It is also an older firmware revision than the units I just bought on Amazon. Putting the status check in there is a good idea, too. Thx.
  12. Office lights are under program control from a motion sensor. Simple motion sensor 'on' turn lights 'on'. But sometimes I get this flurry of 'on' commands, maybe 20 in a minute, one after the other. Is it because it is under program control and also the motion sensor is linked? I have another one that doesn't do that. It's a refurb, maybe I should have defaulted it when I installed it. It works fine, I just get this sometimes. Thanks.
  13. Paul's solution worked perfectly, transferring control to the second program. I just added another one that turns off the light if motion is detected again before the timeout (changed to 90 seconds) and I put the whole set in a folder controlled by a motion sensor dusk/dawn so it doesn't operate during the day. Thanks!
  14. Sure, it's meant as a night light. If you get out of bed in the middle of the night, just put a little bit of light in the room. If it didn't check OFF status, every time motion is detected it would go to 15%. I did add a program that would turn it off prior to the auto turn-off time (which I set to 60 secs) if motion is detected, IE, going back to bed.
  15. Thanks! I guess that makes sense, just seems a bit illogical to me. But I'm sure there are cases when it would be a real advantage. Thanks for the help and suggestions!
  16. NiteLite - [iD 003B][Parent 0007] If Status 'MBR-Corner Lamp' is Off And Control 'ZW 002 MBR Motion Sensor' is switched On Then Set 'MBR-Corner Lamp' 15% Wait 20 seconds Set 'MBR-Corner Lamp' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The OFF command never gets sent. so is the entire program disabled as soon as the light turns on, IE, the WAIT > OFF does not execute? It seems like the remainder of the program should execute regardless of the IF,
  17. I never could get the trial version to run. I uninstalled it and re-installed it several times on several different devices, it always said 'trial has expired'. So I figured the paid version probably wouldn't work too well either and gave up on it.
  18. Thanks, I was wondering where to post good deals, etc., for others to take advantage of.
  19. Awesome. Amazon has a 'prime member' special $20. Ordered 3. Thanks!
  20. Anybody know the difference between the motion sensor 2842-222and 2842-292 Thanks.
  21. Program makes sense. I'll try it.
  22. The first on, 'ON' works fine. The second is one of the variations I tried to achieve dimming with a continuous press. No luck.
  23. So how do you get a LampLinc to brighten/dim on a RemoteLinc2 (8 scene configured as 4 on/off controls). Not as a scene, just program control. On and off work fine, I can't get the LampLinc to brighten/dim with a continuous press of the appropriate button. Monitoring in Admin Console shows the mini-remote varying %, but no effect on the lamp. I tried all of the controls, fade up/down, bright/dim, etc.
  24. Hoping if there is an offset, it's linear.
  25. Yeah, I am planning on using it usb powered. This would be my first z-wave, everything else is Insteon, with a couple of old X-10 thrown in there. If it works out well, there will be more. I hope the temperature measurement is accurate or, if not, I can calibrate (offset) it in the ISY. Haven't looked into that yet.
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