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Everything posted by sdynak

  1. Are you using status or control on your open program? Without seeing the program it is hard to say but I have used status and it has bit me on things like this. If you use control it only executes when the condition is met. If I'm saying that right. Posting the program may help with others to look at.. Edit: Sorry.. looks like Oberck was ahead of me after reading more.
  2. Thanks for the reminder on that.. Interesting thoughts. Given the time of this program most likely I will not be having the trees on manually or through a program so I might just remove it to eliminate the possibility. But then that one time it is on I will probably annoy me if the X-Mas lights were on and the front lights popped on opening the door :).
  3. Thank you .. I appreciate the options and advice. Glad to know there are a few ways to do things and seeing that is helpful.
  4. I think Control got me once before in a situation like this.. I don't know why I forgot about that.
  5. So the door does get closed right away usually.. The tree is actually outside X-Mas lights so I don't want the front light to come on if they are on. It should all be met within 5 minutes.
  6. It is a Insteon 2843-222 Open / Close sensor and has a control option.. I'll give it a try! Thank you..
  7. I'm going to try adding it to the else now as well.. Last time it triggered my evening program I believe but I removed the "IF" statement for being off so maybe it will work this way again and not impact my evening program. Front Lights On Dark 2 - [ID 0099][Parent 0072] If From 5:00:00AM To Sunrise + 1 second (same day) And ( Status 'Christmas Tree' is Off And Status 'Front-Door / Front Door-Opened' is On ) Then Set 'Front Lights and Porch / Front Lights' On Wait 5 minutes Set 'Front Lights and Porch / Front Lights' Off Else Wait 5 minutes Set 'Front Lights and Porch / Front Lights' Off
  8. So I have not been back yet as the 1st option has kind of stumped me just trying it and I think I have about lost my wits trying to understand why. The program runs ok and turns the light on now and does not impact my evening program turning it off but it doesn't turn off at all. I have similar programs that do as expected so I really feel my eyes are getting the better part of me and I'm missing something. Does anyone see why the lights should not shut off after the 5 minutes wait period? Thanks in advance! Stan Front Lights On Dark 2 - [ID 0099][Parent 0072] If From 5:00:00AM To Sunrise + 1 second (same day) And ( Status 'Christmas Tree' is Off And Status 'Front-Door / Front Door-Opened' is On ) Then Set 'Front Lights and Porch / Front Lights' On Wait 5 minutes Set 'Front Lights and Porch / Front Lights' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  9. I might end up with that as well.. I agree with eliminating that 1% area especially if that one time we happen to leave the door open. Trying both options helps me think it through as well and learn. Can't thank you both enough for sharing your experience & expertise.
  10. In the case of the AM program I would have to say 99% of the time the door will get closed right after leaving. Too early to be leaving a door open a that time in the AM.
  11. I'm testing the program modification with kclenden's instructions first as it was easy enough to modify.. I'll certainly post back and confirm. Thanks again and have a great weekend! Best, Stan
  12. Thanks Guys.. Very helpful information.. I'll make some changes and certainly post back what I ended up with. Have a great weekend! Best, Stan
  13. Hi Guys & Gals.. Hope everyone are doing great! I am going in circles here and I'm sure it is something simple but I'm off track and hit the dirt. I have a program that turns the front porch lights on in the evening when the front door is opened and it has been working ok for me up until I added a program to also turn it on in the morning when it is still dark out. My wife's schedule changed and now leaves before it gets light so was trying to make it safer for her. Problem is in the morning program I want the lights to shut off after 5 minutes of the door closing and put this in the "Then" statement initially but they didn't shut off so I put it in the "Else" statement and it worked. The problem came in where the evening program now shuts off after 5 minutes now so the "Else" statement is triggering it. I tried to work on a separate program to turn them off but things stopped working all together so I just removed them for now as I must not made some errors. If you have any suggestions it may help me from pulling the last hairs I have .. Thanks in advance Stan. This is the Evening Program: Front Lights On Dark 1 - [ID 007E][Parent 0072] If From Sunset + 1 minute To 11:59:00PM (same day) And ( Status 'Christmas Tree' is Off And Status 'Front Lights and Porch / Front Lights' is Off And Control 'Front-Door / Front Door-Opened' is switched On ) Then Set 'Front Lights and Porch / Front Lights' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This is the AM Program: Front Lights On Dark 2 - [ID 0099][Parent 0072] If From 5:00:00AM To Sunrise + 1 second (same day) And ( Status 'Christmas Tree' is Off And Status 'Front Lights and Porch / Front Lights' is Off And Control 'Front-Door / Front Door-Opened' is switched On ) Then Set 'Front Lights and Porch / Front Lights' On Wait 5 minutes Set 'Front Lights and Porch / Front Lights' Off Else Wait 5 minutes Set 'Front Lights and Porch / Front Lights' Off
  14. Thanks.. I do have a lot of folders organizing rooms itself with the milti devices in each. Don't use times with them yet but good to know.
  15. Thanks again Larry! I'll update it and see how it goes.. How do you know all this stuff :)??
  16. So although this change in program would resolve the initial issue it seems it introduces another.. Now with the control being set as the trigger, after set time in wait in else statement the lights do not shut off. Actually, I do not even see the program turn red as it has before when in countdown. It seems to skip over the else now. Any thoughts? Thanks, Stan
  17. Thank you Larry! I was thinking it was more than that... glad overall it would be simple although for me I wasn’t sure but thought there had to be a way.. You just made a few of my programs feel a ton better Thanks again Stan
  18. Hi Guys, Gals I have a simple program that turns my hall light on from sunset to sunrise when either my front or basement door opens and will shut it off after 2 minutes. Everything works as I would like except if I have my front door open (for light or fresh air) when it hits sunset the light comes on. Although it's not a big deal I would prefer to make it somehow that if the door is actually open at that time to not come on unless it were closed & open again. I don't see the basement door being open at times but the front is very likely especially with fall being here. Any thoughts if there is a creative way to make this happen? I can see this being useful for my rear outside light also with my sliders. Program is very similar. Hallway Auto Light - [ID 0021][Parent 0001] If From Sunset + 1 minute To Sunrise - 1 minute (next day) And ( Status 'Front-Door / Front Door-Opened' is On Or Status 'Basement Stairs Door-Opened' is On ) Then Set Scene 'Hallway Auto Light' On Else Wait 2 minutes Set Scene 'Hallway' Off Thanks! Stan
  19. Second Schlage.. had Morning Industry lock and was too unreliable.. returned in 30 day window but still have controller that is useless to me now. Got z-wave module and Schlage and haven't looked back. You won't regret the advanced features with status as mentioned.
  20. IF it helps here is something that works for me in a similar arrangement .. for some reason the else statement makes some difference which I got from similar suggestions here. Hallway Auto Light - [iD 0021][Parent 0001] If From Sunset + 1 minute To Sunrise - 1 minute (next day) And Status 'Front-Door / Front Door-Opened' is On Then Set Scene 'Hallway Auto Light' On Else Wait 2 minutes Set Scene 'Hallway' Off
  21. Here is what I have doing something similar in a scene.. Maybe the concept will work for yours with the devices? Hallway Auto Light - [iD 0021][Parent 0001] If From Sunset + 1 minute To Sunrise - 1 minute (next day) And Status 'Front-Door / Front Door-Opened' is On Then Set Scene 'Hallway Auto Light' On Else Wait 2 minutes Set Scene 'Hallway' Off
  22. Same here.. every time I come here I learn something that I find very important and never realized existed with the function of the ISY and devices it controls. I can only wish I had a ounce of the knowledge of the folks that frequent this site. It must take years to build up this kind of knowledge with spending a lot of time. I honestly never realized how powerful this ISY was until recently and have had it for years just doing very basic things. You folks have changed my life.. Literally.. I mean that. My home and the way it functions is vastly improved as well as my family & even pets.. yes.. pets.
  23. Thank you.. I put a lamplinc directly into one of the I/O's I have in the same circuit. To me it still seems questionable.. when I see how the switchlinc works in a scene with a MS it is not even a question. Lights come on instantly. With the I/O it really seems there is something ignored at times. Almost like there is a wait period although I know there isn't anywhere as it will work sharply at time. I can see the led flash like there are communications but sometimes it just doesn't trigger. Sometimes it is quick and instant. I set both the scene and program for now so I know it will work one way or another and will do some additional testing as time permits.
  24. I do have a lamplinc I'm not using I got for a similar issue a little while back and not needed there anymore.. I'll give that a go and report back.. These Autoslide doors are really cool for my 3 dogs and integrating into the ISY. What a life changer for me and them.. well my whole family ..
  25. Makes sense Paul.. I thought that was the intention of putting in a scene but was not sure the ISY was not involved at all given it was linked through that.. Funny thing is the MS & I/O are literally on opposite sides of the wall together,., why the I/O are not DB is beyond me.. Even the new ones are not right? As I just got 2 refurb units delivered this AM maybe worth trying. Again.. much appreciated to keep me from going bonkers looking in the ISY! Best, Stan
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