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Everything posted by sdynak

  1. Thanks Paulo.. If it were a RF issue would it be to the ISY first? Just to ensure the MS was actually working I set up a email alert at activation. That works 100% of the time and I get emails but no I/O sometimes or is very delayed. I am positive the RF to the ISY is good for sure. I have my other scent right next to this for my lights using a MS and it is flawless. That is why I was wondering if anyone had a I/O Linc triggered by a MS in a scene and if they experience a similar thing. I can operate the I/O from the ISY flawlessly also. Just seems they don't play well together in a scene. Anything you could think of to isolate a RF issue let me know. I brought the MS into the same room to go over settings as my ISY & PLM and it acted similar. I could get the MS to activate but no I/O linc trigger at times or delayed. Much appreciated Best, Stan
  2. Hi Guys/Gals.. Looking for the best and quickest way to trigger a I/O Linc off a MS. I have been using a program to do it but learned there are a few seconds processing delays by choosing to do it this way so I made a scene and added the I/O as a responder and the MS as a controller. The result seems to be worse where the MS triggers (set up a email alert just to verify) but there is a delay or no activation for the I/O Linc at times and seems more so when the activation is successive or repeatedly one after another. This leads to my question is there some kind of delay built into the ISY or I/O that would cause this? I use this to open a automatic door and sometimes you need to do it quickly in a short period of time. Finding myself waiting and waving to get things to work. I ran a scene test and it seems ok but do see the MS comes up as "ignore".. Not 100% sure if that is expected. I do have other scenes that operate with MS as a controller and togglelincs to turn on lights and that seems to be fast and very consistent. Leads me to believe or think that something with the I/O Linc in this config doesn't work the way I expect it to. If making a program is the best way it is fine just have to deal with the minor delays but it does seem more consistent that way. Thanks in advance as always for our input.. Best, Stan
  3. Good info.. Thanks for sharing your experience.. I was thinking one of those web control boards and sensors but this seems much simpler with more options. Best Stan
  4. Cool.. thank you.. will have to give it a go. Cheers, Stan
  5. If the low operating range is 0 do you put this directly in your freezer at -20? I'm interested in the concept but just wondering if there is more to it. Thanks Stan
  6. Glad it worked out Chris.. some real good folks on here. Cheers, Stan
  7. Just a thought but maybe try adding one in the scene at a time and see if you can possibly identify the location or device giving you a issue? I had a dual band 3 way dimmer that would not work once 2 of the devices were added. I only came up with there was something in the circuit that seemed like it was extending too far or some kind of a loop. Strange enough single band devices don't do it.. Almost exactly opposite of what I would think.
  8. Exactly.. after seeing what happened & still happening to folks that didn't have insurance is depressing. Not only personally but the local home market also. I had just moved in 11 months prior and didn't have a choice to be covered with flood given my mortgage requirements. Many people that had been here for years were not required years ago or just didn't have it because they didn't have to by either it being paid for or not being required. When we were in the market for waterfront property there were some homes being advertised as not requiring flood insurance as it it were a benefit for selling. Any maybe it was then as it is today but good luck being that person that didn't. Since I had a active flood policy I was eligible for a grant to assist in elevating as long as I maintain my flood policy. Why I wouldn't after what I have seen is beyond me so it is not even a question. Plus, it went down by 1/2 since elevating. Back on topic (somewhat).. I do completely agree with your thoughts for security and appreciate all the value in providing the same to everyone. I have very minor levels where I see some with 0 or even worry about it and I don't think I could live now without knowing when a door was opened now.. LOL.. I have 3 dogs and have not mentioned them as I do not consider that a level although it truly is. My team of dogs go nuts over just about anything but again if I'm not here it is meaningless.
  9. Well said Teken.. I won't speak for everyone but I know a smartlock is not going to prevent someone who wants to get into my home from doing so and is not the reason I chose to have one. I lived through Sandy in times when looting in my area where break-ins & theft were at it's peak. There was not much stopping the looters and some homes were just left wide open and missing walls. We had signs at the end of the street warning those seeking to do so and for good reason (their protection). I am not very confident your average homeowner is aware of the options out there for security and to be honest I'm one of them because I know they will break the next device or find a way if they really want to get in. I don't spend a lot of time and $ on barricading others out or myself in. Just not the way I'm going to live. Not ignoring security itself as I have 15 cameras recording 24x7 on the outside and multiple on the inside and every lower door has a open/close sensor. This will not stop anyone but at least I will know immediately should it happen and have a record. And, if I happen to be in bed and you make it to my room you will be faced by not only me but my wife with a barrel staring directly at you. So yes.. there are many facets to security and everyone needs to do what makes them comfortable in their own home. Best, Stan
  10. More thoughts.. If you come up with a solution with a switch in the striker plate you can also use a triggerlinc that has terminals inside and can be used for a switch in this case also.. that may be easier than a i/o which needs power and is powerline only. Or mount the triggerlinc on the face of the lock and on deadbolt knob itself a small magnet to operate it in place of the triggerlinc magnet. It may be possible to line it up this way somehow and then no worries with the strikerplate either way. Personally going z-wave is obviously the better solution but if you have to work with what you have then it can be done one way or another.
  11. Actually, they do in my area in the retirement communities during the day.. Let's be honest though.. that little hole in the 2X4 behind the door is not going to make a difference in the grand scheme of things. The actual lock/striker area like you said is already compromised and would not have any bearing where the hole would be drilled. If someone wants in they will get in regardless of this. But I completely understand your thoughts and looking to be cautious. I never went through with the idea but because the setup was not reliable. If I tried to protect every area in my home from a intruder I'd live in a prison. They did this through an unlocked door & was the 2nd in a month in December.. Nothing will stop these idiots. They are drug raving fools and target the elderly. What a shame.. http://patch.com/new-jersey/berkeley-nj/another-home-invasion-one-berkeleys-senior-communities-culprits-still-loose
  12. I understand but personally not worried.. if someone wants in they will get in and that little hole won't make a difference. I personally dare them honestly. Would be the last thing they kick in my home.
  13. I had a morning industry lock and insteon controller but the setup was unreliable.. I bought a hidden door sensor I was going to drill out a hole to detect if the lock was locked or not by off & on .. If you are happy with your setup consider doing that maybe. As others said though the z-wave reports status and seems pretty reliable. I have a Schlage myself. No complaints overall. Nothing is perfect but it is close.
  14. I wanted to share my prototype physical setup in case anyone is thinking of this or wants to build off of it a "better mousetrap" First I tried just handing the magnetic piece of the triggerlinc from a string and lining that up on the windshield was not fun and the efforts offset the benefits.. I do not recommend wasting your time on a string device. The contacts don't line up properly all the time so it is not reliable. A little gear in my head was turning and I came up quickly with the design in the photos.. I ran a furring strip across my opener & rail with a small section in the middle screwed down with 2 pieces just for width. Then I had a real nice flat rectangular piece of long plastic lightweight that came in a box for my front screen door as a protector. I saved it figuring I would put it to use one day. You could use anything really and I was thinking a wooden dowel at first. Something where if you walk into it by accident would not really hurt anyone. I still want to put some kind of ball over the end. Maybe something golf ball sized but hollow to do so. Any questions feel free to ask or PM me.. It seems very reliable even though it is only a day.. I don't know why the pictures come up turned here.. sorry Best, Stan
  15. Thanks Kevin.. I started to also write another program that changed a new geofence variable once the triggerlinc goes off.. I decided to make a geofence variable just for the garage door as I use the 1st one for the door lock so don't want that to conflict and not work. Between this and your suggestions I'm confident we can get this working .. I like the way yours is written better.. had to jump on a late night conference call for work so will test things out shortly and report back. Much appreciated Cheers, Stan Garage Car Var Change Copy - [iD 0038][Parent 0001] If Status 'Car In Garage Karyn-Opened' is Off Then $Karyns_iPhone_Garage Auto Door = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  16. Ok.. so between craziness at work and my first attempt at using string for this failed I got back into it with a new design that I feel will be reliable for the triggerlinc but I ran into a program snafu I think.. So with the program set like this every time the garage door closes it comes right back up as the geofence is not reset yet and the program runs I assume with the garage door status change.. Maybe I can eliminate the garage door status but thinking there may be another way to do it? If I eliminate the garage door status then it would close if it were open so don't really want that to happen. Any thoughts? I'll share the physical prototype setup as soon as I get this working properly. Program reads: if the geofence is within range and the car is not in the garage and the garage door is closed then open it.. Garage Door Auto Karyn - [iD 0036][Parent 0001][Not Enabled] If $Karyns_iPhone_New Geofence is 1 And ( Status 'Car In Garage Karyn-Opened' is Off And Status 'Garage Door Status' is On ) Then Set 'Garage Door Opener' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Thanks, Stan
  17. I'm going to have to start billing myself for all the time I'm spending lately.. Thanks again Paul for your contributions and help. Best Stan
  18. Thanks again Paul.. Was looking at the apps but looking at setting up the ISY seems more complex. I was just looking into it under resources and tried to see if the manual provided some insight on configuring but looked like it just gave app info. I'll do a little more homework but very interested in this if I can get instant notices and separate from email. Sometimes that gets overwhelming and don't want to see it mixed in with my normal mail. Best, Stan
  19. Hey Paul, Wow.. OK.. I am soo behind .. just when I think I'm getting a handle on some things something new with options and features like this bubbles up and my mind must know more. Guess I just have to keep spending time here reading & searching for a long while .. Best, Stan
  20. Hi Paul.. Just wondering.. are you using resource because it is a 99i? Thanks, Stan
  21. You're going to be very happy.. Good luck and most of all enjoy the freedom..
  22. You Sir have a great sense of humor and a problem solver.. Awesome Mix .. Do we dare getting into the challenges of grabbing a beer out of the fridge when the car is too close?
  23. LOL... this is great.. I may have more success with the fridge switch than the triggerlinc.. shame if it is my floor was just redone after raising the home from Sandy but you bring up another good option of a device such as a pressure mat or like the loop.. You guys really rock.. So when do we start building rockets?
  24. That is pure genius!! I'm ordering one now.. This solves the whole parking spot dilemma also.. there is a fridge right in front of her car and she always pulls up too close.. Thank you all for all your suggestions.. will keep you posted how this works out Cheers, Stan
  25. Very interesting thought.. now to think what that device could be.. quite a few options on how to do this.. simple is always better. Almost thinking of some kind of magnetic or IR sensor. Cheers, Stan
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