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Notifications not sending (only for some programs)?


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I have a triggerlinc that I am looking to have send me emails when it is opened, and then when it is closed.


I also have a motion sensor that currently sends emails, I added texts into the program, but it is not sending texts either. What am I doing wrong?


The ISY Does send email & texts, so it is not an email issue but a programming issue on my part.


Any help would be great!


Sdoor Closed:

       Status  'Main: MBR SDoor TL-Open' is On

       Send Notification to 'Rich Text' content 'SDoor Closed'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Sdoor Open:

       Status  'Main: MBR SDoor TL-Open' is Off

       Send Notification to 'Rich Text' content 'SDoor Open'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




       Status  'Motion: Media Room-Sensor' is On

       Send Notification to 'Rich Text' content 'Media Room Motion Note'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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The program seems simple enough that I would look for other reasons this is not working.


Choose one of these programs from the program listing, right click, run then. Does it send a message?


If it does, then look for clues that the ISY is not seeing the status of the devices.

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A common point of failure for notification emails and texts is when either the subject or the body of the notification is blank, the ISY will not send. Make sure there is something in both the subject and the body.



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This comes all the time. I really think the guys at UD need to just add a statement to the notifications screen that says "PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE CONTENT IN BOTH BODY AND SUBJECT OR YOUR MESSAGE WILL NOT BE SENT"


Or, if they wanted to be a little fancier, they should have an error message pop up when you save the notification and don't have content in both sections.


Or, make it so that the message is actually sent even if one is left blank. I have never seen this problem with other email programs so I don't know why ISY has it.


But the first solution I would think could be implemented with minimal coding effort on the part of UD.

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