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IoX 5.9.1 Firmware released (plus System OS 14.1p6 update) ×

"Wait while (condition)" construct


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I know v5.x alpha has  a Repeat while x=x structure from the Wiki preview.



Can this be extended to the Wait command? Perhaps this could be migrated to the Wait command also in future, if not already installed in v5.x.






     Set $sdone = 0

     Run 'flash lights' (if)

     Wait while $sdone is 0

     Run 'flash lights' (if)

     Wait while $sdone is 0

     Run 'flash lights' (if)




Program flash lights


      whatever condition


      Set 'Lights' On

      Wait X seconds

      Set 'Lights' Off

      Set $sdone = 1




This could eliminate retriggering unknown time delay sequences and insure completion. This may be very useful for door lock programming where the user wants to insure an action has taken place before proceeding further in a program.


This would require triggered variables and events only due to the constant reevaluation of the condition required by the ISY engine. I believe this should be no different than the 'repeat while' implementation.



Edit: Using the "Repeat while" construct the higher level "Repeat" is in control of condition re-evaluation so a state variable is not required for  condition re-evaluation. With "Wait while" the ISY engine  would have to cause re-evaluation of the condition. Thus only triggering elements could be used in conditions.


Hi larryllix,


Thanks so very much for the feedback. I will consult with the team. This said we do have high priority tasks such as Z-Wave multi channel which cannot be put on hold.


With kind regards,



Hi larryllix,


I know you don't want to use 1 second increments. But for now you can use something like this :

New Program - [ID 001F][Parent 0001]
   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Set '07.CF.46.1' On
        Repeat While $Int_1 > 0
           Wait  1 seconds
           $Int_1 -= 1
        Repeat 1 times
           Set '07.CF.46.1' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
With kind regards



Hi larryllix,


I know you don't want to use 1 second increments. But for now you can use something like this :

New Program - [ID 001F][Parent 0001]
   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Set '07.CF.46.1' On
        Repeat While $Int_1 > 0
           Wait  1 seconds
           $Int_1 -= 1
        Repeat 1 times
           Set '07.CF.46.1' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
With kind regards



Thanks Michael. Since I don't run 5.0 alpha I hadn't thought of that yet. I don't understand how this could pass a flag from one subroutine program back to the calling program.


My idea was that a calling program could sequence other programs by calling them in order and yet the execution would never overlap as the calling program would know when the sub was complete passing a semaphore back via the control variable/flag. Think "selectively block IRQ" in low-level  languages?



I thought this could be done with right now with 4.x -- using multiple programs not multiple calls to a subroutine. Programs would have no pecking order without multiple variable and huge complexity.


My example failed in creation so I won't post it. :)


Hi larryllix,


Thanks so very much for the details alas I don't understand what is being suggested. What I posted is very similar to your code.


With kind regards,


Thanks Michel


My construct will Wait until another program signals OK to continue or whatever condition the user wants. Your example  seems based on only time. Maybe the second controlling second program was implied in your example.


Below, from your program on 1 second increment idea, could possibly function equivalent,

I suppose the "Wait 1 seconds" could not be eliminated as the program would not give up it's processing time to allow the other program to run then. Or maybe it could if 'Repeat While' allows time slice surrender?



   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')


        Run 'New Program2' (if)

        Set $Int_1 = 1

        Repeat While $Int_1 > 0      <------dependent on 'New Program2' finishing

           Wait  1 seconds

        Repeat 1 times

           Run 'New Program2' (if)    <------guaranteed not to retrigger timer in other program

        Set $Int_1 = 1

        Repeat While $Int_1 > 0      

           Wait  1 seconds                <-------can this be eliminated without harm?

        Repeat 1 times


   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



New Program2 - [iD 0020][Parent 0001]


   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')


         Set '07.CF.46.1' On

         Wait some time

         Set '07.CF.46.1' Off

         Set $Int_1 = 0             <-----------give the OK to proceed elsewhere = I'm finished


   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


All repeat clauses must have something in them or they don't repeat.  So your "wait 1 second" or really any command would be required.  If you wanted a more instantaneous result you could put a line in there to just keep setting an otherwise unused variable.


For example


Repeat while $variable > 1

   $otherwiseunusedvariable = 1

Repeat 1 time

  other stuff


The above would basically translate into a "wait until $variable > 1"




The "repeat 1 times" as the last line of the then clause serves no purpose since nothing is after it.  But I assume you will put something there since the "repeat while" before it also would therefore also serve no purpose.





Also I should mention, there is a much easier way to do what you want.  The date programs I wrote do it this way.





do something

run then or if program 2


Program 2




do something

run then or if program 3


Program 3




do something

run then or if program 4




How about change the request from 'wait while' to 'until' ad not make it a timed condition but a condition of state.


'wait until' itsn't that diiferent from an IF.




Right now you have to write a seperate program to have it do the repeat of waiting until a condition is true or false.


I'm a newbie, so maybe I don't yet have enough experience to make any comments about this just yet.


But figured it doesn't hurt to ask.




How about change the request from 'wait while' to 'until' ad not make it a timed condition but a condition of state.


'wait until' itsn't that diiferent from an IF.




Right now you have to write a seperate program to have it do the repeat of waiting until a condition is true or false.


I'm a newbie, so maybe I don't yet have enough experience to make any comments about this just yet.


But figured it doesn't hurt to ask.




Seems reasonable, but since you can do the exact same thing with a second program, I wouldn't put this high on my list of wants.






enable program 2


Program 2


the same condition you would have put in the "wait until" above



disable program 2


It would be nice to have a "wait $variable minutes/seconds/hours" option though.  I thought this was going to be part of the 5.0 firmware variable substitution additions, but it isn't there.


That was the point, you have to build a second program?


I was recommending it so you would no longer have to use a second program.


Being the newbie, I am still thinking in linear terms, not this event based programming.




That was the point, you have to build a second program?


I was recommending it so you would no longer have to use a second program.


Being the newbie, I am still thinking in linear terms, not this event based programming.




Also, wait "until" vs wait "while" (neither being available of course) are only semantically different.


wait until device x is on

wait while device x is not on


the above 2 are the same thing.


The following is actually available:

repeat while device x is not on

(functional equivalent to repeat until device x is on)



With ISY folder structure for programs, I don't have a big problem with 2 programs that are roughly half as big as one program since I can drop them into a folder structure and consider the folder as the program.  I agree, it would generally be cleaner to have one program, but UD does not have a gigantic team of coders and I tend to prefer they get features added that just don't exist at all vs making others a bit cleaner.


 but UD does not have a gigantic team of coders and I tend to prefer they get features added that just don't exist at all vs making others a bit cleane

I totally agree with that!




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