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Merry Christmas!


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Merry Christmas to all on the forum, everyone at UDI and especially Michel, Benoit and Chris who have performed fabulous miracles the last year.


And Happy Birthday Taken... May the next year provide lower power consumption :)

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Merry Christmas and hope Santa Clause was really good to all of you. Much thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes, perhaps I will gain more patience in 2016.


I would like to personally thank each and everyone of you for helping me over the years in every aspect of HA. Its safe to say I could not have accomplished so very much in the short amount of time with out the support of this wonderful group.


May 2016 bring nothing less than good health, long life, and prosperity to you all.


Now, off to slay those energy hogs in my home and reduce my carbon foot print.


Ha . . .

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Hello everyone,


Thanks SO very much for all the warm wishes and I want to thank each everyone of you for all your help, support, and participation throughout the years and, without which, we would be nowhere near where we are now.



Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays to all.


With kind regards,


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