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ZWave strange behavior


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Since my 1st installation of the Zwave module and after add some nodes like AEON multisensor, Schlage Lock and repeaters I'm checking every other month how things are going on Administrative Console and I noted that many wierd poits are being created automatically from nothing.


Last one added by himself was the Pulse Meter, I don't have a Pulse Meter.. Also there are measurements from Multilevel sensor (coming from AEON Multisensor) named as Tide Level and General Purporse..


There are also an Energy Meter which never had any data.


Can someone tell me what's goin on here? Is there any fixing for this issue?




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I've seen this as well. I regularly go through and delete the bad nodes.


I think this is due to a zwave message being mishandled somewhere in transit from the zwave device through the dongle and to the ISY. The ISY sees a valid message assigned to the wrong node, or it sees an invalid message, but in either case it simply creates the node associated with the new data.


So, for me my garage aeon multi-sensor has suddenly sprouted a wind sensor (and the wind in my garage, apparently, is coming from the east!). My GE on/off plugin device apparently has very recently been equipped with a multisensor, which is reporting that it is 8 degrees F (near floor level behind the chair in which I'm currently sitting -- odd, because if that were true, I'd expect my bottom would be cold...)


It's not bothered me enough to try to find a pattern, and I'm not sure how to go about collecting a detailed event log for such spurious events in the first place.


Perhaps the good folks at UDI have some suggestions?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't hear from UDI folks regarding Zwave issues for a long time.. Of course I stopped to bother their support for such small issues, they helped me a lot on solve issues with my Schlage lock and I'm extremely happy with my ISY since that day.


I'll delete these nodes "again", I know they'll return sooner or later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi sandryseibert,


We are definitely looking into this but can't find a good solution without jeopardizing how things are organized in ISY.


With kind regards,


Hello Michel,


I know you guys work hard on fix issues, however it's quite strange that is so difficult to create a core program that fix a valid configuration a stay as is. What I'm questioning here is not ghost point being mapped during the normal process of mapping, I'm questioning the ghost points appearing by the time, and sometimes it appear after a month of smoothly operation. 



Sandry Seibert

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Perhaps a simple (if somewhat "hack-y") solution might be to offer a "lock" on z-wave nodes.  The lock bit would be set manually via the GUI or even via REST to indicate that the user desires that the selected parent node should have no additional child nodes added.

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Hello all,


The issue is that ISY depends on the Z-Wave device reporting its capabilities during inclusion. The ghosts appear when a device sends something that the device did not report and ISY does not know what to do with it except showing it as a node. Of course, they can be completely ignored but that would not be the right solution.


With kind regards,


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