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Switchlinc problem is ISY related??

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Let me share with you what I have found.


I have been installing about 60-70 insteon (switchlinc and KPLs) in my brand new house for the last 1 month or so and using ISY as the controller with an ELK M1G. I realized that there have been many reports of communication problems from these insteon devices. Mine is no different. The "failure rate" was as high as 25%. But know what, I found out something tonight after many experimentation and spending hours in working out.


This can be long and here it is:


I was installing two switchlinc (2476D) last night (one on load and the other is just a slave). Everything worked out fine and after setting up a scene to control the two as a virtual three-way, I found out that the Switchlinc that controls the load has a minor paddle problem. As I have another new switchlinc on hand, my immediate action was to replace it. After taking one out and putting a new one in, I linked the new one using ISY and "remove all links". That was a snap. The device was working fine and could be controlled by the ISY to dim up, down, etc. The problem comes as soon as I replaced the old device (the one with paddle problem) with this new one using ISY so that I could keep the same scene/setting that was setup before (with the slave). By the way, I am using 2.6.14 firmware. After doing so, I could no longer control that scene by ISY and that device is giving me a red!!! (lost communication).


My immediate response is "Sigh.. that new switch is not working"... But then, I was thinking how come ISY could control this one by itself locally (under My Lighting) before replacing and yet, it cannot work in a scene?? I then removed the scene in ISY and adding the device again. I removed the device in ISY and tried adding it again. It DID NOT work and could not be added. I then came with the idea of factory resetting it and now the swithclinc could be added. But it always failed in adding to any scene. I tried adding this new switchlinc to a new scene, with a different name, with and without the slave, as a controller and/or as a responder. Everything tried and it simply does not like to be added to any scene even though locally is not a problem (I mean local control under "My lighting" in the ISY is not a problem). My conclusion at that time (about 3 a.m. last night) was that it must be a bad switch.


I woke up today and was still thinking about it. Tried again many times and still same problem.

I decided to factory reset the new switch again and even the slave. Adding it to ISY is not a problem. But for some reason, the new switchlinc just does not like to be in a scene (always getting failed message from the ISY).


Apart of this is another problem:

Then, three of my other switchlinc started having failed problem in ISY (they were working fine before). Restoring them did not help and I need to remove them and re-adding. For some reason, two switches just could not be added to their old existing scenes. I thought it could not possibly be a hardware problem that came altogether with 3 other switchlincs. I then rebooted ISY and bingo!! After rebooting it a few times, they could now be added back to their original scene and no more problem.


I then thought about my other problem of that switch which did not like to be added to any scene. I rebooted ISY again and factory reset the swithclincs. No luck.

As I also have an IES touch screen which takes all devices from the floor plan out of ISY. I then checked the floor plan and found out that the old device label was still there (even though it is not showing a device any more). I then rebooted ISY and checked again, it was still there. I had to delete that "room" from the floor plan. Tried again and room/device disappeared (of course). But still no luck. I was about to give up until I rebooted ISY a few times and that took ISY very long time to boot up. For some reason, after multiple rebooting, this device now could be added to a new scene with the same slave. Not sure whether it was the floor plan, rebooting or mutliple resets that helps?? But all of these are software-related and not hardware.

Now, the device under the scene from ISY works like 50% of the time. But the strange thing is that this same device always works/responses 100% in ISY (with ISY controlling it locally in "My Lighting"). Something is going on....


What I think is that there might be a bug in ISY (not sure) as the following has led me in believing it. When I had the original switchlincs working, I set them for 50% dim in the scene and locally. After replacing an old switchlinc by a new one, physical press of the paddle from that new switchlinc always goes up and down to 100% and 0%, respectively. However, as soon as I added/linked them through ISY (even after a factory reset), the new switchlinc came on as shown in ISY with a 50% dim stop (and not the factory 100%). There seem to be some memory effect off my old device which was set for 50% dim. This never went away even after multiple factory switchlinc resets. This hinted me that the ISY was doing something as soon as it was added (even though I chose to add a factory reset device and remove all links). But, something happened after multiple intentionally rebooting of the ISY.


Any idea?


I hope this helps in eventually leading to a more reliable win-win insteon/ISY automation.


I still have this hooked up and would like to help debugging if anyone wants me to look at any link, ISY, or PLM tables.



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Hi Daniel,


First of all, thanks so very much for the detailed explanation which I am sure is going to help all of us find the issues you are grappling with. The thought of what you must have gone through is ...


Usually, the best way to figure out where the problems lie is by looking at the event viewer (level 3). Except for when you activate a scene from ISY, if you see an INST-ACK (PLM is acknowledging the receipt of command) but without an immediate INST-SRX (the receiving device acknowledging the receipt of the command), then the problem is communications between the PLM and the device.


Now, why would rebooting ISY have an impact? Unfortunately I would not know unless we have the output from event log. Would you be kind enough to retry and this time open event viewer on level 3. But, even before that, please upgrade to 2.6.15 so we have the same point of reference.


As far as the floorplan, we have not touched that piece of the application for at least a year and a half and, except for IES users, i do not know if anyone else is even aware of its existence. Actually, we are going to eventually remove this feature for something more aesthetically pleasing!


As far as on level which is kept at the previous level, yes, it makes sense since ISY was not able to query the new device. These are all the clues that guide me to think that somehow there are communications issues. This said, however, as soon as we can get those event logs, we can get deeper and figure out whether or not there's a bug in ISY.


Again, thanks so very much for your detailed and thorough explanations and I am so very sorry that you've had to go through this.


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel,


Thanks for your reply. I did what you asked me to by looking at the even viewer. For some reason, the device became failed after multiple tries. I also tried to restore it at the end. You should know better then I do. Here it is:


2009/02/06 00:49:28 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 11 B2 06 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/06 00:49:28 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 11 B2 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/06 00:49:28 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 00:49:28 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 00:49:32 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 00:49:32 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 13 00 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 00:49:32 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 00:49:32 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 00:49:34 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 11 B2 06 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/06 00:49:36 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 2B 11 B2 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/06 00:49:36 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

2009/02/06 00:49:36 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 00:49:40 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 00:50:15 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)

2009/02/06 00:50:15 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 00:50:19 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 00:50:19 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 00:50:25 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 00:50:34 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 14 00 06 LTOFF-F(00)

2009/02/06 00:50:37 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 14 00 06 LTOFF-F(00)

2009/02/06 00:50:41 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 12 00 06 LTON-F (00)

2009/02/06 00:50:41 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 255

2009/02/06 00:50:47 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)

2009/02/06 00:50:47 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 00:50:59 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 14 00 06 LTOFF-F(00)

2009/02/06 00:50:59 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 00:51:08 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 00:51:09 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 13 00 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 00:51:09 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 00:51:09 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 00:51:21 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 11 B2 06 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/06 00:51:23 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 11 B2 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/06 00:51:23 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 00:51:23 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 00:53:20 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 00:53:31 : [bedroom Pots] Using engine version i1

2009/02/06 00:53:31 : [bedroom Pots] Using engine version i1

2009/02/06 00:53:31 : [ F B4 FF 1] Restoring Device 'Bedroom Pots'

2009/02/06 00:53:31 : [ F B4 FF 1] - Writing 5 links

2009/02/06 00:53:31 : [bedroom Pots] Making PLM group 0 a Controller

2009/02/06 00:53:31 : [MNG-LNK-RSP ] 02 6F 40 E2 00 0F B4 FF 01 01 35 15

2009/02/06 00:53:31 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)

2009/02/06 00:53:33 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 28 0F SET-MSB(0F)

2009/02/06 00:53:34 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 00:53:34 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 2B F8 06 PEEK (F8)

2009/02/06 00:53:34 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 2B A2 PEEK (A2)

2009/02/06 00:53:35 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 00:53:35 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)

2009/02/06 00:53:35 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 28 0F SET-MSB(0F)

2009/02/06 00:53:35 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 00:53:35 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 2B F9 06 PEEK (F9)

2009/02/06 00:53:35 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 2B 2B 00 PEEK (00)

2009/02/06 00:53:35 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

2009/02/06 00:53:35 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)

2009/02/06 00:53:44 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)

2009/02/06 00:53:46 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 28 0F SET-MSB(0F)

2009/02/06 00:53:46 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 00:53:46 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 2B FA 06 PEEK (FA)

2009/02/06 00:53:47 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 2B 0F PEEK (0F)

2009/02/06 00:53:47 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 00:53:47 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)

2009/02/06 00:53:56 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 28 0F 06 SET-MSB(0F)

2009/02/06 00:53:56 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 28 0F SET-MSB(0F)

2009/02/06 00:53:56 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 00:53:56 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 2B FB 06 PEEK (FB)

2009/02/06 00:53:57 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 2B 43 PEEK (43)

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Hi Michel,


I tried restoring it and it did not do anything. I then closed the admin console and reopened it again. Now, it is showing me System busy for about 2 minutes. Finally, it is restored (see below) but lost again.

Hope this helps.


2009/02/06 01:04:56 : [bedroom Pots] Making PLM group 28 a Controller

2009/02/06 01:05:40 : [bedroom Pots] Making PLM a Responder to group 1

2009/02/06 01:07:23 : [ F B4 FF 1] - Removing remaining links

2009/02/06 01:07:24 : [ F B4 FF 1] Removing remaining links

2009/02/06 01:07:36 : [ F B4 FF 1] Device Restored

2009/02/06 01:08:34 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 11 B2 06 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/06 01:08:35 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 2B 11 B2 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/06 01:08:35 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

2009/02/06 01:08:35 : Duplicate: ignored

2009/02/06 01:08:44 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 01:08:44 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 13 00 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 01:08:44 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 01:08:44 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 01:08:48 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 11 B2 06 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/06 01:08:50 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 2B 11 B2 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/06 01:08:50 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

2009/02/06 01:08:50 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 01:08:55 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

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Hi Michel,

This is what I am getting if I send it from the scene rather than the local device (100% failure).



2009/02/06 01:15:08 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 01:15:08 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 01:15:08 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 01:15:12 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)

2009/02/06 01:15:12 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 01:15:12 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 01:15:20 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 01:15:20 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 01:15:20 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

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Hi Daniel,


Thanks so very much. I think I can see a pattern here. Would you happen to have extra Access Points? If so, would you be kind enough to do the following:

1. Put one right on top of the PLM

2. Put one on a plug in the vicinity of these switches


Please do let me know what you find. Also, please do be kind enough to upgrade to 2.6.15 otherwise I may not have the right point of reference.


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel,


Physical touch of the paddle (load and slave) have no problem (see below).

I do not have an extra Access Point sitting around (I am using two now). You mean extra? or move my two access points to where you want?


Physical touch of the paddle has no problem (I thought the slave is being controlled by ISY in the scence, but no problem in physical touch).


2009/02/06 01:25:43 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B7.ED 00.00.01 CB 11 00 LTONRR (00)

2009/02/06 01:25:43 : [standard-Group][0F.B7.ED-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

2009/02/06 01:25:43 : [ F B7 ED 1] DON 0

2009/02/06 01:25:44 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 01:25:44 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 01:25:44 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B7.ED 0F.43.FF 41 11 01 LTONRR (01)

2009/02/06 01:25:44 : [standard-Cleanup][0F.B7.ED-->ISY/PLM Group=1] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0

2009/02/06 01:25:47 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B7.ED 00.00.01 CB 13 00 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 01:25:47 : [standard-Group][0F.B7.ED-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

2009/02/06 01:25:47 : [ F B7 ED 1] DOF 0

2009/02/06 01:25:47 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 01:25:47 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 01:25:48 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B7.ED 0F.43.FF 41 13 01 LTOFFRR(01)

2009/02/06 01:25:48 : [standard-Cleanup][0F.B7.ED-->ISY/PLM Group=1] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0

2009/02/06 01:25:51 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 00.00.01 CB 11 00 LTONRR (00)

2009/02/06 01:25:51 : [standard-Group][0F.B4.FF-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

2009/02/06 01:25:51 : [ F B4 FF 1] DON 0

2009/02/06 01:25:51 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 01:25:51 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 01:25:51 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 41 11 01 LTONRR (01)

2009/02/06 01:25:51 : [standard-Cleanup][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=1] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0

2009/02/06 01:25:55 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 00.00.01 CB 13 00 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 01:25:55 : [standard-Group][0F.B4.FF-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

2009/02/06 01:25:55 : [ F B4 FF 1] DOF 0

2009/02/06 01:25:55 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 01:25:55 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 01:25:55 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 41 13 01 LTOFFRR(01)

2009/02/06 01:25:55 : [standard-Cleanup][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=1] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0

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Hi Michel,

OK. I have now updated to 2.6.15.

There are two SWL (one controls the load and one is a slave being controlled by a scene with these two as controller).

The scene does not work through ISY from the admin console. Yet, controlling the SWL for the load works about 90%. Physical touch of the two SWLs always works in controlling the lights under the same scene.

I do not think communication has any problem as physically changing the slave (controlled by ISY through a scene) always work; while controlling the same scene in ISY (admin console) always failed.

Any idea?





2009/02/06 18:40:33 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)

2009/02/06 18:40:33 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 18:40:33 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 18:40:39 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 18:40:39 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 18:40:39 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 18:40:44 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 12 00 06 LTON-F (00)

2009/02/06 18:40:44 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 255

2009/02/06 18:40:44 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 255

2009/02/06 18:40:46 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 14 00 06 LTOFF-F(00)

2009/02/06 18:40:46 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 18:40:46 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 18:40:59 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 11 B2 06 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/06 18:41:00 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 11 B2 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/06 18:41:00 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 18:41:00 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 18:41:04 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 18:45:43 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 18:45:43 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 13 00 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 18:45:43 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 18:45:43 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 18:45:51 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 11 B2 06 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/06 18:45:51 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 11 B2 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/06 18:45:51 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 18:45:51 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 18:45:55 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 18:45:57 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 13 00 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 18:45:57 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/06 18:45:57 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 18:46:16 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)

2009/02/06 18:46:16 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 18:46:17 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 18:46:20 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 18:46:20 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 18:46:20 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 18:46:24 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)

2009/02/06 18:46:24 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 18:46:25 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 178

2009/02/06 18:46:28 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/06 18:46:28 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/06 18:46:28 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

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Hello Daniel,


Thanks so very much. I meant moving one of the access points to the vicinity of the problematic devices. Please note that sending a direct command (to a specific device) is different than sending a group command (turning on a scene) to a scene. At the moment, I still think that the problem is signal related ... if you could put on Access Point on top of your PLM and another close to your switches, we'll have a better picture (you will have comm problems with other devices).


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel,


Thanks for your reply. I have now put a AP right near the SWL and one directly on the PLM. I am still experiencing the same problem. While controlling the load is ok, sending command to control the scene is a problem.


See below and thanks.


2009/02/08 18:03:29 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 11 B2 06 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/08 18:03:29 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 11 B2 LTONRR (B2)

2009/02/08 18:03:29 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/08 18:03:30 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/08 18:03:33 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 0F.B4.FF 0F 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/08 18:03:34 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0F.B4.FF 0F.43.FF 27 13 00 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/08 18:03:34 : [standard-Direct Ack][0F.B4.FF-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1

2009/02/08 18:03:34 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/08 18:03:45 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)

2009/02/08 18:03:45 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/08 18:03:45 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 178

2009/02/08 18:03:48 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/08 18:03:48 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/08 18:03:48 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

2009/02/08 18:03:54 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)

2009/02/08 18:03:54 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/08 18:03:54 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 178

2009/02/08 18:03:58 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/08 18:03:58 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/08 18:03:58 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

2009/02/08 18:04:09 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)

2009/02/08 18:04:09 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/08 18:04:09 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 178

2009/02/08 18:04:11 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/08 18:04:12 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/08 18:04:12 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

2009/02/08 18:04:20 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/08 18:04:22 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/08 18:04:25 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)

2009/02/08 18:04:26 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/08 18:04:26 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 178

2009/02/08 18:04:28 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/08 18:04:28 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/08 18:04:28 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

2009/02/08 18:04:30 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/08 18:04:33 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)

2009/02/08 18:04:33 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 178

2009/02/08 18:04:33 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 178

2009/02/08 18:04:41 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)

2009/02/08 18:04:46 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/08 18:04:46 : [ F B4 FF 1] ST 0

2009/02/08 18:04:46 : [ F B7 ED 1] ST 0

2009/02/08 18:04:50 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)

2009/02/08 18:04:58 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1C CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)



Hello Daniel,


Thanks so very much. I meant moving one of the access points to the vicinity of the problematic devices. Please note that sending a direct command (to a specific device) is different than sending a group command (turning on a scene) to a scene. At the moment, I still think that the problem is signal related ... if you could put on Access Point on top of your PLM and another close to your switches, we'll have a better picture (you will have comm problems with other devices).


With kind regards,


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Hello Daniel,


At this juncture, I think we have reached the limits of my expertise in this realm. As such, would you be kind enough to:

1. Review this great post by Mr. Lee at SH to troubleshooting tips: http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... 7346#17346

2. If you are still having problems, please do send me at email (tech@universal-devices.com) and I'll try to hook you up with Mr. Lee who'll be much better equipped in handling these issues


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel,


Thanks for your help.

I have ordered two more APs and should arrive later on.

I will post and see if adding two more APs will help.


I noticed that moving my original two APs causes my two Venstar thermostats (one on main and one on 2nd floor) to disconnect from ISY. The main floor of my two-story house is about 1800 Sq. ft and I have to put one AP in an open area for these two Venstars to see the AP. I am hoping that I can put two AP on the main, one on 2nd and one on the PLM (in the basement) when the two APs have arrived.


I will post and see if it helps later on.




Hello Daniel,


At this juncture, I think we have reached the limits of my expertise in this realm. As such, would you be kind enough to:

1. Review this great post by Mr. Lee at SH to troubleshooting tips: http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... 7346#17346

2. If you are still having problems, please do send me at email (tech@universal-devices.com) and I'll try to hook you up with Mr. Lee who'll be much better equipped in handling these issues


With kind regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Michel,


I have installed two more APs (one in 2nd floor, one on the PLM, one in the main floor and one in the basement randomly) and the problematic scene seems to have gone better and up to 99% reliable so far. With the new 2.7 firmware + scene test, that is an additional benefit for us to check.


Thanks again.


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