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Weather Bug - What data is available?


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Just got Weatherbug module and it definitely looks very promising. But I was a little bummed that I could not assign the values of an item to a variable such as below:




Is this capability a possibility in the future, and if so do you have a time frame for that?


I know I could set up a bunch of if-then loops, but even with 20 conditions (0.05 range), it would not have the accuracy that I would like for a weekly total.


If not, still loving the ISY and all its capabilities (and modules)!

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Request for additional weather data:


After working with the Weatherbug module for a week or so, I've realized what many probably already knew. The high/low for the day is not a predicted high/low. It is the high/low that so far has been reached for that day. I was initially assuming that the high/low data was like most weather sites and contained the forecast high/low for that day.


I realize that weatherbug is populating those fields, but could you also add some fields/variables in the WeatherBug module to contain the forecast high/low for that day (and next day if possible)? To me, this would seem like more useful data. But ... maybe not to others.

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  • 1 month later...

I realize that you're hesitant to add forecast information since it isn't guaranteed to be available for everyone. I've recently come up with a new requirement where I need to look at forecasts, in particular % chance of rain looking out 72 hours.


As much as I'd love to use ISY for this, I'm forced to evaluate other Insteon-based solutions to meet this requirement. I'm not trying to sound threatening... I just really need this information for a general purpose solution that will potentially be sold commercially (read "lots of ISY sales"!).


In short, count me in as someone who would love to see forecast information available, including odds of precipitation. I'm not even sure if this is available via WeatherBug... if not, I know it's available from other sources (NOAA, etc.). I'll have to look at WeatherBug more comprehensively to see what's available in the Los Angeles area at a minimum.




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Thanks so very much for the feedback and we do not consider feedback and suggestions threatening.


As much as we would love to add as many features as possible but our resources are finite and thus we do things based on priorities and ROI. And - I very much hope I am not offending you: promises of large sales we have had in 100s some of which we implemented but all of which produced zero sales. If this is as important as it sounds, we would be delighted to make a project out of it for you provided that we understand the ROI and your level of commitment.


Above and beyond this, our focus is to methodically add features for our existing customers base. We do have forecast in our requirements but it has low priority.


With kind regards,


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  • 1 month later...


Has anybody experiencing issues with rain fall in weatherbug/climate information


We have had significant rain the last couple of days, but all stations report 0.0" - this naturally screws up the irrigation system. I have my system summarizing in the evening and running in the early morning the following day if needed.


If this is common, does the irrigation solution really work?



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  • 4 months later...

I added my own Davis Weather station and joined the Weatherbug backyard network so that I could have the ISY99 climate module monitor my personal conditions.


So far it has worked quite well, especially when those heavy downpour scattered thunderstorms don't always affect the local Weatherbug station about 6 miles from my house.


The only downside is that I have to make sure the Davis weather station software stays running on my PC and reporting its info to Weatherbug. It would be cool if it could report directly to my network and be read by the ISY99.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Here is what I have from a local high school.


  • * Temperature 34.5 °F
    * Temperature High 34 °F
    * Temperature Low 27 °F
    * Feels Like 29 °F
    * Temperature Rate 2.5 °F
    * Humidity 53 %
    * Humidity Rate -5
    * Pressure 30.24 mb
    * Pressure Rate -0.02 mb/h
    * Dew Point 18 °F
    * Wind Speed 7 mph
    * Wind Average Speed 4 mph
    * Wind Direction SSW
    * Wind Average Direction SSW
    * Gust Speed 12 mph
    * Gust Direction SSW
    * Rain Today 0 mm
    * Light 58.8
    * Light Rate 30.3


Unfortunately not all stations have the Light data and I could not find a way from the WB site to tell either. I did discover that most of the school based stations in my area do provide the Light data.


PM me your Zip code and I will look it up for you.




Can you run it for 42071?



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Hello rossarmstrong,


I thought Davis weather station had the capability of sending information directly to weatherbug. How does your computer communicate with the weather station?


With kind regards,



Sorry for the delayed reply, I wasn't subscribed to this thread.


I have my Davis Wireless Vue station with the Weatherlink IP (ethernet dongle) to connect it to my home network. In order to publish to Weatherbug I use the Weatherbug plugin module for the Davis WeatherLink 6.0 software running on my Windows Homeserver.


This is from the Weatherbug Backyard Community website:


WeatherLink IP does not currently have the ability to directly publish to our network without the use of a PC. We have suggested DAVIS add this feature to a future update of WeatherLink IP. If you would also like to see WeatherLink IP include direct support for WeatherBug Backyard Integration, please
 send a suggestion to DAVIS.


I registered my station through this website in order to generate my own location ID to plug into the ISY-99 climate module.


At first I was disappoint to have to have an app running full time on my server, but It doesn't take much resources and "Vantage Bulletin" console display is rather informative




I hope I explained it properly. If not, I'll try to answer any other questions you may have.




Ross Armstrong


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Hello Mr. Armstrong,


Thanks so very much for the detailed explanation. That's really not a good solution and I wonder why a weather station as sophisticated as Davis does not have an network device and requires a computer.


If you have contact information for whom I should send my suggestions to at Davis, please do let me know and I will send them my suggestion at once.


With kind regards,


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The following email address is from the Weatherbug Backyard Community website (http://backyard.weatherbug.com/group/ba ... rdstations):




I sent an email several months ago when I purchased my weather station but never received a reply. Although the webpage seems fairly current, I don't know if this is still a valid contact.


Perhaps your status as an OEM will carry more weight than us single home users. I would love to hear if you are able to make contact and better yet are able to successfully influence Davis to support direct updates.


Best of luck.




Ross Armstrong

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  • 1 month later...



I just added the weatherbug module to my ISY994 this afternoon. In playing with the data now available, I have found that the ${mod.weather.rain.ratemax} variable is not working. I see valid data for this value (0.04"/hr) on the Climate tab but when used in a customized notification, nothing is returned - not even a 0.


Bug Y/n ?



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Hi Xathros,


This was a bug in 3.2.6. What's your firmware version?


With kind regards,



Sorry I didn't include that in the last post. I'm on 3.3.2 until the next beta is released.





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The signature information at the bottom of all the posts shows the wrong ISY level (3.2.6).


Man i must be losing it. Illusion just pointed out that my sig was showing Mac OS 10.6 earlier today i went and fixed that. Didn't even check the FW version i had listed there. Off to fix that now...





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